GAME Admits to Grabbing 3DS Stock From Supermarkets

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
GAME Admits to Grabbing 3DS Stock From Supermarkets

Stock bought cheaply from supermarkets is to be resold as full price pre-owned stock when the brand new stock runs out.

Leading British videogame retailer GAME has admitted that it gave permission to its stores to take advantage of a special launch offer that the supermarket Tesco ran on the 3DS in order to grab some cheap pre-owned stock. The supermarket was offering the handheld for just £175 - nearly £50 cheaper than GAME - when purchased with a £35 game.


GAME gave its staff permission to take enough money out of the register to buy five 3DS and game bundles, and then trade them back for to the store for the same amount as taken out of the register. GAME said that staff could make multiple trips to buy the bundles, but that no more than five could be bought in a single trip. The stock would then be marked up as pre-owned, but at the same price as a new system. Stock bought in this deal was apparently put to one side until all new stock had gone.

The scheme came to light after an anonymous GAME employee leaked the internal memo to Eurogamer. The memo from GAME's top brass stressed that this was not mandatory, adding that stores should not compromise its own hardware launches, and it shouldn't do it if it thought it would put staff at risk. The source noted, however, that while the memo said that buying the stock wasn't mandatory, the store he worked for was reprimanded for not taking part.

A spokesperson for GAME seemed to challenge that comment though, saying that it was completely voluntary and that it only happened in a few places in the country. "Some of our stores wanted to move quickly last weekend to build their pre-owned stocks of 3DS at the same time as their local competitors, so we gave them a process to do that," the spokesperson said. "It was not mandatory, and happened in small volumes."

It's not uncommon to hear about independent game retailers picking up stock from supermarkets, but it's unusual to hear a major retailer doing it. GAME hasn't technically done anything wrong - the stock is brand new, so selling it for full price is justifiable - but gobbling up stock from other retailers and then selling again at a higher price is bound to raise a few eyebrows.

Source: Eurogamer []


Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Aaaaaand there's another reason why I don't shop there any more.

Always more expensive. Hey guys, go to Gamestation instead. They're owned by the same damn company but for some reason are cheaper and generally a better store. In my town anyway...


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
I don't know whether to feel sorry or pleased that someone got the drop on Tesco in this mammer.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
i don't see the problem here, there just restocking from supermarkets which are cheaper than the person they would have been getting it from before.

mabie just my stupidity kicking in again.
Feb 13, 2008
Arachon said:
That can't possibly be legal... Can it?
Perfectly legal and very often practiced in the workplace. I know of someone who does similar for us, and both sides of the deal are happy with how it works.

However, given Tesco is, allegedly, more corrupt than Game, you do have to wonder what will happen.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
I'm not sure whether to be annoyed at Game for their sneaky & underhanded business practices or congratulate them.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Arachon said:
That can't possibly be legal... Can it?
You're buying goods and reselling them at a higher rate, it's good business.

On the other hand, one wonders if this is to keep themselves in stock, or to keep a potential competitor out of stock.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Supermarkets are killing specialist retailers by selling below cost. They do it to pull customers into their stores, not because they have some special relationship with the manufacturers. Game's just fighting back.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
TJ Johnston said:
Is GameStop still trying to buy GAME?
Apparently not... Too many complications.

My store didn't actually have any Supermarkets near enough for this to be an issue so this is a surprise to me.

~Game Employee

captainfluoxetine said:
Though the women who work in game are, in my experience, fitter.
Why thank you.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
For some reason, all I could think about while reading this was the Franz Ferdinand lyric, 'Who gives a damn about the profits of Tesco?' although I suppose in this case giving a damn would be entirely justified.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
That's how good business works. If they were willing to sell it that cheap at the supermarket then anyone, ANYONE, is free to buy it and resell at a higher cost.

Things are only worth what the public is willing to pay.

Ranooth said:
Capitalism, Ho!
This, basically. What? Steel weapons selling higher today? BRB headed to the blacksmith to buy out his entire stock.