Gamer Ends up Comatose After Drinking 4-Liters of Energy Drink


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Most people just don't understand how unhealthy these drinks are. My sister did a project looking at tooth decay and energy drinks, and most of the teeth samples she used died, rotted and started crumbling away. It's just terrible.

I once gave one guy a hell of a fright when I was cleaning a blackboard covered in chalk with a bottle of coke. It has cleaning properties similar to the non-consumable cleaning products you can use instead. He was horrified that he drinks something you can use to clean with.


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Kuala BangoDango said:
Good thing the kid lived in Norway where he had access to very good health care free to everyone.

If his family were poor Americans he would probably be dead. Or if he was an American with the wrong insurance company.
A very nice jab that the political climate here in the States. Indeed if he was in America this would have probably been a fatal incident and the parents suing said drink makers despite whatever warning might be on the label. Home of the free and brave, no? Can't say I understand how someone drinks that much in a 16hr session. First 2hrs fly by in any gaming blitz, anything after that I'd guess he consumed most of the drinks in the latter hours of the session. I could be wrong. Just sounds funky overall.
Sep 9, 2007
Vrach said:
Crazy Zaul said:
8 cans in 16 hours isn't much, so the must have already been something pretty badly wrong with him.
It is actually. Not sure about the American stuff, but over here there's a very clear label on the energy drinks saying drinking more than two cans a day can be dangerous.

4 liters of anything sounds downright stupid. Even 4 liters of freaking water is too much.

Btw, 8 cans? Are cans half a liter where you're from? Aside from beer cans, other stuff is usually 0.33l here in cans, which would make that 12 cans.
Energy drinks generally come in 250ml or 500ml cans in Australia (unless its Red Bull [Which is 250ml or 473ml, for some reason]) I'm not sure about the rest of the world, though.

OT: I've consumed 1.5l of energy drinks in a day at an all-night LAN once and regretted it afterwards. It might have been because I didn't eat much that day, but trying to finish off the last can felt like drinking glass shards... Not fun at all. I still drink energy drinks occasionally, but I don't "need" them anymore, now that I've changed jobs to something that isn't on a rotating day-afternoon-night shift.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Well, at least video games aren't going to be blamed for this, right? ...Right?

Anyway, I've never really liked energy drinks. I swear those things make my heart skip.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
Yep, i used to have two fat ones every day for a while until i noticed i was dying
The caffeine content in two standard energy drinks is usually 320mg, not much more than doctors recommended maximum per day
I still wonder how i could frikin drink that much syrup