Heavy Rain Move Support Dated

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Heavy Rain Move Support Dated

Quantic Dream's psychological thriller will include actual motion controls very soon.

Heavy Rain [http://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Rain-Playstation-3/dp/B002CZ38KA/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1284481383&sr=1-1] was one of those games that almost felt like it had motion controls, even though it didn't. Rotate the stick to open the car door, jab the button to punch a guy in the chops - it all felt very gestural, even though there weren't many gestures involved. It hardly came as a surprise then, when it was confirmed that Heavy Rain was getting Move support at some point this fall.

As it turns out, we won't have long to wait, because Quantic Dream is releasing a free patch that adds support for the peripheral on September 22nd, just a few days after Move launches. In order to take advantage of the new controls, you'll have to invest in the main controller, the PlayStation Eye and the sub-controller. If you've picked up Move, but you're not sure about Heavy Rain, you'll be able to give a Move-compatible demo a try the following week.

While the idea of getting even more immersed in Heavy Rain than you can with a controller sounds pretty appealing, it's somewhat soured by the knowledge that getting Move support so soon effectively killed [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/101506-Move-Puts-Heavy-Rain-DLC-on-Indefinite-Hold] off any more DLC past The Taxidermist. Gamers will be able to decide for themselves if the trade was worth it next week.

Source: 1up [http://www.1up.com/news/heavy-rain-move-support-september-22 ]



The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
I could see the Move working with this kinda game actually - Not too taxing, and not too dull at same time


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Hubilub said:

I want my DLC!
Seconded and DAAAMN.
Fucking-a, I love Heavy Rain more than the next guy but I'm not going to buy a controller just to play it again.
What I would do is buy new story packs, even if they were horrendously overpriced, because I need more Heavy Rain.
But this? I don't get it. Let's face it, Move - casual, Heavy Rain - horribly depressing and dark.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So they're intentionally making Heavy Rain even more unplayable?

Money well spent, Sony.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
move may a
Casual Shinji said:
So they're intentionally making Heavy Rain even more unplayable?

Money well spent, Sony.
it may actually make it more playable... if the ps3 reads your movements at all


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
Logan Westbrook said:
In order to take advantage of the new controls, you'll have to invest in the main controller, the PlayStation Eye and the sub-controller.
Are you sure you need the Sub Controller (the nun chuck add on I guess) because Sony promised we'd all be able to use DualShocks, and I have 3 of them so it'd be nice to have the non modded* one as a Sub Move controller.

Also will The Escapist be re reviewing the game with the whole new controls?, I mean is this a reviewable thing?

*no, my DualShocks aren't modded for lag switching or any foul play, but they have holes in them for LED's and shit, purely cosmetic I assure you, although the waranty is out since I took a dremel drill to them.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
Giantcain said:
move may a
Casual Shinji said:
So they're intentionally making Heavy Rain even more unplayable?

Money well spent, Sony.
it may actually make it more playable... if the ps3 reads your movements at all
No the Eyetoy reads the "lightbulb" on the "Move Wand" and I should "stop" using air "quotes", that Kinect thing that MS are touting uses clever motion capture wizardary, in technical terms the camera films you... witchcraft happens, and then your movement is in game!


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I loved Heavy Rain, not enough people gave it a chance because "It's just an interactive movie! blah blah blah!" and crap. It's more than that if you just stick with it. It's not for everyone, but I encourage everyone to at least try it.

Anyway, this sounds pretty interesting. I personally would have loved more DLC, but oh well. If I get a Move I'll definitely try it out, sounds nifty.