When the hell will this blasted torture end!?
It's bad enough that parents are the ones that brought on this whole R18+ rating debate in Australia because THEY let THEIR kids play those games.
Does this stupid woman not know anything about the fact that video games AREN'T harmful to kids for one simple reason. They
enhance the brain/mind because you're constantly thinking and using strategy to solve a puzzle or get through an area in a RPG. Sheesh, even JRPG's show this with strategic battle systems.
..This world needs much less of the likes of Michael Atkinson, Jack Thompson and Ms. "Frumpy Mom". Are they jealous that they didn't have video games when THEY were kids? Did they do anything fun or even remotely entertaining at all? Great example, my step-dad. He's not interested in games and all, however my mother and I are. Not once has he been all bitter about our gaming interests at all, he just doesn't see the point himself. Last "game" he played was years ago and that was Pong.. xD It's okay though, I'd like to hope to lure him into something like puzzle games, etc.
Now, the
other part of this article that infuriates me is this;
"I'm not too convinced by people who were such ardent gamers they became video game creators," she said. "That's like saying, "'Gee, I loved crack so much, I went to Colombia and started my own business and now I'm rich.'"
Firstly.. WHAT!? And secondly, you're a *****. You just can't compare crack and video games. People spend MONTHS AND YEARS developing and putting together creative and amazing concepts for the general public to either enjoy or end up ripping to shreds. They work their asses off and you still fail to acknowledge or credit that?
Face it, lady. Video games and the gaming industry are vastly improving, it IS the future. It'd be a damn boring one if it didn't exist. Need I even mention Desert Bus for Hope and Child's Play in general? Gamers are NICE PEOPLE. We WANT to help others.
This crap is never going to end. There's -always- going to be someone who stands up and voices some outburst against video games and what have you and we're always going to either ignore it or completely prove every single "fact" they come up with wrong.
EDIT: Actually, I couldn't have said anything better than JUMBO PALACE did. Nicely worded, good sir! It really disappoints me when these games skeptics constantly bash the entire industry, but they don't have solid facts or they don't know the actual truth. It's just clutching at straws, which is quite sad actually..