Games you like but are ashamed to admit you like?


New member
Nov 29, 2011
I really like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls despite being aware of their "flaws" in both story telling and mechanics. I guess I just find the novelty of them endearing enough to overlook the melodrama and occasionally questionable writing.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Wasted said:
As much as I like Dragon's Crown, I still really hate the female designs in this game. The male characters, minus the mage, are over the top power fantasies with ridiculous proportions. The female characters, even the non-playable NPCs are ridiculously sexualized for fan service. It irks me to see such stupid designs in an otherwise great game.

And before anyone posts, yes I know that was their intent. I still believe it was stupid.
Have you ever played a Vanillaware game before? It's kind of their thing...


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Not ashamed as such, but definitely less likely to admit to liking them to save me the trouble of justifying them:

Fable 2 & 3. In fact, I actually reaaly like 3.

Dragon Age 2 (I loved Origins because it reminded me of BG2, but I've never managed to finish it more than once. DA2 I've finished multiple times).

Final Fantasy 13, 13-2 and Lightning Returns. I like them. And I love Lightning. Bite me.

Resident Evil 5 & 6. I prefer them to the others.

They're the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Oh! And I quite enjoyed playing Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Enough to Platinum trophy both of them.

And I prefer Mass Effect 2 & 3 over 1. Again, I've finished 2 multiple times and have only managed two playthroughs of 1 (But only one playthrough of 3). And that's only so I could have a Paragon female and a Renegade male Shep.

Samael Barghest

New member
Mar 5, 2014
The Kingdom Hearts series. It's childish, corny, whimsical, and a bit gay at times. People who know me all say that I'm an emotionless prick who looks at everything with logic and no emotion whatsoever. But here I am, playing a game that so filled with girlish emotions. It's probably way my favorite characters are Riku and Terra, two who embraced the Darkness and used it as their own.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
I don't feel shame for any "normal" games I enjoy, even though I like some that have had mixed reception (DA2, D3, ect.). That said I would not admit face to face that I enjoy both Monster Girl Quest and Corruption of Champions, the former for its not all that original yet surprisingly heartfelt for the subject matter storyline, and the latter for the sheer absurd variety of stuff that can happen and organic character creation system that I would love to see replicated in a non-porn game. [sub][sub][sub]also boobs[/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Sack of Cheese said:
Sack of Cheese said:
Ahem, excuse me... it's just my cold. I will never admit to anyone in real life that I also read R-18 visual novels, for the plot, I'm serious.
And casual games too, but that's not shameful.
I wonder what it says about my taste in games that I completely believe you on that?
*Hi five* I suppose they're bolder, don't just muck around and the developers are free to add whatever they want.
Good point. Once you've crossed the pornography threshold, you really have no reason to censor yourself any further. That can lead to some seriously awesome stories.

I find it a little odd that video games with any explicit sex are automatically pornography, even if they contain less than one tenth as much of it as your average Game of Thrones episode. Oh well.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I have no shame in what I play. I love de Blob/de Blob 2 and Puppeteer was my game the year last year. I really enjoyed Beyond: Two Souls for its story, I thought it was better than Heavy Rain. Though that wasn't bad either. The Godfather: Blackhand Edition on the Wii was a gloriously glitch, buggy flawed experience, but I loved walking around taking over businesses. GTA may have more stuff to do but that game was far more fun for me, I really should complete The Godfather 2, but since I left Nintendo, I've been spoilt for GTA clones.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I wouldn't say I am ashamed of liking it, but I am really enjoying Yaiba: Ninja gaiden Z. Yeah the story sucks and the game is far too short (I completed it in a couple of hours), but it is a surprisingly cathartic game so I find it perfect for when I am feeling a little bored and frustrated. Plus it is quite a nice looking game with the cel shaded graphics and the comic book visuals.


New member
May 21, 2011
This applies more to me in terms of games I don't think are good, but still enjoy playing for some certain aspects of it. I don't remember it that well anymore, probably because my brain is blocking out anything about the game due to how bad it could get, but I did like Metroid: Other M. The story and characterization and writing really were god awful, but, as my first Metroid game, the gameplay could be quite fun.

In many ways it was typical, but it had enough going for it to keep me playing through it the whole way through...that is, until that section of the game in which I'm given permission to use my heat shield armor capabilities, from a guy I don't really need to take orders from no less. Made me want to ragequit pretty bad considering I went through this lava area earlier and had to suffer health draining. Now I find out I not only have heat shielding functionality, but didn't use it for no good reason! Why? I don't think it was because she was waiting for permission: This is never implied. I think she just never thought about it, which doesn't really make Samus look that good. On a more serious note, the developers probably either forgot to do this for the first lava traversing or thought it made the game more challenging and flexible to put the player through such a thing. The former is unlikely, the latter is just plain stupid. It's not fun, it's not satisfying managing to do it, it's just annoying even if I didn't die at all doing it.

Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie would be another case I suppose. It wasn't that bad of a game by any means, but it wasn't anything special if memory recalls. My memory issues are probably becoming more obvious at this point, haha. Anyway, it probably didn't earn the enjoyment I got out of it. I probably wanted something mindless at the time since even back then, I had high standards. Unlike a lot of people, I was not easily satisfied as a young child and then grew standards as I grew taller. My standards were already high and just grew higher. Still, I enjoyed it regardless. I'm not sure why. I'd have to replay it and I don't really want to.

Interesting story: I actually wanted to sell it, but my Mom wouldn't let me. She was convinced it would be a worth lot due to the brand it was connected with; she doesn't really understand how this stuff works, a lot of it is bitterness over how her Mom would make her throw out clutter like comics for lousy reasons. She'll extend that outside of antiques or baseball cards or comic books despite the fact, video games are a very different animal when it comes to value and she didn't understand this animal and still doesn't.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Really Fable 2? Get on my level... I liked Fable 3!!!

*audience gasps*

I know, I know. I recognize that it is a terrible game in so many ways. It has bullshit DLC practices, terrible economy systems, bland characters, and a severely dumb philosophy to gameplay. But I still like it and I don't know why. I have played through multiple times and despite all its flaws, it is endearing to me. Trust me, I am well aware of all the flaws, its just that they don't seem to matter to me.

But in all honesty, I am not really ashamed to say that I like it. You like what you like and that shouldn't be held against you. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, what does it matter what stupid things you like?


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I'm not actually ashamed but Dungeon Siege 3 got a pretty bad reception from what I recall. I like it, it's not exactly deep gameplay but it was fun and the story was decent. It was good enough for me to play through twice.

Oh there is this thing I guess.

Not my usual fare.

Mr C

New member
May 8, 2008
Rylot said:
Mr C said:
Not ashamed, but I am that guy who likes Too Human.
What is it you liked about it? I'm curious since that was one of the few games I got almost no enjoyment out of. The only reason I finished it was I only owned one other game at the time (Dead Rising) and played it to death.
I love slaying the mooks, combat on the right stick is annoying for most (which I understand), but for me it's really satisfying. The extra abilities are great especially when you finally work out what to do. It's a shame the game is so bad at explaining anything. The boss fights are total shite, however!

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Carmageddon for the PS1 is one of my favorite games released for that thing. It's no Carmageddon 1 or 2 but damn they did an impresive job getting it to run on the PS1.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Not really ashamed, but a children's game I found particularly fun and addicting was Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure- even more surprising since I never cared for skate games, but it handled really, really well and just had so much charm to it, y'know?

Skip to 0:40 to avoid the logos.


New member
May 14, 2010
Mr C said:
Rylot said:
Mr C said:
Not ashamed, but I am that guy who likes Too Human.
What is it you liked about it? I'm curious since that was one of the few games I got almost no enjoyment out of. The only reason I finished it was I only owned one other game at the time (Dead Rising) and played it to death.
I love slaying the mooks, combat on the right stick is annoying for most (which I understand), but for me it's really satisfying. The extra abilities are great especially when you finally work out what to do. It's a shame the game is so bad at explaining anything. The boss fights are total shite, however!
That's what made the game even worse for me: I liked the idea of the control scheme but combat was just such a grind and sucked so much. It made it so much worse that there were ideas behind the game that I loved but that the game made it so not fun to play that I hated it even more than a more poorly made game. To each their own.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I'm not really "ashamed" so much as I find myself coming up with reasons why I feel the need to defend myself but I kinda like "TWD: Survival Instinct". I mean... I get why people wouldn't and don't like it, especially compared to Telltale's series that was GOD -sniffle- but maybe it's because I have a slowly-growing collection of games I own purely because they have original (voice)actors in them - crappy game or no, I WILL own a game with Norman Reedus in it, just like I WILL own a game with Tom Hiddleston in it (the Thor game was... much less fun than Survival Instinct).

I figured I don't have much shame when it comes to video games; hell, I usually feel more "guilty" that I don't like multiplayer than liking games that most others don't. Then again, I've gotten harped on more often for not being a "real gamer" because I hate multiplayer than playing Bejeweled or Costume Quest.

On that note.... Nintendogs. I love me some Nintendogs.

Black Haze

New member
Sep 17, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed playing Final Fantasy Tactics, granted the story was utter garbage I found the core strategy in combat rather appealing.