Gato Community College. (game thread)


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
The students arrived via many means, public bus, car or even walking. It was the first day of spring classes. The Upperclassmen could easily tell the newbies as they seemed more unprepared than the rest of them. some of the newbies were still in monster form, which was a big nono on campus, anyone who had gone through their first year was already in human form, lugging luggage back to their dorms to add to their already present possessions, or moving in since they had previously commuted.

There was a rather massive man waiting in the middle of the courtyard, next to him was a smaller, but drop dead gorgeous woman. Then the large man spoke up. "ATTENTION, ANYONE WHO'S A FRESHMAN NEEDS TO GET THEIR ASS INFRONT OF ME AND Miss O'Donnel... IMMEDIATLY!" he screamed, only talking in a normal voice for the female's name.

In her arms was a clipboard with the expected students names, their heritage and room numbers. Infront of her, some scared freshmen were already starting to form a semi circle infront of the two staff members.

As this happened, Ohka was walking up to the school, humming a tone to herself to keep calm. She had a black travelcase with wheels being pulled behind her. She had a black umbrella over her shoulder to protect her extremely pale skin from being burnt. a number of weird looks came her way, but she kept her eyes forward and walked up to the semi circle, making her way to the front of it.

The half elf took out her phone and began looking through it, waiting for the rest of the students to form up so she could listen to where she assumed her dorm room would be.

Athol said:
Name: Alicia Mey Saefong

Race: Human

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Description: Alicia's naturally fair skin, brown almond shaped eyes and bobbed black hair mark her as being of Asian heritage, though at about 5'9", her height and slightly heavier build speaks of a mixed ancestry. Some would consider her attractive...if she gave the slightest thought to her appearance, but thanks to her general 'tom boyishness' attitude, that's not happening any time soon. Physically she's very fit, and surprisingly strong to those that don't know her, thanks to her usual workout. Her clothing tends to lean towards the practical; loss fitting jeans or shorts, a good set of comfortable running shoes, plain shirts/t-shirts...stuff like that.

Magic: Alicia's magic manifests itself as Pyromancy, allowing her to generate fire at will. These flames can cover her from head-to-toe if she wishes, but they won't harm her or anything she's wearing. So far that is the limit of her abilities, but she's confident that she can do much more. She can also manipulate fire that was created by an external force, to a certain extent.

Skills: Krav Maga Green Belt P5 []

Biography: Alicia was born in Vancouver BC, to a seemingly normal family. Her childhood was pretty standard, she loved being outdoors with her parents, going on hikes in the summer, skiing in the winter, and generally being a normal, if somewhat grubby, little girl.

Just after her thirteenth birthday she surprised herself when she set a branch, which she was holding, on fire while they were out camping. The second most startling thing was that her parents, who saw the fire happen, seemed totally unsurprised. That day she found out, that not only was magic real, but that her mother was an Elemental Mage.

Two years later, she finally managed to convince her father to begin teaching her Krav Maga at the gym he ran. The next three years flew by, the mix of school work, magical instruction from her mother, and training with her father, played merry hell with her limited social life. She took to her Krav Maga quite well, and in those three years, managed to attain a Green Belt P5 ranking; unfortunately her magic didn't fair quite as well. Thought not for lack of trying, her mother wasn't able to teach much in the way of specifics, simply because she didn?t know them, her knowledge for all the elemental magics was general at best, never having received any formal magic training herself.

During the year or so prior to graduating, Alicia began her search for a school that could teach her more about how to use her special talents. While her search did reveal several schools which offered courses, the European ones were far to expensive, and they preferred to take on students at a much earlier age. She did find one not too far from home, in Seattle, but what sold her on applying to Gato was its proximity to one of the most well respected Krav Maga gyms outside of Israel.

Skype: atholanderson
Knife-28 said:
Name: 'Jarrah Walker' is the name he uses for just about everything barring when he's among his own kind, where he will use his birth name 'Guwiyang'.

Race: Yowie

Age: In human years he's nearing his 30's, but because Yowies, like many 'monsters' age slower than human's he's at the level of a 19-20 year old.

Sex: Male

Description: At 7'5? (or if you asked him, two and a bit meters) Jarrah towers above most men and monster alike. Nearly all of Jarrah's body is covered in course red fur, with the exception of the area around his face where it's significantly finer. Though not a looker by any means with his broad flared nose and wide mouth, Jarrah's sunken eyes are his most striking feature, aside from his size. With bright blue irises (quite a rare occurrence in Yowies), Jarrah's eyes have been best described as 'inquisitive' which fits him to a tee.
The rest of Jarrah's body resembles a typical Hominid, (though admittedly one covered in lanky red hair) with large five fingered hands and larger still feet. Because of his stature and his covering of fur, Jarrah forgoes wearing clothing if he can while in his normal form. The only thing he does wear is a wristband made of leather and wood, with a large wood opal set into it. The wooden sections have strange runes which allow Jarrah to disguise himself as a human, despite having no magical powers himself.
When disguised as a human, Jarrah still towers above most people, and resembles a typical large barrel-chested young man, with long flowing red hair and similarly coloured stubble. In this form he will wear whatever fits him.

Magic/Abilities/Skills: Owing to his immense size Jarrah is incredibly strong, at least enough to lift a decent sized car (Though not for any great length of time). He's also got an acute sense of hearing, smell and sight, as do all Yowies. He speaks fluent English, though with a thick Australian drawl.
Jarrah has no magical abilities, and relies upon his wristband to disguise himself as a human.

Biography: Yowies are normally quite solitary creatures, while some live in small clans or falimy groups, most go great lengths of time without ever seeing another Yowie, except for every few decade or so when they will have massive Caribberies, where Yowies from different all over will come together and mingle. While their size had decreased in the many years after the human colonization of Australia, they are still large events comparable to a weeklong festival where there is singing, dancing and such.
It was during one of these Caribberies that Jarrah was born. Like many Yowies he didn't know his father, and was raised by his mother for the first few years of his life until he was old enough to fend for himself. When he was 19 years old, he met a young swagman (Basically, an Australian wizard) called Tim who was traveling though the bush as part of his training. The two became fast friends, and after he and Tim stole an egg from a very pissed off Bunyip, Jarrah went with Tim back to Sydney, to the collage he was studying at. Jarrah caused quite a stir when he arrived, but quickly found a niche for himself, his inquisitive nature meaning that he devouring (not literally thankfully) the coursework that the collage set him. Of particular interest to him was learning about humanity, their culture, their food, their clothing (even though he realises that he can't wear it most of the time), he was fascinated by all of it. With Tim's help acquired the wristband which allows him to pass as a human and the two would often spend their weekends out on the town, Jarrah getting as much practical experience as possible. When the opportunity to go to Gato Community Collage as an exchange student presented itself, Jarrah jumped at the chance.

Skype: If it's needed, I'll PM it to anyone that needs it.
figment of mind said:
Name: Mirabelle Chemia-Delgado

Race: Iron/Steel golem

Age: 18

Sex: Identifies as female.

Description: Created as a prototype, then later refined once she proved better than the final product, she takes the size and shape of a young woman. She typically inside of a skin mesh that gives her the appearance of a young, red haired woman with slightly tanned skin, though she's been known to shed it to repair it or check herself for weakpoints.

Without the mesh, her appearance is that of an intricate metallic marionette, with moving ball joints, delicate metal structures, and small pistons and springs allowing for a wide range of movement. She does appear to have some sort of skeletal structure to hold her upright but this is near-hidden in the amount of moving peices and metal coverings to help protect them and hold them in place. Her chest covering also hides a small bronze orb which contains the fluid that keeps her alive called "The Alchemical Soul", an elixir that he believed could mimic and replace a human soul. Her head is human-shaped, but with no hair or anything equivocal to it. Her "face" has few features on it, only eyes, large and glasslike with no iris and holes for pupils, and a mouth that moves oddly when she speaks.

With her mesh, she appears as a small, athletic woman with a few oddites about her. Her metal coverings hide what goes on beneath the mesh from others but prolonged bodily contact still shows that she retains the metal's hardness as well as the mesh itself feeling "slightly off" to the touch, making her unnerved by physical contact and avoiding it whenever she can. She gains short, spiky, red hair and freckles with this and the oddities of her mouth moving are hidden enough that noone notices any inconsistencies with it unless they are actively looking. She puts green contacts over her eyes (to mimic irises) and super-glues them into place to try and give her the appearance of having normal eyes, which depends on the person whether it hits or misses. She has freckles on her face to attract attention from that in addition to a fake nose, small in size, to even it all out.

To help with the illusion, she has been modified to allow her to mimic the consumption of food and drink, emptying it out later that night or early the next day from a pouch to hold it. She's also been made as anatomically proportional as feasable as possible to avoid anymore oddities about her, having it work for the most part.

Magic/Abilities/Skills: Despite having no formal training, she's a formidable fighter, due to the fights she's gotten into with people who would not let up on touching her. She can hit like a truck and move fairly quickly too, at the cost of having a rather delicate body and thus she can't take much damage. She's bilingual (or trilingual, as it were) as well, being able to speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese. She also has engineering skills and a little knowledge of Alchemy as well, mostly in relation to repairing herself and keeping herself alive. she can use the engineering skills to fix moving parts to a machine, using the knowledge repairing herself and working on other machines, applying that to the machines she comes across but the alchemy is limited, having learned none from her father besides the concoction to make the mesh and the formula to make the Alchemical Soul, though she did gain some training in it from Dr. Archambault.

Biography: Mirabelle started her life as a prototype being, something she knew from the start as her father made it very clear to her. Still, he felt it to be a waste to just create her and abandon her or shut her down so her put her to work as his servant/assistant as he worked to make a metallic life, one powered by and owning the Alchemical Soul (his attempt to create a soul). Her creation had been to merely test and see if the Alchemical Soul could work to grant life, with no capacity for memory and emotion than the bare minimum, and now that it had been fulfilled he could begin. She never knew why he sought to create such a being and she never asked for it wasn't her place. He taught her the bare basics of what they were doing, like connecting things, brewing and combining ingredients for more of the elixir, welding, etc. and was pleasantly suprised at how easily she retained the information.

When they actually began to build her replacement, her hands were to clunky and limited in motion. Most of her body was unwieldy and bulky, genderless in it's shape and larger than what was required. Seeing this, he tested out another design on her, much sleeker hands that offered more movement, but in the end, they were barely durable, not made for the lifting that he also had her do as well and eventually, they snapped. The second attempt went rather well though, striking a nice balance between movement and endurance and he added this to Mirabelle's replacement too. Using this method, he improved her continuously as they implemented more and more idea's into the being.

There were times that other men and women came over, talking with her father and discussing his work. On more than one occasion he showed her, or rather it at this stage, to his guests. They were pleased with what they saw, one or two commenting on the increasing sleekness of her and how feminine the improvements started to appear. Her father agreed with this outlook and made any other improvements to look feminine for her and masculine for the new being, to differentiate the two if nothing else.

One took an especially great interest in her memory and likening her to a learning robot, even pulling her aside to see if she had started to develop a personality yet. He found nothing of use but he did leave her with a question, "How does it feel to be working on your replacement, a being that's supposed to be better than you?" She gave no answer since she had never questioned it. The man then asked what her father would do with her once her replacement, her better, was built and the father answered truthfully that he had no idea, he needed to finish said being first.

They continued on with the construction, the metal laying, amd the drilling but that question refused to leave her head and, against her father's expectations, she began to ponder it. She didn't know why she was working on something that would make her useless, inferior, and over the next few months, she grew anxious, nervous from not knowing the answer and knowing that the time she would be replaced would come. She started questioning why she couldn't be the main recipient of the Soul, why they had to build a new being to try and test whether or not the soul worked. To that end, she started deliberately sabotaging their efforts, to her father's great annoyance, not figuring out why his assistant was failing at her tasks now and slowing them down. She dared not actually tell her father what she was experiencing in case he wouldn't accept or be angered that they had wasted such time, while her own envy and hate for the being that they were making grew and grew, even if she couldn't fully comprehend what she felt about him.

This all came to a head when, in a deliberate attempt, she had ruined the chestplate of Him and her father let out an angry outburst, directed at her incompetence and failure. She couldn hide it any longer, the anger boilinh up in her, and in a shock to him, she responded with a volley of anger and frustration herself before smacking said chestpeice with a wrench multiple times, trying yo work out her anxiety. He retired to his room, letting her cool off for a while before coming out, having given thought to what had just transpired. He didn't seem upset, just curious and, strangely to her, apologetic to her. He asked her about things like building Him and when she began to feel such feelings, obviously testing the extent of her personality. Blindsided by this, she answered truthfully and, still on edge, asked what he thought of it, to which she was suprised that he was genuinely delighted by this. After all, he built her with no room to gain thought or emotion and she had acheived both, in his mind, the elixir was working better than he could have ever expected.

In the days that followed, he taught her more about culture and the world, trying to see how expansive her mind could be. She finally learned the land she was in (Spain, just outside of Glaicia) and of her father's profession (Alchemist, with a knowledge of engineering and biology). In that time, he improved her body more, making it more flexable, more human-like snd even christening her with a name, Mirabelle Chemia-Delgato, the first being a reference to an ingredient to the Elixir that kept her alive and the last in reference to what gave life to her, her father and alchemy. The strange man who had posed the question of her replacement to her was delighted in this revelation too as her father showed her off to his contemporaries. Eventually, they continued work on the new being, under the reasoning that she wouldn't like it if she was the one on the table, incomplete but he still made time for her to enjoy herself and to teach her of the world. He even made her a skin so that she may go out into the world and experience it for herself (and gain a hatred of touchscreens since they won't respond to her), teaching her how to repair it as well, which was all good since she kept getting it damaged in fights with people who were to freakishly touchy-feely for her.

Eventually though, her father became ill, and he and his contemporaries made a formula to try and nurse him back to health. It failed, in fact it made the illness worse, and six months later he died, leaving Mirabelle alone but leaving everything to her.

The strange man, whose name she had learned was Dr. Peter Archambault, came to visit her afterwards and offered to continue her education in her father's place. She was resistant at first but eventually she came around and agreed to it, learning rather quickly that she didn't know nearly enough to function in the world. Of course, he tested her Alchemical Soul as well, trying to see how much it resembled a human soul. He seemed pleased with the results but noted that she hadn't built up that many experiences outside of working and studying with her father, something that the Dr. believed was important to establishing a soul.

Eventually, she completed her studying with him and headed home, to find everything deathly still, nothing having changed since she left. She still felt remorseful for her father and that feeling hung over the house like a dark fog. She stayed like that for a while, a few months at least, realizing both how much she missed him and, after a while, how lonely she was. She had been able to stave it off by staying with Dr. Archambault, but even after all that time, she barely knew a thing about him, him unwilling to share anything of his life save for the few times he talked of her father. Still, she was at a loss for who else to talk to and called him for advice on what she should do.

He suggested finding a reason to go outside and interact with others...maybe to collage since she had a knack for studying and retaining information. He gave a suggestion too, a community collage named Gato, which he thought would best suit her. She didn't know why he thought it would suit her and looking over the information about them, she didn't see why he thought that it was a good fit, save for the whole blending in thing. Still, she was at a loss on what else to do so she joined up, figuring that it couldn't hurt.

She still didn't get why the school was named for the word Cat though.

Skype: Sorry, nope.
mcpop9 said:
Name: Ohkami Goldenheart

Race: half-elf

Age: 21

Sex: female

Description: she stands at 5ft 4 and has long white hair that heads down to about midway down her back. her eyes have the same white complexion that her hair does and she has really pale skin. She's also very frail looking, small frame and slender appearance, Livia is often asked if she needs to lay down or if she's feeling ok, she just passes them off with a smile and a simple "i'm feeling fine". Another thing to not is that she isn't strong at all and is quick to tire if she exerts herself to much.

She usually wears a simple black and white kimono and a pair of Traditional sandalswith black tobi knee-socks. Her usual demeanor is one of innocence and kindness.

Magic/Abilities/Skills: has the capability to absorb and discharge forms of energy, at the moment she has proficiency with kinectic and potential energy with an upper limit on her ability and can only control how much energy she takes in with no control on how to output it besides depleting it into batteries or other electronic devices. She also usually needs to output the energy somehow or her body starts to damage itself once she goes past her limit.


Her father was an American that lived on a military base in japan. He met her mother at a kareoke bar that his buds dared him to go into as a joke. He took it seriously, fell in love at first sight and the two hit it off. he came walking out of the bar a few hours later and had his arm around her shoulders and her leaning up against him. They kept the relationship up as her mother knew English and Japanese and after his service ended, he moved in with her and began raising the kid they created on that first night. After a few years, the two of them moved to tokyo and he got a job working in one of the big design companies with her mother working as a fashion designer.

Ohka grew up in loving family, her mother being an elf and her father not really caring since the difference is so small between human and elf, he just didn't care. (plus, him being rather fond of videogames actually helped him be normal over it.) Ohka loved to draw and became pretty good at it, her father got her into video games and despite hating real life violence with a passion, loved to watch two virtual characters beat eachother senseless. she scored average grades through school and graduated somewhere at the middle of her class with no direction in life, outside of her secret that she kept from her parents, which was her ability. she searched around online and found Gato. She presented it to her parents and with their approval, got in under the guise of heading there for their programming classes.

With her real reasons secure, she was happy to head off to college, but realized she had a rather terrible case of shyness once she got there, starting to regret her decision to learn more about her powers.
Outcast107 said:
Name: Tomas Williams

Race: Human/Dragon

Age: Nineteen

Sex: Male

Description: Standing over six feet tall, Tomas has always made sure to keep himself in perfect shape, exercising daily to keep up with his appetite. As well as keeping his black hair clipped short and his face free of any facial hair; he normally wears baggy type clothes, which he can shed quickly so that if he does indeed transform, his clothes will survive the ordeal.

Abilities: Able to transform into a half-dragon form. This gives him increasing strength, speed, and giving him the ability to fly. Patches of his skin, on his arms legs, and neck, change into dark blue scales; giving these areas extra defence against physical and magical attacks. Though he still has not yet fully able to control this form and cannot change into a full dragon like his father.

Skills: While in his human form, Tomas has increase sense of both sight and smell. When using his enhanced sight, his eyes take on a more reptilian-like vertical pupil.

Biography: As Tomas was growing up, he always felt different compared to the other kids, even feeling estranged from his own mother. It wasn't until his thirteenth birthday though he learned why. While outside playing in his backyard, he felt a sudden wave of pain throughout his entire body, as he changed human self to his yet unknown, and unfortunately feral, half-dragon self. While transformed Tomas, not understanding what was going on, fled from his home and into the nearby forest. It wasn't until a week or so later that he was found again by members of the local Search and Rescue. Thought they all wondered no one could figure out how he had survived for so long without help...and Tomas wasn?t talking.

His mother though knew the truth of what had happened and finally told him about his true heritage. It turned out his father was actually a dragon that she had fallen in love with some years ago, though she didn?t find out about his true nature until she was already pregnant. She had panicked, and had been afraid of what Tomas's father might do when Tomas was older. So when she saw an opening, she ran.

At first Tomas resented his mother for what she done, and as the year went by, he grew arrogant; believing he was better than ?mere? humans due to his draconic heritage. As the years rolled by his abilities slowly grew more powerful and harder to control. With the passage of time he also slowly came to understand why his mother had done what she did. Now Tomas seeks to gain real control his more feral side and if possible put it to good use. After finishing high school he found showed her the school he wished to go to for such training. Though he?s better than he was in high school, he still tends to think of himself as ?better? than others.
Sithmorack said:
Name:Jack White

Race: Shadow People/Beings

Age: Appears 22 but is around the age of 26. His species are ageless but can be killed.

Sex: While Shadow Beings are genderless, Jack prefers to appear as male.

Description: In his human form he stands 5'10 (five feet and 10 inches.) Short black hair accompanies pale skin. At first glance it appears that his eyes are a icy blue. If one were to stare more attentively at his eyes, they would notice the color of his eyes were actually a grey with a bluish hue to them. (Keep note that his clothes are actually fake and are just part of his being. He just makes it appear real to blend in.) He normally wears a grey hoodie wherever he goes sometimes accompanied by fingerless gloves. He wears whatever is available for pants whether it be shorts or jeans.

Abilities: He can transform into his "natural" form which appears as a shadow. He can be floating or blending in to the shadows around him. He can phase through walls while in "Shadow" form and can possess other beings (although this ability is hindered by raw magical talent, strong mental barriers, and other Shadow Beings.) He can also levitate and move objects while in this form.

Skills: In his human form he is highly intelligent as his species are known for. He can also sense hidden beings, magic, and other Shadow Beings within his vicinity.

Biography: Not even Jack knows too much about his own people. They were never recorded much throughout history and were only now making a small appearance. He didn't even know how he was born. It was 3 years before he gained enough intelligence to speak and write. Part of it was the Shadow Beings nature to make their young as self sufficient as possible, and part because Shadow Beings have a high intelligence.
Jack doesn't know who his parents were and has had no family or other contact to his kind since he was six. After that he was left to his own devices. He went from place to place learning cultures and gaining knowledge. at the age of 26 he decided that this "school" could help him one, gain knowledge about the other species of the world, and two help him hone his skills on hiding in the human populace.
Since he was alone most of his life Jack has grown rather suspicious of the others around him. To the point of paranoia. This has also caused him to become cynical, cold, and highly sociopathic or unfeeling towards others.

Skype: shadow amongst shadows

You might have to put it shadowamongstshadows or shadow_amongst_shadows (<-- I dont think you'll have to do that one.) I'll probably just add you.
DotSlash said:
Name: Kaylee Seros

Race: Human

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Description: Kaylee stands at around 5'6" and looks a bit more muscular than other teens her age due to her history of fighting. Her hair is long, black and a bit messy with bangs covering one of her violet eyes. She usually has a frown on her face and a sort of distant look in her eyes

When she?s not fighting, she usually dons a sleek black longsleeved leather jacket with fur trim decorating the insides. Along with it, she wears baggy black jeans and a simple white tanktop that covers her midriff. When it comes to fighting, the jacket comes off and a large solid black tattoo resembling a snake becomes visible on her right arm.

Abilities/Skills: Kaylee has no formal training, but learned to fight on the streets. Her largest asset is her agility and her reactions to avoid her opponent?s strikes. Another ability she gained as she was infected was the ability to transform parts of herself into a snake-like monster, as noted by the large snake tattoo on her arm. At the moment, she can only reliably transform her hands to gain a hard scaly armor and poisonous red claws. Use of this power takes a toll on Kaylee?s body every time she uses it.

Biography: Kaylee had led a pretty normal life as a child until there was a falling out in her family. Now living with only her mother and missing the parent who had shown her the most affection, she slowly turned from a solid student into a rowdy and brash delinquent. As she constantly got in trouble and fought it back, be it with the police or others like her, she slowly began to make a name for herself on the streets and began to become a feared figure.

She was happy with her seat on the throne until she ended up finding someone walking alone on her turf one night. It happened to be a small boy who simply asked her how to find his way home. Since the boy looked weak and she was a little short on cash, she brushed off the request and simply tried to mug him. Unbeknownst to her, the boy had access to magic and ended up bringing her to her knees quickly. As she cursed the strange boy out afterward, he became disgusted and bestowed a curse on her. She now had lost the ability to speak and had the tattoo imprinted on her arm. The boy?s parting words for her were for her to improve her moral standing and to make use of the curse to free herself from it..

With this done and a few weeks passed, she began to look to books and experts to try and free herself of the curse prematurely. During this search, she happened to hear about Gato Community College. With no leads on breaking the curse directly, she figured that Gato would be the place to turn herself around and get herself back to some semblance of normalcy.

Skype: slightplus
Lunar Templar said:
Name: Sierra (Karis) Talon

Race: Half Demon

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Description: Sierra stands 6foot 2inch, as olive skin and blood red eyes and long black hair the tips of which (about 3 inches all the way around) are dark purple. She is in near perfect shape and unnaturally pretty. She actually dresses rather plainly, and often wears lose fitting clothing to conceal her figure rather then show it off.

Her full 'demon form', if it can be really called that, grants her little more then two sets black horns. The larger set starting just behind the ear, and the smaller set just below it, both sets follow her skull toward the back of her head with the smaller horns pointing out slightly, and her ears grow a little longer and become pointy. Her eye turn black and a glowing gold and her pupils turn to slits, she also grows fangs, she also gains a 2 sets of wings. The first, larger pair sit on her shoulders, as all wings do, the second, much smaller set sits a little further down her back at the bottom of her rib cage. Lastly, she gets a long tail. Out side the visual que of her wings to explain flight, theirs no actual benefit to her 'demon form', as her human form is just an illusion.

Sierra tends to be quiet, not liking to draw attention to her self, and to that end, is and avid reader but she's also incredibly stubborn, and getting her to do anything she not interested in or doesn't want to do can often be more trouble then its worth, and she's not going to apologize for it ether. In all other situations she's usually mellow, if a bit brash.

Magic:Dark energy manipulation, Enchantments and Demonic traits.

Dark Energy:One of many left overs of her past life. She can summon or generate Dark Energy to create a verity of ranged attacks, sheath her sword in for extra cutting power, erect a barrier, or tear the life force from some one for a quick recharge. The draw back is her half breed body can't handle use of those powers for very long before the begin to do her harm, and while she can in fact keep fighting through some of this, over use will kill her. Her eyes also revert to their demonic form when she's using this power, or her enchant magics.

Enchantments; Her enchants are generally only effect objects, to ether strengthen or weaken them, this doesn't really work on people, she's tried. For objects she likes but are not really fesable to pack around, like a sword she saw at a convention on of her friends took her to, she also uses a 'storage' enchantment that stores it in a stone in her earrings.

Demonic physiology: Sierra is far stronger and far more agile then the average human, natural flier, but no no more durable then a normal human due to her human side.

Sword master; Over all mixed style but favors Iaido []. For this she uses what was originally a cosplay Bakuzan [], a 'toy' which she has since buffed and boosted into a fully functional weapon, she's also filed the tongs on the hand guard down a bit to make quickly drawing and sheathing easier

Chef; Shes a great cook and can cook just about anything from scratch.

Biography: Sierra is the half demon reincarnation of a Demon Knight named Karis., though she does not know this. Due to critical injury and haste Karis's memory?s where wiped and the human he used for his resurrection altered him, into a her at rebirth. Sierra was born shortly after, to a some what confused but ultimately happy young woman while she was in college. Sierra's demon side start to manifest it self early, developing her wings, horns and tail a few months after birth, which meant Sierra was more or less kept hidden until she was about eight and her magical ability?s kicked in and she figured out how to 'hide' the nonhuman parts of her self.

From eight on, and barring the odd near miss, Sierra kept the demon in her out of sight, only her mother knew what she was, even some of her closest friends didn't know what she really was, not that they needed to. Her life, at school and home was pretty much normal. Her mid teens and on is when things started getting strange for her. First she makes friends with another half demon, who is the one responsible for getting her into anime, but she also started having to defend her self on occasion from the odd demon attack. It was also in this time she got her sword at an anime convention her half demon friend took her to, which started off a show accurate, but some what cheaply made replica of the Bakuzan from Kill la Kill, but out of necessity it was buffed and strengthened into a combat worthy weapon.

She survived the attacks, discovering she was really good with a sword, which combined with some of the demons that attacked her calling her 'Karis', caused her some concern, but her friend was quick to point out a lot of demons are stupid, and 'Karis' is probably her father an they can't tell the difference, and that even learned skills have a habit of transferring from parent to child when demon blood is involved. This answer did little to stem her concern or curiosity, so she began to search for a place that might have more solid answer, and to that end, applied for the GCC.

Skype: LunarTemplar


New member
Sep 15, 2010
5 AM Hard Target Krav Maga gym

"C'MON YA DOZY ****! I'VE FLUSH TOUGHER LOOK TURDS THAN YOU!" The man yelled. She was lying on her back with her arms up to guard her face, while her instructor the man currently yelling at her, was standing on her feet. One. Two. In time with the count, two other students walloped her across the mid-section with padded weights. As soon as they were done, Alicia rose and did a crunch, but instead of lying back down at the end, she used her calf and thigh muscles to explode up towards her instructor. Once she was up into a half crouch, she lashed out with a couple of hard jabs into the target mat her instructor was holding, before lying down and starting the whole process all over again. "Good, good. Five more reps, then switch."


While she would be staying in the dorms while at Gato, Alicia had arrived a week earlier, one to get at least somewhat accustomed to the city, and more importantly, to introduce herself to the owner/head instructor of Hard Target. While this morning's sparring session/work out was damned tiring, she felt good; getting ready for the move and all that had really thrown her routine off and she hadn?t had a good session in far too long.


"Goddamn..." She muttered, as the shouting drew her attention to the man mountain. Unlike some of the other freshmen she saw, Alicia was travelling light at the moment, as most of her stuff was in a small storage locker. Cutting through the crowds, she was dressed in a red tank top, grey yoga pants, a lightweight blue hoddie, and runners, with a small day bag thrown over one shoulder.


New member
Mar 20, 2009

Tomas heard while he was walking with the rest of the freshmen. 'Great, probably have to deal with that all year long.' Pulling along a luggage case that held his clothes. He rarely need anything else as he didn't want to lose focus on the reason he came here. To study and train in taking control of his dragon side, as well as protect those who are weaker.

When he join the group he would look around to see who would be his classmates. Seeing many of them look scared being here, others still monsters who didn't have a way to hide in human form yet. Then their were the small few who look like they can handle whatever is thrown at them. 'At least I will have some who aren't weaklings. I highly doubt most of these students could protect themselves if they get into a fight.'

Tomas wore a silver color shirt that seem a bit to big for him. With the sleeves rolled up so they wouldn't go over his hands. Blue jeans with a belt wrap around his waist to keep it from falling off, and worn looking sneakers that seem to have better days.

figment of mind

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Mirabelle had wished to come here quietly, hiding herself from most and hoping that there would be someone more stand outish than her. She was in her mesh so she should have been fine but that didn't stop the paranoia of something being off or fixed to her wrong, something that she couldn't see but would mark her as odd. Of course, she didn't plan out her arrival well enough since it started on a bus. Actually, it started with her packing an implausible number of bags for a human to carry though this only sunk in on the bus as people looked at her and began asking if she needed help or just talking quietly to each other, wondering just how she was carrying it all. It didn't last long enough for people to make any outlandish guesses but the brief attention set her on edge.

Her nerves calmed as she got to the collage, having walked the rest of the way, and saw an assortment of strange beings standing around undisguised and taking most of the brunt of interest. She stared at them herself for a moment as she moved, never having seen such beings in person before and transfixed on them, at least until something hit her, making a muffled clang sound against her. She looked and saw that in her moment of distraction, she had ran into and bowled over someone, the poor sap now laid out on the ground, trying to get back to his senses. She apologized profusely before rushing off, hoping to avoid more contact and hoping that the guy wasn't too scatterbrained and heard her.

She heard someone yelling, bellowing over the chaos, "ATTENTION, ANYONE WHO'S A FRESHMAN NEEDS TO GET THEIR SAD INFRONT OF ME AND Miss O'Donnel... IMMEDIATLY!", and walked over there, hoping to avoid more incidents.

As she got there, she saw that most were at least as nervous as she was, though a few were more...calm than others. She didn't know why and at the moment she didn't concern herself with it, more concerned about staying at the edge of the group than crowded into the middle as more people joined. She wore a thin grey jacket with a light green t-shirt underneath, brown cargo pants with a brown belt, and some running shoes, along with several heavy bags hanging from or being held by her.


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Jack had been appearing to lightly sleep the whole bus ride so he wouldn't have to talk to the others around him (because his species can't rest/sleep.) He had his hood pulled up to make it more believable that he was asleep. It wasn't that he disliked the students on the bus. He just didn't want to chat on his way to a school he wasn't certain he should be at the school anyways. It wasn't like he was learning anything of any vital value. After all he was an ageless being that was naturally intelligent. On the other hand, he would never pass up an oppurtunity to learn about the other species of this planet.

He could hear the sounds of other students talking/gossiping about anything and everything. The school, how they miss their home, some gamers talking about the latest games that had come out. but the words that set him in a bad mood were, "I'm going to miss my family." While that wasn't the entire sentence, that was the specific part he heard. Why did they have to rely on them so much? Couldn't they be at least somewhat independent? He quickly washed the thought away from his mind as the school bus came to a stop. He watched the other students get off before he himself quickly departed.

The other students quickly got with their friends. Some even got into clique like groups, Jack simply wondered why humans (and monsters apparently) acted as strangely as they did before moving on. He could sense all the magic around him. To be honest it was almost... intoxicating to be around so much magic. Even though there was a lot of magic users and magic creatures around, Jack kept his cool and then heard...


He turned to look at the man who had yelled it out. What he saw made him think, the female teacher was used for swaying the male population into obedience. Or perhaps he was the image of brutality, while she was the the one giving punishment? It didn't matter at the moment. He was a freshmen so he had to go with his "peers." As some Humans would say.

He made his way up before realizing having a hood on could insult some people. He quickly got the hoodie off and huddled around the two and noticed he was beside a rather nervous looking red haired female (although some would consider the term "red-head." He despised such a notion.) He soon noticed the girl gave off a rather strange aura. He could sense magic... but this wasn't quite magic. He kept his apathetic look on as he studied the girl and waited for the two "instructors" next sentence. Although he supposed they could be just hall monitors. He wouldn't make assumptions though.


Knives on Full Auto!
Nov 20, 2011
As the bus drove on its merry way to the college, Kaylee kept to the back, stereo headphones strapped over her ears and blaring metal as she bopped her head to it, her hair flowing and shaking with each chord and bass drum beat. Looking out at the group gathered around as her bus pulled up, she frowned a small bit. [color=990099] "Looks like I'm gonna stand out here in more ways than one...." [/color] She sighed to herself. [color=990099] "Man... Starting from the bottom again is gonna suck..." [/color]

As the bus sputtered to a stop and the other students began filing out, she took her sweet time grabbing her solitary duffel bag of clothing and other essentials off the floor and slinging it onto her shoulder. She slinked off of the bus and looked around, eyes shifting to the various strange forms of the other students suspiciously.


"Tch... The first person we gotta deal with is a loudmouth...? This outta be good..." She thought to herself sarcastically as she slowly walked up toward the back of the semi-circle of the other freshmen, seeming to have a proud stride despite her new surroundings. She kept her free hand stuffed in the pocket of her black jeans and tilted her neck twice, a small crack audible with each movement.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
The massivly built man took a step back and let the woman walk forward. Her voice was soft and calming, and rather smooth and free flowing. "Welcome to Gato community college, freshmen. I am miss O'Donnel, the head of the student living arrangements and head of the Female dorms. Listen closely because i won't be repeating them. When you get to the rooms, the keys will be inside on a dresser." she said and began to read off dorm rooms and their inhabitants. It was a bit as she got through the rooms. "Girls dorm, Room 421: Alicia Mey Saefong, Mirabelle Chemia-Delgado, Ohkami Goldenheart and Kaylee Seros." she said and gave them a minute to get their stuff and move on.
Ohka took what little she had an gave a quick glance around and began walking towards the girl's dorm room. She was shy and decided to keep away from the group heading to their new room and walk a bit faster than everyone else so she could choose a bed.

Getting there, she chose bedroom one and closed the door to her room, starting to unpack her little amount of possessions she had.

She went through some more: "Guys dorm, Room 666: Jack White, Thomas Williams, Jarrah Walker." she said and continued on the way with students.


Knives on Full Auto!
Nov 20, 2011
Kaylee had inadvertently begun to doze off as Ms. O'Donnell went through the list of names. She quickly snapped back to attention as she heard her name and slowly began to move off toward the room. She had noticed Ohka moving along and raised an eyebrow. [color=990099] "...Well... aren't we anxious?" [/color] She thought to herself as she took her time walking through the halls toward the halls. She looked around as she walked, mainly keeping to herself and avoiding contact with others in the hallways if she could manage.

Once she made it to the dorm and saw that Ohka had already picked off the bedroom farthest away from the others, Kay silently sighed to herself and chose #4 since it saved her a bit of walking. Not worried about unpacking just yet, she let her duffel bag flop to the ground and then threw herself onto her bed. She'd take a few good moments to try and prep herself for the one thing she was dreading: talking to people. Her fists were better at it than she was, at least in her mind, but they weren't exactly... polite. Her not being able to speak didn't help her much either.

Taking a breath and letting it out through her nose, Kaylee stepped out into the living room and waited for the others to enter the dorm.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Jarrah was, for lack of a better term, ecstatic. While he had enjoyed his weekend jaunts into Sydney with Tim, it just didn't compare. Even Gato itself was twice the size of the college in Sydney. The result was (what looked like) a six and a half foot man with flowing red hair wearing jeans, a simple white shirt and leather vest almost bouncing along as he walked through the gates. He shifted the hikers backpack he was carrying and looked around the courtyard. People (and not-people) of ever shape and size mingled around, most in groups but some like Jarrah stood alone. Looking out over the sea of heads, Jarrah spotted a man even taller than him standing next to a somewhat smaller woman.

"ATTENTION, ANYONE WHO'S A FRESHMAN NEEDS TO GET THEIR ASS INFRONT OF ME AND Miss O'Donnel... IMMEDIATLY!" The man bellowed, turning heads towards the center of the courtyard. The freshmen started to make their way closer, and Jarrah followed, staying at the back and allowing his height and excellent hearing to take care of hearing the (What he assumed to be) the teachers. Though if the man's voice was any indication, he could be hald deaf and still hear him.

The woman stepped forward and introduced herself, the started reading out the lodgings of the girls dorms. As the girls started to move off Jarrah dazed off a little and let his mind and gaze wander, until Miss O'donnel cleared her throat again and started reading out the rooms for the guy's dorms.

"Room 666: Jack White, Thomas Williams, Jarrah Walker."

The cultural significance of the room's number was not lost on Jarrah, and he chuckled as he made his way to the dorms.

figment of mind

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Mirabelle stood there, trying to calm down some as the head of her dorm started to talk. This wasn't helped by the fact that she had noticed one of the other students staring at her, ruining her efforts. She looked at him quickly, moving her head much to fast and accurate than a human, before moving a couple of steps away and looking ahead. She tried to stare at Miss O'Donnell instead and block him out but she was still concerned about why he was staring. She wondered what he had noticed of her or what she may have done to make him stare at her, though she noticed that he seemed to carry a look of uncaring on his face as he stared, raising even more questions.

Once her name was read, she headed off, as quickly as she could, something not helped by her numerous bags, not looking back to see if he was still looking. Her bags must have slowed her down more than she realized as she got to the dorm third, even though she was moving as quickly as she could. She found one of her dormmates standing in the living room, trying to see who else she was living with, Mirabelle guessed. She stopped for a moment before moving on to the rooms, hoping that the girl would understand. Room 4 was taken it seemed and someone was already in room 1 so she chose room 2 and set all of her bags down inside. She debated staying inside and unpacking her stuff to try and avoid the girl but her manners got the better of her and she stepped back out again. Besides, she'd be living with her too so she'd have to talk with her sooner or later.

She walked over to the girl and said, "Hi...i'm Mirabelle.", rather nervously.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
"Girls dorm, Room 421: Alicia Mey Saefong, Mirabelle Chemia-Delgado, Ohkami Goldenheart and Kaylee Seros."

Alicia followed the other girls to their dorm. Seeing as she was the last through the door, she took last remaining room, not that it really made much of a difference. Throwing her bag and hoddie on to the bed, she sighed and stretched. I really should get the rest of my shit....fuck it, I'll do that later.

Walking out into the living room, she saw that her other two roommates were already there.

"Hi...I?m Mirabelle."

"And I'm Alicia." She said, walking up behind the shorter red head. Goddamn it... She thought looking at the other two. Between these two and miss anti-social back there, I fell like a giant.


Knives on Full Auto!
Nov 20, 2011
Kaylee's usual frown was replaced with a small smile as she looked toward Mirabelle and then to Alicia. The smile slowly faded as she instinctively tried to say her name, leading to her mouth moving but no sound coming out.

Slightly frustrated, she dug into the pocket of her leather jacket and produced a smartphone. She turned it on and began to tap on it a few times before walking up a little close to Alicia and Mirabelle and showing them the screen. It displayed a bit of text in English reading out [color=990099]
 "Hi. My name's Kaylee."

figment of mind

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Mirabelle nearly jumped out of her mesh as Alicia introduced herself, turning with mechanical precision to see her. She guessed that Alicia had come in just after her, considering she came from the hallway after she confirmed that there were only two in here when she entered. She said, "Hi." before turning back and seeing the other girl try to talk. She evidently gave up and showed them a phone introducing herself as Kaylee. She wondered why she didn't just say that before realizing that she may not be able to and wondering when that happened.

" can't speak?"


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Slowly enough, the farthest door opened and out came Ohka. She was in her kimono and slowly and extremely silently moved out of the room and towards the other girls. She was frail and about as white as paper. It truly looked like a slight breeze might knock her over or take her to the land of oz. her voice was very soft and rather soothing and smooth as she spoke. "Ummm... Hi..." She said, twiddling her pointer fingers around one another and looking down. "I'm... Ohka... It means cherry blossom...." She said softly and quietly, extremely shy about things. She seemed to almost be trying to hide herself behind her white bangs, using the hair to hide her eyes from the other's gazes.

figment of mind

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Mirabelle had just asked her question when the last girl came out. She seemed shy and quiet, seeming to hide behind her hair. She wanted hair like that but currently she would have to make do with her own short hair, besides, she was rather attached to her hair as it was. Her father had decided on it when they were making the mesh since she herself couldn't decide, saying that it made her look amazing, so since she trusted his judgment she would keep it as is for now.

With a bit less nervousness than before, she said to the girl, "Hi. My name is means 'wondrous beauty'...or a sweet plum fruit-thing,"


New member
Sep 15, 2010
 "Hi. My name's Kaylee."

No wonder she looks like she's taken the 'tough chick' route...probably had enough of people giving her shit 'cuz she can't talk...

The way Mirabelle moved caught Alicia's eye. Must be a dancer or something...nobody moves that smoothly without training.

" can't speak?"

Not too bright though it seems.

"Ummm... Hi...I'm... Ohka... It means cherry blossom...."

Jesus titty-fucking Christ, what cancer ward did she escape from? The new arrival looked like you could 'x-ray' her, by standing her in front of a table lamp. So we've got a sickie, a ditz, a mute, and me...this should be interesting. "Hi there," She said aloud, masking her thoughts. "Like I said, I'm Alicia. Since it's pretty obvious what kind of place this is, let's not beat around the bush, as they say. What kinda 'freaks' are you?" She delivered that last line to everyone, with a smile. "Me? I'm a pyromancer...means I can play with fire, literally." She raised a hand up to shoulder height, and ignited it, covering her hand in orange flames for a moment, before putting it out with a flick of the wrist.


Knives on Full Auto!
Nov 20, 2011
" can't speak?"

Kaylee blinked a bit as she looked toward Mirabelle, thinking that her little fumble before taking out her phone had made it clear enough. Her blank staring eventually changed to a look of curiosity as she noticed how accurately Mirabelle swiveled her head to look toward Alicia. [color=990099] ...Weird... Then again, she not like those others outside... at least from looks anyway. [/color] She simply gave Mirabelle a nod in the affirmative after that small bout of staring.

"Ummm... Hi...I'm... Ohka... It means cherry blossom...."

Once Ohka came out, Kaylee tensed up just a small bit. She slowly walked up toward the shy girl and very cautiously poked her in the shoulder. After this confirmation of Ohka not being ethereal, she typed up a little more and showed the girl the screen. [color=990099]
 "Sorry... I thought you might've been a ghost since you're so pale..."

"Like I said, I'm Alicia. Since it's pretty obvious what kind of place this is, let's not beat around the bush, as they say. What kinda 'freaks' are you?

Kaylee paused for a moment or two as she looked over at the flames around Alicia's hand. [color=990099] No bullshitting, huh? ....Alright, she seems like my kind of girl... [/color] Smirking a small bit, she switched her phone to her non-dominant hand and lifted her right hand upward. After a moment, she seemed to wince as the hand slowly morphed into one that looked like it belong to a small dragon: scaly and sporting 2 inch long red claws. A clear sheen coated each curved talon and they slowly dripped a liquid onto the floor. If some were observant, they'd notice that the pupil of Kaylee's visible eye had dilated into a snake-like slit as her hand transformed.

She kept this show up for a moment or two before reverting her hand and her eye to normal, taking a few deep breaths afterward.

figment of mind

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Mirabelle couldn't figure out why Kaylee seemed to stare at her in a...dumbfounded(?) way but she just assumed that she had said something wrong or confusing. Still, she didn't seem upset, more curious than anything...she didn't like it when others were curious about her (the less attention, the better) but at least she wasn't angry.

Then Alicia suggested something that she was hoping to put off until later. This became much more pronounced when she saw Alicia cover her arm in flames, "showing off" her powers, if you will. Then Kaylee showed off some...claw hand, with a curious liquid dripping from it, something that she wasn't eager to see in action. Mirabelle herself wasn't too eager to show off anything about her, especially since they had very visually interesting powers while she had her natural form that she usually hid from others. Still, she conceded to the fact that there was no use beating around the bush when they would find out anyways, and besides, they were expecting strange stuff, she probably wouldn't even be the most interesting thing here.

"Well, i don't have as visually impressive an ability as you two...all i have is my natural strength and looks, which i'd rather not show off. Still, you'll probably see it anyways, so...", she said before turning away from them and gripping the back of her head with her hand. With a bit of hesitation, she started separating the mesh carefully and pulling open a hole into it large enough to fit her head through. Once that was done, she let the mesh that previously covered her head fall forward onto her chest, hoping to not show them the eyeless deformed version and instead just the back of it, and turned around to show them her actual, metallic face. The eyes being wider and less shapened than any normal, human eye should be, the lack of a nose, the holes for ears, and the visible/ intricate moving peices (pistons, axels, and a wire frame covering parts of it where actual metal could not be fitted, things like that) in her neck, all shown off as her father meant for them to be.

After a moment, she quickly turned around and pulled the mesh back over her head, pushing down on the mesh where she tore so that some of the natural liquid making it up could secrete and act as a temporary glue, holding it together until she could get back into her room and fix it. She made sure that the mesh was on correctly before turning back around and asking in a nervous tone, "Well?"


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Jack's eye twitched as he heard the room name. They really couldn't come up with anything better? Nothing? As he sighed, he noticed that the odd "aura" as he liked to call it had left. He knew the redhead wasn't normal. Well could he really say anyone here was normal? It was a "school" for monsters and humans alike. He quickly wiped the thought from his mind as he focused back on the fact he needed to go to his room.

He tried to remember the other students names that were in essence his neighbors for awhile. He only heard their names once and wasn't really paying attention to it. He knew one's last name was Walker but that was really all he could remember.

He sighed again trying to actually stay on track and get to his dorm. He quickly noticed a rather large student walking towards where his dorm was supposed to be. Large and probably not a human if this school was anything to go by. He quickly followed behind the rather unnaturally happy (supposed) man. Though he highly doubted he was a man.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Tomas sigh as he heard the room number that he and his roommates would be staying in. 'Great, what a perfect way to start school year.' Tomas thought as he made his way towards it. Hoping the two other guys wouldn't be too bothersome but Tomas didn't have that high of hopes for that. Once at the front of the dorm room he would open it up and head inside while the other two follow inside.

Not minding them as he walk into Room D to claim it as his room. Letting his luggage inside after he did a quick expection of what the room held. Afterwards, he head back out to the living room and sat down on a chair. Waiting for the others to come out.