Fulgore Returns in Killer Instinct Launch Trailer

Michael Epstein

New member
Sep 9, 2013
Fulgore Returns in Killer Instinct Launch Trailer

Killer Instinct's signature murder-bot returns to round out the game's extended roster.

On the eve of the Xbox One launch, Killer Instinct developer Double Helix is clearing up the last details surrounding the title's extended launch timetable. Though KI will be available to Xbox One owners at launch, the game will only have three quarters of its roster available on day one. The game's new launch trailer outlines the developer's timetable for rolling out the complete roster.

First and foremost, that means announcing who's actually in the roster: The trailer reveals that Fulgore, the laser-clawed poster-boy for the original Killer Instinct, will be the final character brought back for the reboot. Unsurprisingly, seven out of the eight characters in the new KI are returning favorites: Only Sadira, the spider-woman, is an Xbox One-original.

So why are the two post-launch characters, Spinal and Fulgore, part of the original game and not "extra" downloadable characters, you ask? The game's payment model allows players to pick up the game's characters individually or buy them as a set, which includes those two post-launch characters. Admittedly, players won't have to wait long to get their hands on the duo: Spinal will be available in January and Fulgore will hit Xbox Live in March.

Killer Instinct will launch alongside the Xbox One tomorrow, November 22.



Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Fulgore was my favorite back when I played this series in the arcade. And while it's certainly not surprising that he is returning, it's nice to have confirmation.

I find myself getting more excited to play this game than I had originally thought I would. Hearing the announcer freak out when you do well was always a lot of fun. :)


New member
Oct 2, 2007
The game looks good.

... is it just me, though, or is the tone of the marketing targeting a much, much more juvenile audience than I remember the original games targeting?

Maybe that's just the "new XBox" crowd. Dunno.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Good call to keep the signature element of Fulgore: His Big Evil Badass Eyes.


New member
Oct 27, 2013
Nocturnus said:
The game looks good.

... is it just me, though, or is the tone of the marketing targeting a much, much more juvenile audience than I remember the original games targeting?

Maybe that's just the "new XBox" crowd. Dunno.
No, it's pretty much always been that way. Wouldn't change a thing about it, I was actually iffy on this game and the X1 in general, but after watching a quicklook on it I actually want to get the console just for KI. If it wasn't 500usd, I'd do it.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Did the announcer voice guy learn a thing or two from the announcer from Epic Rab Battle?

Either way the trailer does make it look epic but I'm still not too fond of Orchid design. (Why does she have google?)

Arslan Aladeen

New member
Oct 9, 2012
I was a bit skeptic about this game due to Double Helix less than stellar past, but it seems like it's actually a good game. Hopefully this gives them more leeway to get the budget/time they need to make more good games.


Noble and oppressed Kekistani
Nov 8, 2010
Well, I have to say this game looks pretty cool. I'll be getting a PS4...at some point, but damn if Killer Instinct and Ryse don't make me want to get an Xbone. And Double Helix has my trust, because I know I'm in the minority, but I loved the crap out of Silent Hill: Homecoming.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Arslan Aladeen said:
I was a bit skeptic about this game due to Double Helix less than stellar past, but it seems like it's actually a good game. Hopefully this gives them more leeway to get the budget/time they need to make more good games.
They had "a guy" from the previous team that made KI I think, and several guys that were really into Fighters, and when I heard an interview I felt a lot better about this game.

I'm so glad about Saberwulf since at least for the couple of times I played this, he was my favorite, but with that hair hanging from his neck he looks freaking OLD, it's SO COOL!


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Nocturnus said:
The game looks good.

... is it just me, though, or is the tone of the marketing targeting a much, much more juvenile audience than I remember the original games targeting?

Maybe that's just the "new XBox" crowd. Dunno.
I think it's just Killer Instinct, part of the whole appeal of KI originally was just how ridiculously over-the-top and juvenile the whole thing was. I mean, look at the character roster, it looks like something a bunch of kids on a sugar high came up with:

"Ok, we're gonna have a Ninja, because Ninjas are awesome!! And we're gonna have a Werewolf, and a Velociraptor, WHO BREATHES FIRE! And then a Skeleton because that scene in 'Jason and the Argonauts' with the skeleton guys was AWESOME! And we'll have, like, a dude who's like the T-1000 in 'Terminator 2' and can, y'know, make weapons out of himself and turn into liquid!! Oh, and a big Robot, with Lightsaber blades and he looks like the Predator, because the Predator is cool!

Oh, and we'll put a girl in there too, but she's gonna be totally hot and have big boobs!!"

Man, I love this game. But I want Riptor!!