Guys, I think this was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing (or maybe I'm so much of a snarker that my mental voice automatically read those little snippets below the pics in a smart-ass voice).
If I remember correctly, most of the games on this list never had the big-busted women affect the ratings of their respective games or became a big controversy. The games stood on their own. All the women did (plot-relevance aside) was provide some fanservice and inspire rule 34. However, Dragon's Crown had one big-busted woman (with all the other women being regular sized) and it got the opposite reaction, with people jumping into a debate over how it's "sexist" or something. I think that was the point here.
If this was a tongue-in-cheek post: be more over-the-top, not subtle. More people will get it then. On the other hand, this entire thing is just silly and doesn't add anything humorous or news-worthy, so I wish The Escapist didn't have it.