halo 3 replica.


New member
Dec 4, 2007
i was wondering if anyone knew where i would be able to buy a replica gun from any of the halo games. so far iv only seen the plasma pistol and rifle >.<
i would love all info :)

The Wizard

New member
May 17, 2008
yeah they aren't exactly replicas. I seem to remember hearing about a model AR being made.

If your a die hard halo fan, go buy some Styrofoam ;)

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
The Wizard said:
yeah they aren't exactly replicas. I seem to remember hearing about a model AR being made.

If your a die hard halo fan, go buy some Styrofoam ;)
Your a noob, the guns in halo arn't made of stryrofoam, they are made of metal. Go buy some metal and make the gun.

Nah I have no idea where you can get the replica's from. However I do know the only replica's you can buy are the covernant guns because the marine firearms appear to "lifel like". Having 12 year olds running around with Battle Rifles would upset many a mother.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
If you're English you can buy them off Play.com, I also heard they made a replica Energy Sword, not sure that was a good idea though, 11 year old kids with big pointy swords attempting a halo lunge.

The Wizard

New member
May 17, 2008
Fire Daemon said:
The Wizard said:
yeah they aren't exactly replicas. I seem to remember hearing about a model AR being made.

If your a die hard halo fan, go buy some Styrofoam ;)
Your a noob, the guns in halo arn't made of stryrofoam, they are made of metal. Go buy some metal and make the gun.

Nah I have no idea where you can get the replica's from. However I do know the only replica's you can buy are the covernant guns because the marine firearms appear to "lifel like". Having 12 year olds running around with Battle Rifles would upset many a mother.
Hmm... If he seriously wants a replica the best way is to make it. I would use Styrofoam because it is easy to shape. Metal would be pretty hard unless you happen to have some forming machines.

The covenant guns are cheap but look pretty cool. The sword looks pretty crap, tbh.

I don't see the reason for calling me a 'noob' just because i am new to these forums. My input was more helpful than yours and I seriously doubt that a replica wouldn't be made for the reason you stated.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
The Wizard said:
The covenant guns are cheap but look pretty cool. The sword looks pretty crap, tbh.

I don't see the reason for calling me a 'noob' just because i am new to these forums. My input was more helpful than yours and I seriously doubt that a replica wouldn't be made for the reason you stated.
pretty sure he was kidding dude, making a real laser cannon would be kinda difficult wouldnt it

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
The Wizard said:
Fire Daemon said:
The Wizard said:
yeah they aren't exactly replicas. I seem to remember hearing about a model AR being made.

If your a die hard halo fan, go buy some Styrofoam ;)
Your a noob, the guns in halo arn't made of stryrofoam, they are made of metal. Go buy some metal and make the gun.

Nah I have no idea where you can get the replica's from. However I do know the only replica's you can buy are the covernant guns because the marine firearms appear to "lifel like". Having 12 year olds running around with Battle Rifles would upset many a mother.
Hmm... If he seriously wants a replica the best way is to make it. I would use Styrofoam because it is easy to shape. Metal would be pretty hard unless you happen to have some forming machines.

The covenant guns are cheap but look pretty cool. The sword looks pretty crap, tbh.

I don't see the reason for calling me a 'noob' just because i am new to these forums. My input was more helpful than yours and I seriously doubt that a replica wouldn't be made for the reason you stated.
I was joking, I was claiming that if you need to make a true replica you must make a real gun. Sorry if I caused offense.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Some people have some crazy things... I remember this one guy who made a pretty damn realistic Assault Rifle. It was pretty good.


New member
Mar 11, 2008
I have a small Ghost replica, i named him Casper.

*strokes it reassuringly as he rocks back and forth*


Feb 5, 2008
Email Bungie. They're active enough in the community that one of them, with a little prodding, just might respond.

Just don't mention recon armor.


Apr 24, 2008
i made myself a gravity hammer

then i programmed it wrong and it fell upwards...

so much time lost...


New member
Feb 5, 2008
i don't see how you can have difficulty finding one where i live they have them in every shop that has anything remotely related to gaming. Admittedly though they only have plasma rifle and plasma pistol in most shops. but time trek(not been in there as they don't sell games) has an abundance of different model including the awesome pistol from halo combat evolved. as well as most of the human weapons par the laser and rocket launcher.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
Speaking of which, (The picture to the right is not me) [img_inline width="170" caption="Helghast!"]http://www.xavier-marquis.com/albums/userpics/10001/rifle.jpg[/img_inline]

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
Melaisis said:
CosmicStorms said:
11 year old kids with big pointy swords attempting a halo lunge.
And that's just on Live!
Well then good sir, you clearly don't live near the same kids I do. Damn lifelike disembowling action...

I saw on some website a glow-in-the-dark 3ft Energy Sword replica, and a 7ft Gravity Hammer. I think it was some kind of LARPing site.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007

Halo.bungie.org head guru "Louis Wu" received a replica battle rifle created by a Halo fan. There's a fair number of fan recreations; there was even a company that had an, er, "agreement" is probably the best word, letting them create limited batches of replica Mjolnir suits... but I understand that's no longer the case.

Other than the lasertag sets, though, I don't know of any replicas available at retailers.

-- Steve