squid5580 said:
It wasn't unforseen. That is why they put in the *. Shouldn't the lawsuit be directed at EA though? It wasn't GS who packaged it. The end result would be the same sure but he might have a chance at some free swag. If EA wasn't bitter about him buying used.
It is stupidity like this that gives "gamers" a bad name.
No, it's not EA. Actually, it's Gamestop's responsibility for whatever they resell. If you buy a whole PC at a Pawn Shop and it's missing the HDD, do you blame HP for it or do you blame the reseller who sold you the used product? You blame the Pawn Shop (well, blame yourself for buying a used PC and not turning it on at the store 1st to see if it works). But, you see the point, right?
Gamestop has done this before. If a game is missing it's manual, they still charge the full price and don't cut it in the slightest for missing parts of the game's product. Missing it's case? Well, they'll give less money back to the person selling the used game to them, but they'll still charge it the full used game price that's equal to all their other used game prices. They scam as much as possible to get the most money out of their customers, and they even lie to them at the POS (point of sale).
I originally bought a subscription to Game Informer because the sales associate at Gamestop swore up and down that I'd get 10% off all my purchases there; boy was I fooled, as it was only 10% off of USED game purchases only, no new games, consoles, accessories, or anything else. And of course, because it was a magazine subscription, it was none refundable. So, I was stuck with a (luckily 6 months instead of 12) magazine coming every month without any useful bonus to me.