Harmonix May Pass on Rock Band 3 in 2009

Jared Rea

New member
Aug 11, 2008
Harmonix May Pass on Rock Band 3 in 2009

The kings of rhythm gaming place all hands on deck for The Beatles while continuing their focus on downloadable content.

With annual sales of both Activision's Guitar Hero and Harmonix's own Rock Band franchises seeing strong, but passing [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/87539-World-Tour-Sales-Half-of-Guitar-Hero-III] on an annual sequel to Rock Band in 2009.

Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos took the stage at the Consumer Electronic Show [http://www.cesweb.org/] to talk about the future for the thriving developer which will be quite busy preparing the upcoming Beatles game, based on the Rock Band platform. With all of their creative energy going towards the all important title, it makes sense for it to pass on the easy sequel for more than one reason. While Staci Kramer of PaidContent points out that it would help prevent it from becoming a one-trick pony, it would also keep Harmonix from spreading itself too thin. A trap that seems quite easy to fall into, having resulted in the multiple, staggered releases of previous Rock Band games across all platforms.

That doesn't mean that Rock Band fans would be without their fix as Harmonix will of course continue their weekly content releases. The library available for the full-band platform is well over 500 songs at this point and Harmonix looks to be pushing themselves hard on boosting this number much, much higher and for good reason, as Rigopulos revealed that his company has sold more than 30 million song downloads to date.

As with every Rigopulos appearance, someone just had to ask: "When will we see keyboards in Rock Band?" His response: "The only answer I can give now is maybe." As for the need to include a keyboard in The Beatles game for songs like Yesterday-"that has occurred to us." Well, how else do they expect us to play "Let it Be [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oZYqAeIdYk]?"

Nov 28, 2007
Good. Right now, Rock Band 2 with DLC is more than enough, along with the Beatles content. They'd only be wasting money making a third, because most people are feeling a bit weary of music games, I imagine.


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
I didn't really see much difference between Rock Band 1 and 2, so I don't see why they would bother making a new one. DLC is fine for now.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
DLC is enough for right now. And if they do make Rock Band 3 then they should choice songs that are three stars and up.

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
A keyboard? Seriously?? I understand that it's needed for those Beatles songs...but the bloody game is already about pressing buttons, are we just gonna hook up an actual keyboard to the console and actually play the damn song??


New member
Sep 9, 2008
xitel said:
I didn't really see much difference between Rock Band 1 and 2, so I don't see why they would bother making a new one. DLC is fine for now.
Oh, there was a huge difference between 1 and 2. In 2, you didn't need to create a band for every different configuration of people and instruments you wanted to play with.

Having to create a new band when our singer threw a tantrum and quit for the night because she had to sing a song that she didn't know and didn't do well at was a royal pain in the arse, but then a new one when we threw drums into the mix? Arrrgh!


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
Isaac Dodgson said:
A keyboard? Seriously?? I understand that it's needed for those Beatles songs...but the bloody game is already about pressing buttons, are we just gonna hook up an actual keyboard to the console and actually play the damn song??
Why not?


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I'm pretty pleased with this move. I think it is a good idea to just keep giving us new DLC songs. It also shows that they aren't trying to squeeze all the money that they can get out of us, as opposed to some other game companies I could mention.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
I wish they'd think up an entirely new kind of game to use with those controllers. I want to use the power of music to shoot laser beams.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Jared Rea said:
As with every Rigopulos appearance, someone just had to ask: "When will we see keyboards in Rock Band?" His response: "The only answer I can give now is maybe."
Wait a second... that doesn't answer the question, does it?


New member
May 7, 2008
I didn't see a big difference between RB1 and RB2. basically, updated controllers. I don't feel like dropping 60 some odd bucks on a new guitar right now. and I just can't justify spending 60 bucks on what's basically a song pack. what they should have done was dropped the new songs on the store as DLC, released new controllers and called it a day

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
BobisOnlyBob said:
Isaac Dodgson said:
A keyboard? Seriously?? I understand that it's needed for those Beatles songs...but the bloody game is already about pressing buttons, are we just gonna hook up an actual keyboard to the console and actually play the damn song??
Why not?
Well...i mean its...the point of....



#virgil { display:none; }
Jun 13, 2002
VaioStreams said:
I didn't see a big difference between RB1 and RB2. basically, updated controllers. I don't feel like dropping 60 some odd bucks on a new guitar right now. and I just can't justify spending 60 bucks on what's basically a song pack. what they should have done was dropped the new songs on the store as DLC, released new controllers and called it a day
If all you do is play solo, or quick-play (single or multiplayer) there's not much difference between the two games other than some better organization and sorting of the track listings.

If you created a band and play with multiple people, and play multiple instruments, there's a big difference in the usability. There's also a significant upgrade for online play.

RB2 wasn't intended to be a huge change in gameplay though - it's mostly just additional features based on user requests. That's why all the DLC and all the instruments work with both versions. If RB1 is working for you, stick with it, and if you ever decide to switch you can take all the songs with you.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I'm still waiting for the console versions of IIDX [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IIDX] to become a little more popular. I'm pretty mediocre at it, but it's still a lot of fun (I have 10 different versions for PS2...)
Here's an example of one of my favourite songs (on the actual arcade machine):