GameX Day One: Of Robots and Jedi

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
GameX Day One: Of Robots and Jedi

No-one ever really knows what to expect the first year of a show. Will it be chaos? (Yes, probably.) Will it be good enough to make people want to come back again next year? (Fifty-fifty on that one.) Is it something I'll be telling my friends about afterwards? (Hopefully.) We're one day into GameX, and things are looking awfully good. And I'm not just saying that because I got to play with a robot.

Actually, according to my personal definitions, it wasn't a robot, but rather a mechanized drone, but whatever - the point is, I got to play with something that shot balls across the room and drove around on treads. It was made by kids from Wissahickon High School, was called Miss Daisy, and was just one of the weird and wonderful things I discovered at GameX today.

Tucked away in the back of the expo center, Artist's Alley was home to some remarkable work - much of it, oddly enough, fixated on bunnies: bunnies with Uzis, bunnies on fire, anime bunnies with large, wet eyes. Bunny appreciation aside, the artists' styles and subjects varied wildly from classic comic book style to heroines of which Boris Vallejo would undoubtedly approve.

I was fascinated to discover not one, but two sets of Jedi in attendance at the show. I have been promised a lesson in sabre combat; I'm also hoping to pick up a few tips on lightsabre construction. The Jedi I've seen strolling through the show are sporting some pretty sweet weaponry, much of which they customize themselves.

I'll be honest - right about when the third bad singer took a whack at doing "You Oughta Know" on Rock Band, I was really questioning the wisdom of having a musical stage, but immediately changed my mind when the actual bands began to play. There's just something about hearing the music from Sonic's Green Hill Zone that can get me grooving, even after a long and tiring day.

I haven't even mentioned all the cool stuff that happened at The Escapist booth. Live Unskippable, bloopers from The Escapist Show, an unaired episode of Projekt, a live chat with Graham and Paul, pillow fights, cherry Bawls, and girls too shy to say hello to Yahtzee. Pretty badass first day, all things considered. Tomorrow, I'm going to check out the guy selling the handmade steam punk gear, play some of the old school arcade games, and maybe take on the NES challenge.

If you're in the area, stop in and say hi. We have some pretty cool events [] scheduled for tomorrow. Make sure you look for me - I'll be the JedI in the Escapist t-shirt.



New member
Apr 15, 2009
huh, never realized it before, at these kinda things people like yatzhee are like rock stars and can get all the tail they want, seems like a waste of nerdy tail considering mr. yatzhees out spoken spam boycott.

but it sounds awesome and i hope you guys leave the webcam on for a bit longer tomorrow so all of us across the pond can bash in the awesomeness.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Quite impressive. I was surprised the Spy would play guitar.

Jedi in escapist shirt...hmm some how I think that could be a new shirt idea in itsself


A Miserable Pile of Honesty
Jul 17, 2009
Labyrinth said:
I demand politely request pictures of everything! I mean everything.
Same here (or at least put up a photo gallery here on the site). Are those the One-Ups dressed as the Red Team, or is that someone else?


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
Darrkon Fearlock said:
Spleenbag said:
Is that... is that... is that RED Team the Band?

I think I'm in love.
Go Blue.

Also now there's two con's I need to go to before I die, PAX and now GameX

I'm sorry, but if you're going to root for them, you might as well know who the fuck they are.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I know Miss Daisy we compete against them in robotics. I wish I could have been there today but im going tomorrow


New member
Sep 10, 2008
swaki said:
huh, never realized it before, at these kinda things people like yatzhee are like rock stars and can get all the tail they want, seems like a waste of nerdy tail considering mr. yatzhees out spoken spam boycott.

but it sounds awesome and i hope you guys leave the webcam on for a bit longer tomorrow so all of us across the pond can bash in the awesomeness.
Yahtzee shows all the kids that if you can complain a lot really fast then people will give you money.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Labyrinth said:
I demand politely request pictures of everything! I mean everything.
I second this demand.

Handmade steampunk gadgets, handmade lightsabers? Gods I so envy you Susan, or anyone else who can attend GameX.


Ridiculously Awesome
Jun 4, 2008
zombie711 said:
Where is gamex
The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center [], in Oaks. It's easier to get to than Google Maps might have you believe. And, if you come the super-secret ninja back way, you'll see some alpacas.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
For those requesting BLU TEAM on ROCKBAND, here's me (PYRO, with half my gear off. That stuff was heavy!!) and a BLUE SNIPER(tf2) and Bill (L4D) playing in a RB tournament at A-KON20 back in June.


Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
I will post more pictures when I return, I promise!

Those were just some attendees playing Rock Band, not the One Ups. Fun costumes, no? :)

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I've got a boatload of pictures (well, okay, it would have to be a pretty small boat) from GameX, all ready to upload. Only I'm not sure if I want to make my own forum post to show 'em off, or if I should wait until the Escapist staff starts up a thread for them.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
The Rogue Wolf said:
I've got a boatload of pictures (well, okay, it would have to be a pretty small boat) from GameX, all ready to upload. Only I'm not sure if I want to make my own forum post to show 'em off, or if I should wait until the Escapist staff starts up a thread for them.
Oh, go ahead and start your own -- I'd love to see your pics! :)

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Susan Arendt said:
The Rogue Wolf said:
I've got a boatload of pictures (well, okay, it would have to be a pretty small boat) from GameX, all ready to upload. Only I'm not sure if I want to make my own forum post to show 'em off, or if I should wait until the Escapist staff starts up a thread for them.
Oh, go ahead and start your own -- I'd love to see your pics! :)
By your command [], my lady!