Games you have played A LOT but never finished.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
This of course only counts for games which have an actual true ending to them that is feasible to achieve in a normal human lifespan.

Maybe it's because I'm a completionist, maybe it's fear that once it's over I won't ever want to go back, but for whatever reason there are several games I have sunk 50 or more hours into, maybe even started over numerous times, but have never once beaten the entire game. So here goes my list:

Dragon Quest VIII - over 200 hours, even getting as far as the last main story dungeon but never going through it... I still have alchemy things to make and monster teams to beat!

Final Fantasy VII - Damn you Gold Chocobo!

Final Fantasy XII - Must... hunt... more...

Legend of Mana - I don't know why... 30+ new games and only 1 of 3 story branches finished.

Chrono Trigger - At this rate I'll be 90 by the time I see all the endings.

Harvest Moon (Any of them) - I just never seen to get past the second year on these games but play them all the time, inevitably starting over when I realize I could "do it better"

Baldur's Gate II - One of these days Irenicus is gonna pay but... I still got dragons to solo.

So what games have you played a ton of but never actually finished?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Haven't finished Dead Island, Demon's Souls or Red Dead Redemption, even though I invested a considerable amount of time on each.

Shaun Kennedy said:
Dragon Quest VIII - over 200 hours, even getting as far as the last main story dungeon but never going through it... I still have alchemy things to make and monster teams to beat!
Not only that but... after defeating the final boss, you'll play through the epilogue and the credits will roll. A secret location will be shown post-credits. Save the game when prompted and load it back: it'll take you back just before fighting the final boss. Fly to the secret location you saw after the credits, fight through the dungeon and you'll unlock a hidden area, which has its own optional boss. Defeat him and you'll earn a certain item, with which will help you in turn unlock the "real" ending of the game... after you defeat the final boss one more time.

As a bonus, that one optional boss can be fought again in boss rush mode. Every time you defeat one of his forms, you'll earn one of those infinity plus famous one weapons/armor pieces.


New member
Jul 14, 2014
Skyrim. I always get about halfway through a play through just to start a new one with new mods

I.. uh have over 200 hours in it


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Clearwaters said:
Skyrim. I always get about halfway through a play through just to start a new one with new mods

I.. uh have over 200 hours in it
I always manage to beat the main campaign in Elder Scrolls games but always seem to neglect DLC content half the time, the only exception being Knights of the Nine and Dawnguard.

Johnny Novgorod said:
Shaun Kennedy said:
Dragon Quest VIII - over 200 hours, even getting as far as the last main story dungeon but never going through it... I still have alchemy things to make and monster teams to beat!
Not only that but... after defeating the final boss, you'll play through the epilogue and the credits will roll. A secret location will be shown post-credits. Save the game when prompted and load it back: it'll take you back just before fighting the final boss. Fly to the secret location you saw after the credits, fight through the dungeon and you'll unlock a hidden area, which has its own optional boss. Defeat him and you'll earn a certain item, with which will help you in turn unlock the "real" ending of the game... after you defeat the final boss one more time.

As a bonus, that one optional boss can be fought again in boss rush mode. Every time you defeat one of his forms, you'll earn one of those infinity plus famous one weapons/armor pieces.
I am sort of aware of this which is why I mentioned last "main story" dungeon but hopefully I'll get a chance to finish it up eventually... I still have all the Dragon Quest remakes on DS and IX to get to as well...


New member
Jul 14, 2014
over 300 hours in New Vegas, explored EVERYTHING, except the Yes Man ending.
Why not? because i forgot, im doing a new walktrough right now XD


Lurker in the shadows
Feb 3, 2011
Every single Fallout and Elderscrolls game except for Morrowind. I just can't handle having 10 quests thrown at me through the course of finishing each quest, and I am too much of a completionist to filter out some of them. What is especially sad is that I have 4 characters on Skyrim that I played up to level 50ish before stopping because I had so many quests I didn't know what I wanted to do. Also definitely doesn't help that I don't use fast travel in those games...


New member
May 14, 2010
Dark Souls
I've made it to the final boss on one character but got discouraged and since then I keep making different ones and not sticking with anything past Anor Londo.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
This happens in The Elder Scrolls for me. I rarely play the games for completing them. I'm just interested in exploring the world and role playing a character, and more often than not, those characters care very little about the main conflict. Now, I generally do have a character that wants to complete the main quest, but I rarely enjoy them as much as the other characters and rarely complete the main quest before getting bored with them and moving on to another character.


New member
May 11, 2009
Civilization 5. I love playing through the first few eras, growing my Civ and discovering the map. But once you get to modern times, the game is super slow and not much new or interesting. By then I typically have the dominant technology, economy, army and culture, but I just don't have the desire to finish off one of the victory conditions. I've got like 100 hours in that game, and dozens of partly-finished campaigns.

Meat Eating Sissy

New member
Aug 22, 2014
I've been playing Zombies Ate My Neighbors on and off since it came out and I've never come close to the end. I can understand getting stuck or losing focus as a kid, but I feel embarrassed not being able to get past the first giant worm level as an adult. I haven't tried playing a ROM and using save states, but that would be cheating.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
as a kid, i never finished a lot of N64 games. Donkey Kong, Super Mario, etc. i would just play the opening sections over and over.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Happens a lot during Total War campaigns. Most notably Medieval II, Shogun 2 and Fall of the Samurai. In the end I always end up with a couple of huge armies, but I can't be bothered to steamroll the rest of the map.

Others to note:

- Star Ocean IV. I don't precisely know how far I got (seemed close to the end), but in the end I didn't feel like grinding enough to complete it.

- Black and White. I played that game for months, but never finished it. Don't think I really got close either. :S

- Okami. For shame, I know, but every time I wanted to finish it, something got in the way. And I really like it as well.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
FF12 and 10 are the first that comes to mind.

along with many of the games here.

Some games i just stop playing due to lack of interest i shame myself


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Don't blame you guys for not finishing TES IV and TES V's mainquests. They're not that great.
TES III, however, is a whole 'nother story altogether.

For me, the most egregious case is probably GTA: Vice City. Spent hundreds of hours creating chaos in that, but could never advance the main plotline because I couldn't finish enough sidequests to break 50% completion (required to move the plot along). I finished everything possible but got stuck with the flying missions (I even remember, it was one where you had to drop porno flyers from a small plane over the city). Similar thing happened in GTA: San Andreas when I got to the part where you buy the airfield.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
I've played through Dark Chronicle multiple times, but I've never been able to defeat the final boss of the aftergame.

Love that game to bits, though.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Can you even finish a Pokemon game? I know that there are a few extra challenges after beating the Elite 4 and champion, but beside that, what condition must I beat in order to "finish" the game?


New member
Apr 16, 2008
The original XCOM and Terror from the Deep.

I love the series, but the final mission(s) in the first are brutal (At least the 1st half. I never got to the second half), and Terror form the Deep has multiple 2-part missions.+

Roller Coaster Tycoon: Did anyone play through the "Campaign" or did everyone find a setting they liked and run with it? That's what I did.

Final Fantasy 2: I started it up, and got to the final dungeon 4 or 5 times, but I ALWAYS get burnt out by the time I get to it.

ANY NES game I have: I have personally beat 5 games in my NES library. Mario 1 and 3, Startropics 1 and 2, and Final Fantasy. I have about 20 games.


New member
Nov 24, 2013
Add me to the Skyrim list.

I always get caught up with side mission and become bored or I feel like changing my character to something different, hoping it'll add more to role playing.

Dark Souls 2 has me on a third play through and remains undefeated as well.

My dear original play through of the game is a reminder as to why I hate controllers, the seconds save was lost in the depths of some unknown save eating entity, and now I'm enjoying it for third time.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Clearwaters said:
Skyrim. I always get about halfway through a play through just to start a new one with new mods

I.. uh have over 200 hours in it
Pssht, a mere 200? Try 500! Some of those hours aren't mine of course - my friend plays now and again when she visits - but I'm actually sure that it's actually more than that, as sometimes Steam doesn't record your exact hours when you play offline (which I do a lot).

I still haven't really done anything in the DLC or gone to Alduin's Wall. However I'm hoping I'll finally get through it with my current Argonian mage Aciss! Maybe! Perhaps! It's possible...!

(Don't count on it.)

Yeah so I just wanted to show her off a little, sue me. >_>