Girl is nice to me, therefore she likes me?


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Sometimes, these people might just have been through Hell in the past. After that, anything seems like an intimate gift.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was that guy for a couple of my teenage years. Thank god I grew out of that. Of course, it didn't help being the only single person in my group of friends.

Tipsy Giant

New member
May 10, 2010
I have the complete opposite problem, i'm constantly being told by friends after meeting a girl that she was interested and I completely miss the signs. I'm a bit of a giant and don't want to come across as domineering, so I play it cool and only find out after the fact that I missed a great chance, better than the OPs example though, rather go home kicking myself than crying like a baby

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
SonicKaos said:
How does someone even get to this point in the first place? Anyone else have a friend who thinks every girl like him?
Usually the type of guys who see every girl as into them are the type of guys who consistently prove themselves right by bedding the girls. Most guys who fail seem to think no girl is into them no matter what they do. Your friend is a special form of desperate, so starved for affection that any hint of a possible future relationship will make him jump on the woman despite knowing how unlikely it actually is. What him carefully, I'm not saying this is necessarily true in his case but this often leads to suicidal thoughts or at the very least the threat of them.

Sep 9, 2010
SonicKaos said:
Well... speaking as someone that was quite a creep/loser in my younger days.... I think it's just a way his brain might be wired. He might need to get seriously smacked the fucked around a bit before he gets his self-control in check, because he's going to need to be stronger then most people.

And really, if he can't control himself while boozed up he shouldn't be drinking. Manage your fucking high, tell him


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Short of having a discussion about how nice people are nice to everyone and that doesn't (necessarily) mean that they also want to shag everyone... maybe he could go to some metal/rock clubs and see if he could meet some ladies there?

Jonluw said:
For some reason she's started drifting away from me lately. It might have something to do with her getting a boyfriend. I think there's a pattern in it you see. I lost contact with a different friend of mine a year earlier when she got a boyfriend.
That leaves two options as I see it:
1) The new boyfriend takes up a lot of time, so I'm not prioritized.
2) They were only staying in contact with me because they were trying to get into my pants.
There's an option 3 (although it's perhaps linked to option 2) that because you've had that sexual tension and history she simply feels like it's somewhat unfair on her relationship to be hanging around with someone who does or has made her feel that way. So it's not so much of a case of she was hoping to get off with you and now that she can't what's the point, it's more that she is aware that that may be a temptation and she feels it would be sensible to avoid it.


New member
May 23, 2010
lisadagz said:
Short of having a discussion about how nice people are nice to everyone and that doesn't (necessarily) mean that they also want to shag everyone... maybe he could go to some metal/rock clubs and see if he could meet some ladies there?

Jonluw said:
For some reason she's started drifting away from me lately. It might have something to do with her getting a boyfriend. I think there's a pattern in it you see. I lost contact with a different friend of mine a year earlier when she got a boyfriend.
That leaves two options as I see it:
1) The new boyfriend takes up a lot of time, so I'm not prioritized.
2) They were only staying in contact with me because they were trying to get into my pants.
There's an option 3 (although it's perhaps linked to option 2) that because you've had that sexual tension and history she simply feels like it's somewhat unfair on her relationship to be hanging around with someone who does or has made her feel that way. So it's not so much of a case of she was hoping to get off with you and now that she can't what's the point, it's more that she is aware that that may be a temptation and she feels it would be sensible to avoid it.
I was mostly just joking about those two options, you know.
In any case, I don't think 3 is the case. At least not with the first girl. Second one, eh, might be.
The first girl, however, told me she wanted to know why we hadn't had much contact lately.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
I'm ever so slightly worried I'm that dude now.

I'm very good friends with my ex - as in, she regularly phones me telling me she loves me, that I'm the best friend she has, that she doesn't know what she'd do without me, e.t.c. I made a mistake, and our relationship ended before it had a chance. Back then I didn't know her very well; now that I do, I'm completely in love with her. Yet, she has a boyfriend now.

Now, a few months ago she left for Brazil to do a charity volunteering... thing. I missed her terribly but I found that over time it just became the kind of caring that you might have for a good friend, and not someone you're in love with. About the same time, I started to get feelings for one of my other close female friends.

You can see where this is going.

Point is, my ex got back from Brazil today, and immediately phoned me, drunk, telling me she 'loves' me (as a friend, apparently) and how I was the person she missed the most. All those feelings came crashing back at once, and I stopped romanticizing female friend #2.

It's strange, because I'm happy loving someone I can't have. I'm not insecure or particularly self-conscious. Hell, I'm pretty arrogant. But as soon as she was out of my mind, those feelings just.... wandered off to the next person they could find.
Point of this is that feelings wander very quickly. If there's a guy who starts developing affections for ANYONE then chances are that guy is extremely desperate or has massive, unresolved romantic issues.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
SonicKaos said:
I'm going to suggest an alternative solution.

It sounds like you're part of a very wide social circle. You could try setting him up on a blind date. If you can get it to work out, chances are he'll get off everyone's backs and he'll be happy.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I was like your friend when I was 12~ish. Then I learnt quickly that girls are being nice because they are just nice people. The only way your friend will be able to pass this level is to tell it to himself that girl's aren't interested in him. Once he learns this then he will be able to function appropriately in society. Hopefully he can retain this behaviour whilst in the company of 'nice' girls and then he can slowly adjust his level of girls-being-interested-radar to that of a normal level. This may take some time....


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I do catch myself doing this sometimes, I tend not to dwell over it as much as this guy though.

Its pretty much just:
-make a friend who is female
-become infatuated by female
-ask female out
if yes - go out
if no - move on, probably continue to be friends unless they are awkward about it

I can't say that approach has been all that successful, but I don't really make that big a deal about it lol.

Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Some people believe that everyone is into them even if it is not true it does not mean with will stop also it could start with over confidence.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Reminds me of another thread that was posted recently :D

Some guys are so starved for female attention, that any attention that isn't negative is misconstrued as affection.
i grew up being ostracized from most of the female population of where i live, from a mixture of having an incredibly short temper and being just awkward(that has changed now obviously). and i can say this is so very true it hurts. i still find myself getting way too attracted to any female who shows even a slight bit of kindness to me.

and that along with a few other things have kept me completely out of the dating circle.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Pretty sad. When women are nice to me (a lot of the time) I just feel more comfortable telling jokes around them, and that's about it.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Oh dear.
Question for any females browsing the thread, does anyway get a similar impression when switching the roles? Because if so apparently I want to go around and fuck damn near every girl I've spoken to in the school.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I have a similar problem in that I become infatuated with any female who is nice to me or shows me a significant amount of attention. I have a really low opinion of myself and I have a sense of common courtesy, so I recognize that it's not their problem, but mine. I also believe that no women are attracted to me at all and I can't read signals for shit. So this results in lots of crying for me, too, the key difference being is that I do it at home, in bed, or on long walks at night. I don't bug other people with it, otherwise I would be "that guy." This is one of the many reasons why I do not drink alcohol.

Lugbzurg said:
Sometimes, these people might just have been through Hell in the past. After that, anything seems like an intimate gift.
Yup. Complete social isolation for many, many years. I have no friends right now and I've never had a real girlfriend (I'm 25). I think if I had some of these things, even for a little while, it wouldn't feel like such a big deal. But I don't, so I do think it's a big deal when someone notices me.

Pb Zeppelin

New member
Aug 5, 2010
I think everyone has this problem to an extent because everyone wants to receive affection (not necessarily sexual or intimate). Obviously if it gets out of hand (as in the case of the OP), then it needs attention. Good for you OP for helping your friend in a time of need.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
I think the poor guy has self esteem issues :/. It's kinda like what Jim Carrey says at the beginning of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (AKA the greatest movie ever), "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention?".