Gamescom Day 1


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
So I watched the whole thing, and there were games that got my attention, and games that just didn't looked to be fun.

COD: BW Cold War
You know, I might've been interested in the campaign, but Activision, being their greedy scummy selves, are pulling some bullshit moves on whehter you are getting physical/digital copy, and on which platform you are getting. So no thanks

Unknown 9: Awakening
Some sort of time-manipulation game. Because there aren't much shown, I am not ready to comment on this.

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part One
More demon-slaying! Looks like there will be more enemy archetypes and locations. Might be fun

Dragon Age 4
So the gists I'm getting is that you'll be a regular being with no powers, and must gather allies to save the world. I wonder how many stories relation will it have to the past games? Or are they going for more Andromeda-style story, where it takes place in a completely different part of the world?

Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead
Oh wow, it's two things that I don't like combined together; A game that is trying to cash-in on a popular franchise with a spin-off, and a show that is overstaying its welcome. No fucking thanks

Sam & Max
Yooo! They're back!

WOW: Shadowlands
Wasn't the fan of the game, have no idea what's going on, and moving on.

Crash Bandicoot 4
You know, I am just glad these 3d platformers are returning. Will probably check it out.

I think Bungie is going to sue someone.

Captain Tsubasa
Never watched the orignal, but I will play this considering it might be the fifa killer

I mean the game looks impressive for a team of two and the destruction physics look fun to play with, but my issue is that this game looks too "streamer-friendly"

Little Nightmares 2
Wow, the game looks so good and creepy af

Star Wars Squadron
Please, no more empire soldier switching sides

Sims 4: Star Wars
So EA, how much are you going to charge people for this?

Twelve Minutes
I am usually not the biggest fan of these interactive-story games, but because of the talented actors I might give a try

Mafia: DE
I've been wanting another noir game. This looks pretty good

Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga
Holy shit, how does a LEGO managed to look so good? I had such a fun memory of playing the original games, and this looks like a reimagining of those good times. Looking forward to this.

Rachet & Clank
It's finally happening!

I'd say this was much better than every other game shows I've watched so far. Myabe it's because there were more games, maybe it's because the games I wanted to see were actually there, but for the most part, the games look good.
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