Have you ever done anything dumb in gaming?

Orks da best

New member
Oct 12, 2011
To spite the endless hatred on these forms nowadays (not endless techniclly but far more common than it has any right to be...)
Lets have a tread about our biggest failures in gaming, or ones that we saw.

I've had many, but one of the recent has appear as a clip of achievement hunter's fail videos.
http://ah.roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=2988&v=more at 2:42, yea I blew myself up...

Another recent one is in World of Tanks well more so a fail on the other person but still. A chruchill tank had postion itself ontop a leadge above me in a M8A1 and a VK3001H, and I kept shooting his tread keeping him permaimbolized and unable to postion himself to fire upon me and allie while the VK shot his undercarriage. Take note tankers, do not place yourself atop leadge, you will be imbolized and then shot to bits.

What are some of your fails?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Ask my XCOM group :)

Here is my (latest) fuck-up:

Pink circles back to our spawn to flank the flanking Floater. He has an 82% chance to hit but misses. Ying fires a rocket at the Floater, killing it...oh fuck.

The rocket's explosion evidently was JUST close enough to hit two cars in the area. The cars explode. Unfortunately, Pink was right behind one of these cars and the explosion kills him instantly.

Pink is not the first and will not be the last death in XCOM due to Command's stupidity.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
When I first played Chrono Cross there's a part, fairly early on, when you have to meet up with this 'mysterious magician' in a dinner.

The problem was I was too STUPID to realize you had to move BACK and go BEHIND the counter.
I must have replayed that section over and over...and then finally quit for a few months...because I kept thinking I need to go though the DOOR.

This was before all those 'FAQ' sites were around, so I finally found out what I was doing wrong when I FINALLY got to a Hastings and read the stat guide.

Talk about a REALLY REALLY retarded moment.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I didn't tell Kelly Chambers to leave the Citadel in Mass Effect 3. The result was pretty heartbreaking.

I got Daikatana at full price. That was also heartbreaking.


A flayed man holds no secrets.
Apr 22, 2011
If got £1 for every time I did something stupid during a raid on World of Warcraft, I wouldn't be rich, but I'd have a lot more money in my pocket. When targeting a boss, I might accident attack it with a spell, the amount of times when the raid tried to sneak past a group of enemies, and I'd always be the one to aggro them.

I guess you could class this as dumb, today on Bioshock Infinite, I was trying to find a third objective, literally just ran around and swung on the rails for 15 minutes before I found where I had to go. I kicked myself hard.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Some people said, in a particular space sim game, that in one of the first few missions, flying off in a Tyderian Shuttle in order to take on the Death Star was stupid.
Ok, 9 hours later, success ... but my wrist hurt so bad I couldn't write for a week.
Of course, this was during a time in my life when being able to use a pen was sorta important.

I disagree. It was worth it.

Bleidd Whitefalcon

New member
Mar 8, 2012
tippy2k2 said:
Ask my XCOM group :)

Here is my (latest) fuck-up:

Pink circles back to our spawn to flank the flanking Floater. He has an 82% chance to hit but misses. Ying fires a rocket at the Floater, killing it...oh fuck.

The rocket's explosion evidently was JUST close enough to hit two cars in the area. The cars explode. Unfortunately, Pink was right behind one of these cars and the explosion kills him instantly.

Pink is not the first and will not be the last death in XCOM due to Command's stupidity.
He gets golden TVs instead of cloning us and getting us back into the fight :p And he refuses to get paint so we can make armor some color besides red.

OT: I accidentally put Mordin in the ducts the first time I played ME2... was heartbroken when he died :(


New member
Jun 1, 2011
TheSaw said:
I guess you could class this as dumb, today on Bioshock Infinite, I was trying to find a third objective, literally just ran around and swung on the rails for 15 minutes before I found where I had to go. I kicked myself hard.
I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about, and I did the same exact thing.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
When I played Chrono Trigger as a kid I never managed to figure out how to bring Chrono back to life. I was really pissed because I'd spent most of my tabs on him and never got any of them back. Ended up just rebuilding my team with Robo, Frog, and Ayla. Recently I was watching Two Best Friends do a lets play of Chrono Trigger and saw how Pat brought Chrono back to life, and totally facepalmed my 6 year old self.

I also never allowed Megas into my party because he was a dick, but I feel justified doing that.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Tacticity said:
TheSaw said:
I guess you could class this as dumb, today on Bioshock Infinite, I was trying to find a third objective, literally just ran around and swung on the rails for 15 minutes before I found where I had to go. I kicked myself hard.
I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about, and I did the same exact thing.
Are you guys talking about the Hall of Heroes? Because if so, I did the same thing. Ran back and forth between the entrance and the gondola switch for like 20 minutes before I remembered I could hit the "N" button to bring up the navigation arrow.

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
300 games into SMITE I suddenly found myself in a televised match with ROOT's Mattypocket, and we were laning together. Lets just say I didn't do so well. I caused him some early deaths, we lost the lane, and we lost the match. My bad.

[VVGO]: Oops!


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I guess the dumbest thing i did was one i did on purpose. It was in BF1942 the coral sea map (where everyone spawns on the carrier) and i put explosive packs everywhere and than when people respawned *boom*. Insta-ban from the server :D Childish but worth it


New member
Jul 14, 2010
In Twilight Princess, on my first playthrough, when i was at the part where i had to save the kid that was kidnapped by the gobblins. I got to the open forest part (the place that will be covered by poison fog), instead of going the right way, i climbed a hill and tried to jump the tall and thin tree stumps (i thought that that was the right way to go back then), that would later serve another purpose.

I tried to jump and cross the stumps for almost an hour, and, when i realised that i was going the wrong way, i felt like a complete moron.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Yesterday i was playing chrono cross and i got to the part where i need to get all the dragon relics . Now when i got to the black dragon for some reason i couldn't talk to him . But despite that , i spent a solid hour running around in the tiny area pressing X everywhere thinking that i have to be at the right spot . After an hour i gave up , went outside and talked to a NPC that told me the dragon was asleep.

I forgot to wake him up . Wasted an hour of my life for nothing.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
When I played Counter Strike my brain suddenly stopped and I forgot which side I was on so I started killing my own team. This is why you should turn off friendly fire.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Only one that comes to mind was after playing Borderlands 2 for ages, I decided to play Skyrim for a bit. First cliff I have to get down I think I'm still in the Borderlands universe and jump right off, thinking I'll land A-Okay. Half way down I think "I'm a moron."


New member
Oct 9, 2008
I threw a grenade at a mongoose in Halo: Reach; killing me and 2 teammates who were standing next to it.

In Killzone 3, it wasn't me doing the stupid, but I stuck a turret in front of a choke-point and prox. mines on the other side and every time an enemy died on the prox. mines I replaced them.

It took 10 enemy deaths to destroy 1 turret and then I just killed them and put down another turret and more mines.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Not sure if this is in the same vein, but I went through the whole Redcliffe and half the mage quest line in Dragon Age: Origins skipping Leliana. This seems to be something people do often, my brother-in-law missed both her and Sten. I, on the other hand, went back and loaded a Lothering save to get her. Glad I did, she was my favorite Bioware romance by far.