Oh hey, I meant to comment on this when I originally saw this thread. Since then you've posted the new design that addressed my main concern:
When I saw that box at a distance(which is what happens when you watch these images while not logged in; the images get much more small, akin to if you had seen it at a distance) it looked like a space themed game, with the darkness of space having stars emitted from a central circle, as if it were the Millenium Falcon entering hyperspeed or a black hole swallowing the galaxy. Since it is not a space-themed game that sounds like it could be something to address.
Which you did with the second design. That design however looks like it's someone visiting the dentist's office. I tried to search for various images on "anger" and "anger scream" to see if there was any expression of a wide agape mouth that could only express anger. My verdict is that no, that alone won't be enough to not potentially lead the mind to other associations. Even though I found several indicators of anger that might be of use in combination with the agape mouth (tearing one's hair, shaking one's fists, having the skin turn red, steam clouds coming out of the ears or the forehead, showing angry eyebrows) the easiest to try would be to have the game title be in a yelling speech bubble emitting from the mouth.