Game of Thrones - I give up


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Okay, those of you who watch the series and know the book probably know what this is all about as it concerns the events of the most recent GOT episode, "The rains of Castamere".

Basically, I knew the ending was coming. I've known ever since season two, which was when I was really into the books. And it was the point in the books where, reading those events, made me so angry and so disgusted with the story, that I literally threw the book aside and never picked it up again. And to this day I've never returned to the books to find out what happened afterwards because I was so upset at the time.

The only reason I watched the show after that was because I held out hope that maybe they'd handle that part of the story in a way that didn't anger me as much as the book did. That was not the case. Once again, this story has made me feel terrible, and so, like with the books, I have decided to abandon the entire thing.

Now I am not saying that I think Game of Thrones is a bad show, far from it. The acting, the way the story is told, all of it is great. But as with all things, there is a line for me. A point that, if passed, forces me to turn away from such stories. And now, GOT has crossed that line.

Call me foolish if you wish. Call me hopelessly old-fashioned for wanting things to turn out happy for the heroes and for everything to be okay. But I'm just like that. I want there to be a light at the end of the tunnel in stories like this. And after this, there is no light bright enough to possibly make this dark and bloody tunnel worth passing through.

I'm done with it.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
There's no real crime for that.

I've given up on many a show for similar reasons. I think the only reason I haven't reacted as bad as I have in the past is because I haven't truly invested myself with the characters. I mean, I'm just watching for the story. And other than the Lannisters who are just needing to die, I have no strong feelings one way or the other in regards to anyone.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Moth_Monk said:
I'm guessing you didn't like the ending of Mass Effect 3 either? :p
GoT was logical, built up, and explainable within the universe. Mass Effect had maaaaaaaaaaany more problems. Just sayin'.

But yeah George actually spoke about why he did the scene the way he did and pointed out that a lot of people gave up on it around that point.
Honestly I don't really get this whole abandoning the series thing myself but okay, whatever. Sucks to be you I guess.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
thejboy88 said:
Basically, I knew the ending was coming. I've known ever since season two, which was when I was really into the books. And it was the point in the books where, reading those events, made me so angry and so disgusted with the story, that I literally threw the book aside and never picked it up again. And to this day I've never returned to the books to find out what happened afterwards because I was so upset at the time.

The only reason I watched the show after that was because I held out hope that maybe they'd handle that part of the story in a way that didn't anger me as much as the book did. That was not the case. Once again, this story has made me feel terrible, and so, like with the books, I have decided to abandon the entire thing.
Honestly, I think you were being far too optimistic. The show is very closely tied to the books. There are a load of (minor) variations, but those events are extremely crucial to the plot of everything. Expecting it to be different in a bright and happy way wasn't going to end well.

If you like stories that are brighter, then it's probably for the best that you stopped there. Without spoiling anything, there's a lot more bad events to come (The aftermath, which I'm not sure how much detail they'll actually show, is very disturbing), though I do think that's the darkest moment in all 5 books.
It's a dark story in which dark things happen, and I'm surprised you lasted this long if that's not to your taste.


New member
May 24, 2012
I read the first book and it seemed like terrible people doing terrible things to each other- kind of like watching reality TV. I slogged through it and couldn't imagine reading another thousand pages of that mess. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever read (or even close) but not a story I wanted to invest myself in.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
aww... there, there.
I'll give ya a hug, we'll get through this. ^^

think of it this way, this emotional reaction could only have manifested if you genuinely cared about the show, and you can't really have good highs without some deep lows.
now eat a mountain of chocolate and carry on, surely there are other characters you still like that will put a smile on your face.


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
That episode felt like being kicked in the chest by an elephant. But that's no reason the stop watching the show, it's reason to hope whoever's left gets a big elephant gun and gets some revenge.

The fact that you feel this way only meant it did its job. It pulled the rug out from under you by shattering the one aspect of the story you thought was untouchable. It made certain you realize everyone in the story as prone to being tricked or killed, and the fact that they are the noble good guys makes no difference.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
I wonder how many animals were skinned alive to provide for the fur used in that show. Entertainment > Life


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Well, I'm neither mad or sad, just uninterested in whatever happens next and not very excited to keep watching.

I had a lot of work to deliver at Monday morning and stopped to watch the show then kept working through the night.
Felt like I'm wasting too much time with fiction.

King of when your girlfriend cheats on you, doesn't matter what you saw in her before, you just move on.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I always thought the Starks were kinda boring in their fairy tail idealism. Unengaging and stale. The red wedding didn't effect me that much. Not in the books and not in the show. Superbly done though and quite powerfull as a specatcle.

Nothing wrong if you want to get out though. If it dosen't bring you joy and you prefer to play it safe and don't like risks in your entertainment then you should not think too much about it.

With that being said, I would advise you to stay along for the ride. Atleast for a little longer. If you are such a Stark fanboy as your post implies then you will get some of the things you wish for granted sooner rather than later.

Suave Charlie

Pleasant Bastard
Sep 23, 2009
Yeah, I hate it when entertainment invokes an emotional response.


I really do not understand why people are dropping the books or the show because bad things happen, it's a story of conspiracy and backstabbing and dragons, it'd be terrible if the good guys just won.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
lSHaDoW-FoXl said:
I wonder how many animals were skinned alive to provide for the fur used in that show. Entertainment > Life
No animals were harmed. It's all made from human scalps.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
It's cool, there's still Stannis, the majority of the Starks are still alive and having read the book I can tell you that some of the more reprehensible characters will be suffering soon too.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Meh if I wanted to watch/ read a sterotypical/ cliche fantasy story I go read the existing books out there.

By all mean I don't believe that the whole dark and edgy theme with Game of Throne are doing it for the sake of it (there are reason/ justification to it) but the whole show itself set it apart from the many other fantasy stories out there (unless someone know a much darker book than Tales of Fire and Ice) which just make it more engaging to watch/ read (no one is safe but I will be pissed if Tyrion get killed off!).


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Hopelessly old fashioned? perhaps not

an optimist that prefers that optimism to translate into your media? it appears so

Stories where everyone lives happily forevermore are popular in no small part to the fact that it, quite frankly, is unrealistic. People like the idea of a world where everything turns out all right in the end for those they care about.

That stated, it is also predictable and fairly dull in the long run. If there are no real setbacks, no regrets, there isn't a real sense of adversity. Leaving the series behind is obviously your choice, but I've found that the kind of tragedy found at the "Red Wedding" as the characters start to call that particular event, only serves to make that light at the end of the tunnel ever more triumphant.

I won't lie to you, I've been angry at the series myself, so far, four of my favorite characters have been cut down, and the only ones that appear to be truly thriving right now are those who least deserve it. But frankly, I've been glued to these books like very few others.

there is a survivor


New member
Jun 11, 2011
pretty much all characters get to suffer and most are well rounded enough to be more than just good or bad guys. what i liked about robb for example is how he was honorable to a fault, like ned was. jaime starts the show by shoving a kid out of a window, but evolves to the guy that risks his own life to save brienne of tarth.
the bad things that happen, happen for a reason. bad decisions seem to lead to bad consequences and it is a hard and often brutal world. i liked how this event genuinely moved me. judging by the commentary on the internet (mostly tweets) a lot of people felt this and that is what makes this show so great. to me its like the one time i had to stop a movie and turn on the lights for a moment because i was freaking out (it was requim for a dream while i was getting really stoned with a friend) i didn't feel GOOD per se, but the fact that a piece of fiction could illicit a strong emotional response is simply brilliant and far to rare in popular culture imo.

finally a fantasy based show/story that messes with the good guy/ bad guy dynamic in such a way you can get surprised by the writers choices.

ps the most brilliant tweet i read about this episode went something like this: "why isnt George RR Martin on twitter? he killed all 140 characters"


New member
Feb 26, 2012
LuisGuimaraes said:
Well, I'm neither mad or sad, just uninterested in whatever happens next and not very excited to keep watching.

I had a lot of work to deliver at Monday morning and stopped to watch the show then kept working through the night.
Felt like I'm wasting too much time with fiction.

King of when your girlfriend cheats on you, doesn't matter what you saw in her before, you just move on.
Thanks for posting this comment, it gave me a good laugh. :D