games you like but you can?t play very well.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Caesar 3. I've had it since I was 10 and I still can't finish. I need to stop trying to make a city that looks good while functioning well and just try and game the system, learn the exact walking distance numbers and make a coder's city.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I suck at bullethells, but I love them because making any progress at all makes you feel awesome.
And the Touhou games have really nice visuals and soundtracks, and they're the only bullethell shooters I've played besides Deathsmiles, so yeah.

Practice makes perfect though I guess.


Mar 27, 2011
I always kind of liked the idea of stealth games but I'm WAY too much of a perfectionist and not nearly good enough at the game to allow for good, smooth, rewarding gameplay. It usually is me being really sneaky, trying to coordinate my attacks, then get caught. Instead of running or trying to protect myself, I let them kill me because for some reason, I REALLY want that all stealth, no getting caught run. Most recently, this has been my Deus Ex: HR and Mark of the Ninja experience.


Anime Nerds Unite
Apr 25, 2013
Welcome to my relationship with Blazblue. I love the characters and the world but I really suck at fighters. I haven't been doing it long enough to get refined muscle movement but it still is depressing that I can't play the game to save my life.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
synobal said:
Any RTS game ever, I'm dreadful at them. In fact I'm so bad I don't even buy them any more despite my enjoyment of them. I have a hard time at the single player even.
Same here. I got Starcraft 2 for the story but I could only beat the last level on the easiest difficulty. I just can't micromanage with the speed that the game requires. I'm good at turn-based strategy though, especially 4X games. I do always end up feeling bad for my one lone scout that I've had wandering around for 4000 years in Civ V though.

Also, super technical fighting games. I'm good at BlazBlue, I can go through the story and arcade modes on Hell difficulty with little problems. But SFIV... I'm awful at that game. I never cared enough to get through all the metadata.


Poisoned by Pomegranates
May 2, 2012
I'm yet another down for Starcraft II. I love Starcraft's story, characters, and setting, but I'm not very good at the actual gameplay. And I certainly don't ever play multiplayer, which is a lot of what the game is designed for. Still, I feel the game delivers what its supposed to thanks to the difficulty settings: a good story, good characters, immersion, and a sense of fun, no matter how good you are or aren't. Really, to me, were I good at the game, the only difference would be that the game would deliver a sense of fun through its mechanics more thoroughly than it already does on Easy Mode. But there's still a lot to be said for building an army and tearing the map apart on Easy mode, even if you'd die miserably on harder modes. It's still so fun! I really want the Protoss expansion to come out...


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
All the games. Really. I kind of suck =P

But my true Achilles heel is probably any game that needs strategic thinking and knowing what one needs to do 3, 5, 10 steps ahead. I like games like Warcraft 3 and the Civilization franchise but I suuuuuuuuuuck at them. Need to play them on easy. I'm currently playing Mount and Blade: Warband and I'm really rather terrible at it but I'm having LOTS of fun.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
RTS games are the bane of my existence. I try them, and then I realize I can't micromanage worth crap. My APM is probably in like, a single digit or something.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Battenberg said:
Battlefield 3 for sure. For some reason I've never been able to get particularly good at FPS multiplayer games and that usually puts me off them (that and the type of people games like CoD can often attract) but BF3 was actually too good for me to get sick of running out and getting shot repeatedly. I've sunk so many hours in that I've actually gotten a bit better but I'm still usually a bottom half of the leaderboard kind of player.

Johnny Novgorod said:
Stealth games sound about right. I love Hitman and I love beating a level with as little killing as possible. I just don't have the patience for it. I'm also never sure just how intelligent the AI is. Can that guy see me from here? Can he hear me? Sometimes, sometimes not. It can get frustrating.
If you're playing Absolution that's a very common complaint. For some reason guards can tell when you're an imposter from basically any distance on the map, regardless of how much of your face is covered up by your disguise. Of course if you're playing Blood Money then that's all you although I do occasionally lose patience waiting for event X to happen and up going all postal worker on the entire map.
What really bugs me is that, at least in Silent Assassin, you can beat a level quite easily by going postal. It should be easier to play the way the game wants you to play.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
SomeGuyOnHisComputer said:
Gran Turismo, I just suck at driving I guess. I don't think I've ever even golded license 'B' on any of the games, and I've played all the main ones.

That game is a blast. I loved their newer feature of play everyday for 10% more money up to 50%. It kept me coming back for really long time, although I suck at it.

When they gave free redbull formula car dlc, that's when I was able to power through a lot of high rank courses.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
Street Fighter. I love the characters (Evil Ryu is just plain sick), the music, the visuals, everything about it. But good lord, the mechanics I just can't wrap my head around. I can do basic special moves and stuff like that, but when it comes to linking one-frame combos and all that crap, I just can't do it. When I finally think that I could do decently on an online match, I get absolutely thrashed.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Total War games. I love the turn based, tactical side, but I'm pretty terrible at the battles. I'll probably autoplay them if the odds aren't heavily in my favour. I'm sure my talents are pretty lacking, but it certainly doesn't help that trying to maneuver the camera with a trackpad.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Armistice said:
Gwen Utopia said:
I second RTS games. I love them and I'll play any I can get my hands on but trying to keep more than one unit in my mind at a time makes my brain very sad indeed.
Same goes. Love me an RTS but I just don't seem have the proper... mental processes to be anything but middling at them. "Hmm that power plant would look nicer if I had placed a few inches further from the...oh.."

Also I like your cute Tyranid.
Yea. I'll think I'm really good at an RTS while playing the SP campaign, then I'll play online and not stand a chance.

Same with GTA. Always thought I was pretty good at it but with Online now, I sometimes just get killed out of nowhere.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
DoTA 2.

Thank god single draft exists so I have an excuse for my incompetence.

Also most other multiplayer games, as I lack the reflexes to be good at them.


New member
Nov 16, 2013
Music games like Guitar Hero or Rock Band. I'm just mediocre at them, not terrible. Like, I can get 70% completion on most songs on hard. I'm the worst of my friends though.

Stealth games as well. I plan out this big intricate plan to get through one room, and it always goes awry regardless of how much I plan. Maybe I plan too much, since stealth is half about luck. Maybe I'm just meant for slaughtering people in my games. Regardless, I love games like Metal Gear Solid, Thief, and Deus Ex, I just can't play them stealthy at all.

Also fighting games, I don't have the time or patience to get really good at them. I tend to just float around being not quite as good as my best friend, which I'm perfectly ok with because we always have really tense matches rather than really one sided matches like some of my other friends can do to me.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Free flying space shooters. I love Strike Suit Zero: I'm terrible at it. I just got X Rebirth, and I swear that I've been killed by those god damn drones 10 times before I finally figured out how to win. I'm also atrocious at stealth games, but that's more because if I sneak by a person, I assume that person may catch me later, which gives me anxiety and makes me feel like I need to leave no one alive, inevitably causing me to get caught. Love watching people play them.

I was also horrible at Kagero: The Deception.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
RPGs, especially ones with complex skill systems and many mechanics. I usually just chuck a load of stuff together and try to play them like any old adventure game and hope I can blag my way through. Give me too many numbers and I get too confused. It took me several years to truly master TES IV: Oblivion and that's hardly complex.

I prefer it when all the numbers happen behind the scenes, ala Fallout 3. Although I will admit that Skyrim did strip it down a little too much, even for me.


Oct 28, 2013
krazykidd said:
Street fighter 4 ( any edition). I'm not patient enough to play that game . Fuck links i prefer cancels.
synobal said:
Any RTS game ever, I'm dreadful at them. In fact I'm so bad I don't even buy them any more despite my enjoyment of them. I have a hard time at the single player even.
This, I prefer TBS. I'm amazing at those because I have actual time to think.
Er, what does TBS stand for again? It's on the edge of my memory...