Sigh. So we're continuing to ignore the statements about covid not impacting day to day life during the lockdowns years. In order to chase one particular stat, which you have declared the one true measure of wether lockdowns worked.
I dont want to humour you, because this is some toddler throwing a tantrum, "NO IM RIGHT, TRUST ME" asinine bullshit.
But, I will humour you, because fuck you.
You are a clown.
- During the first two years of the pandemic, mortality in WA was generally within the expected range of variation. There was less than 1% excess mortality in 2021. In 2020, lower than expected mortality was recorded, with a period of statistically significant lower than expected mortality between August and September.
In Western Australia, for the years which we enacted lockdown policies, the excess mortality rates were -3.9% and 0.6%. Significantly negative, and less than variance.
For bonus points, our neighbouring state South Australia, who also used similar lockdown policies, recorded -3.2% and 0.5% during the lockdown policy periods.
You'll note both those are significantly lower than Sweden, and both areas who had minimal community transmission (which means life went on as usual most of the time).
Have a tag because you like to ignore things which dont specifically address you via quote walls.