Guild Wars Inspires Woman to Walk Across America

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Guild Wars Inspires Woman to Walk Across America

ArenaNet honors her as a special Guild Wars 2 NPC.

Has a videogame ever inspired you to do something in real life? I remember that GTA: San Andreas made me try to work out more often after making protagonist CJ hit the gym in-game, but that's about it. A woman by the name of Kelly "Ameranth" Wells, however, found in ArenaNet's Guild Wars the inspiration to walk across the United States from coast to coast accompanied only by her faithful canine friend, Anna.

Wells explained on her blog why the MMO sparked the idea:

[blockquote]One day I was playing Guild Wars, running around in Ascalon helping pig farmers round up their pigs and little girls find their flutes, and I thought "Man, I wish I could live here. Just running around, seeing the land, helping people in need, and having adventures." Then came the epiphany:

Why the heck not?

And so my straightforward coast-to-coast walk got a little less straightforward and a lot more fun. Now instead of just walking along, I'm approaching the whole thing as if it were a game. Specifically, an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game). I've made up a brief character sheet for the players - namely myself and Anna - and I hope to complete quests (for example: various sights I hope to see) and unlock achievements (for example: each new state I walk into) along the way.

I mean, I've been playing Guild Wars for six years now - I think that's the longest I've ever done any one thing. It was bound to rub off on me in some way. I'm impressionable like that.[/blockquote]

On her way from Maine to California, Wells ended up walking into the offices of ArenaNet, which had learned of her mission. Guild Wars 2 designer Linsey Murdock called Wells' journey one of the "coolest things I have ever heard of! Ever!" It was one thing to get a tattoo inspired by a favorite game, said Murdock, but it was another to "take an epic journey across the country on foot with your trusty animal companion[.] That's magical."

ArenaNet has since immortalized Wells in one of the most appropriate (and suitably awesome) ways ever - with her own Guild Wars 2 NPC []. Ameranth (Wells' online handle) is one of GW2's sylvari plant people. Unlike the others of her kind, however, Ameranth can be found wandering around the world far from her home tree, accompanied by her faithful sylvan hound companion Anna.

Maybe "Anna" isn't the most creative name for a plant-dog-thing in a fantasy world, sure, but it's hard to deny how awesome it is that she - and her owner - are now in it.

Source: ArenaNet []



New member
Mar 17, 2010
Man, I've wanted to walk across the states for a while, but if I ever do it now, people are going to say, "Oh, you're just copying that MMO girl."


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Sounds fun, actually. I'm kinda jealous.

...also reminds me of geocaching, for some reason.
Sep 14, 2009
i'm the hell do people have the time to do this? can you honestly just up and leave your life, just like that, on a hunch? Good god would my life be screwed when I came back if I just up and left to do something like that...hell for a couple days, let alone however long it took her to do that.

still, kudos, bet she had calves of steel after that, not to mention a booty that you could bounce a quarter off of.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
gmaverick019 said:
i'm the hell do people have the time to do this? can you honestly just up and leave your life, just like that, on a hunch?
Yep. It's easier than it looks, and happens more often than you think. Hollywood alone should be proof enough of that.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
gmaverick019 said:
i'm the hell do people have the time to do this? can you honestly just up and leave your life, just like that, on a hunch? Good god would my life be screwed when I came back if I just up and left to do something like that...hell for a couple days, let alone however long it took her to do that.

still, kudos, bet she had calves of steel after that, not to mention a booty that you could bounce a quarter off of.
It's hard to leave everything behind to do something as time consuming as this, I know (I mean, I haven't walked that distance, but you get the idea), but it's entirely possible. Heck, maybe even after finishing your epic journey, you could get even more respect (no offense) from your family and co-workers. Even more respect to your own self.

OT: That's awesome :D, I love Guild Wars, it's just one of those games I always keep installed in my hard drive and I just keep coming back to it, I just simply can't get enough of it. Maybe it gets a bit boring sometimes, but I just move on to other games, keep a few sabathical weeks or months and when I come back to it, it just feels like an old friend greeting me and happily having a drink with me.

I shall name my next ***** dog Anna.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
(For players of the original Guild Wars)
I smell the new "Nicholas the Traveller" type NPC....

Well, that's how I see it as from the description anyway...

OT: Yeah, don't know how she managed to just leave her life on hold for the (x) number of months it'd take to walk that far...
You would either need to be self-employed, the CEO of a company, unemployed, or have someone who is unemployed to fill your life for you....
As for the cost to do the entire trip?
I don't even want to count....


New member
Jun 14, 2011
She's gonna hit the rockies and then we'll never hear about this again. I spent a week in Colorado and just going to the liquor store meant I'd have to notify my next of kin in case I didn't make it back.

Grey Day for Elcia

New member
Jan 15, 2012
John Funk said:
"coolest things I have ever heard of! Ever!"
God I hope that's a misquote. Some random chick decides to go for a walk and that's the coolest thing you've ever heard of? Nothing like perspective, is there. I guess the doctors performing groundbreaking surgery to save patients or the man who saved one billion lives through revolutionary crop science (yes, one billion) are not quite as cool.

Humans... Pfft.


New member
Oct 2, 2011
Grey Day for Elcia said:
John Funk said:
"coolest things I have ever heard of! Ever!"
God I hope that's a misquote. Some random chick decides to go for a walk and that's the coolest thing you've ever heard of? Nothing like perspective, is there. I guess the doctors performing groundbreaking surgery to save patients or the man who saved one billion lives through revolutionary crop science (yes, one billion) are not quite as cool.

Humans... Pfft.

Are you talking about Norman Borlaug?

Grey Day for Elcia

New member
Jan 15, 2012
TheVioletBandit said:
Grey Day for Elcia said:
John Funk said:
"coolest things I have ever heard of! Ever!"
God I hope that's a misquote. Some random chick decides to go for a walk and that's the coolest thing you've ever heard of? Nothing like perspective, is there. I guess the doctors performing groundbreaking surgery to save patients or the man who saved one billion lives through revolutionary crop science (yes, one billion) are not quite as cool.

Humans... Pfft.

Are you talking about Norman Borlaug?
Yeah. He will be missed :'(


New member
Feb 2, 2009
Acrisius said:
I'm so jelly...
I heard she didn't sleep at motels or anything, she just camped. How did she shower and get food..?
The only answer I can think of for this question is good old mother nature :p


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Damn, that's actually pretty cool, and one hell of a reward for the efforts of an adoring fan. It's nice to hear an up-beat news story once in a while, and then watch someone shit all over it.. *sigh*

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
Kind of odd how her goals changed from altruistic (helping people in need) to consumerist (seeing sights) when she made the transition from the virtual world to the physical.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Don Reba said:
Kind of odd how her goals changed from altruistic (helping people in need) to consumerist (seeing sights) when she made the transition from the virtual world to the physical.
Maybe she would give homeless people money if they had giant yellow explanation points over their heads.