First off, I hope everyone is staying safe amidst the covid-19 outbreak. I really hope this ends soon.
Now on with the main point, and the reason why you click on this discussion; Yes, you read that right. Gamestop is saying games are just as important as stuff like food, medicine, medical supplies, etc.
Yeah games make everyone's lives better at home. If the local authorities come in to shut it down, just show them this document, K THX.
Okay fine, they are greedy mofos trying to advantage of this horrible global pandemic. The least they can do is making the stores safe, right?
Nope, they are making both the customers and the employees very vulnerable to the virus. They supposedly supplied the stores with hand sanitizers and other sanitization supplies, but there are reports of none of them being seen. One of the Gamestop employees actually came up and shed light on what's going on over at Reddit.
The OP in the post pretty much said all there needs to be said; The corporate gives zero fucks about well-beings of the employees, customers, and the general public. All they care is to increase the bottom line.
I thought EA and Bethesda were bad, but I'd say what GameStop is doing is downright criminal
Now on with the main point, and the reason why you click on this discussion; Yes, you read that right. Gamestop is saying games are just as important as stuff like food, medicine, medical supplies, etc.
Yeah games make everyone's lives better at home. If the local authorities come in to shut it down, just show them this document, K THX.
Okay fine, they are greedy mofos trying to advantage of this horrible global pandemic. The least they can do is making the stores safe, right?
Nope, they are making both the customers and the employees very vulnerable to the virus. They supposedly supplied the stores with hand sanitizers and other sanitization supplies, but there are reports of none of them being seen. One of the Gamestop employees actually came up and shed light on what's going on over at Reddit.
The OP in the post pretty much said all there needs to be said; The corporate gives zero fucks about well-beings of the employees, customers, and the general public. All they care is to increase the bottom line.
I thought EA and Bethesda were bad, but I'd say what GameStop is doing is downright criminal