Games you WISH you were good at.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Being honest, I'd like to be better at Halo 3.
I'd also like to be better at Heroes of Newerth.


New member
Jan 14, 2009

Depends what you call good.

I would like to actually know everything about DotA instead of only being able to use a few heroes, but then there's the fact that I don't give a shit about becoming better at it.

I wish I could push my APM past ~150 in Starcraft, but I hardly play it anymore and there's no way I could ever become "pro" or compete on a level I already haven't, and most good teams these days line-ups are full, with infinite waiting lists.

Similar to Quake Live and UT2K4, but I don't even really know how to get into UT2K4's competitive scene anymore. QL I've done pickups and scrims and do pretty decent, but I sort of want to be able to be better at duel. Some people I can 20-0, other people beat me like 15 to -1.

I wish I could consistently S++ every level in Ikaruga.
I'd like to be able to consistently AAA more songs in Stepmania.
I'd like to bother spending money on TMUF because I already have all 260 medals in TMNF.
I'd like to be consistent enough to play 100% effort every match all the time.


Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
DMC. I'm better than most of my friends, but then I see youtube videos of the real pros and I just feel woefully innadequate after that.

Civ4. I'd like to be better at this, but it takes so long to learn the full intricacies of the game and I just don't have the time. I also just started a play my email game with 10 others guys I know, so I'm probably gona lose hard!

Wipeout. Again I'm already pretty good, at least among my friends, but online I'm only really average. Eliminator is my playground usually, but zone mode is impossible for me.

Pretty much any 3rd/1st person shooters online mode. I'm usually ok at things like Unreal, Killzone, warhawk, etc, but I want to be better. I want to be the guy with the 2.00+ KDR rating, not 1.10.

EDIT; oh and fighting games, SF4 and SC4 particularly. I used to love playing SC 2 and 3, but when I took 4 online I realised how crap I was and stopped playing. And SF4 was no better. But I will probably never buy another fighter again now, because it would probably be a waste of time and money.