Help a fellow Escapist by answering two short questions!


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Male, no.

I question the usefulness of your research. I guess their might be a correspondence between gender and liking metal but what then? Are you going to show a relationship between gender and other types of music? Are you going to do more studies on people who like metal? Where does it go from here?


New member
Jun 20, 2010

(Unless it's the " drummer bang sh*t as fast and hard as possible, singer growel unintelligibly" type.

Might want to add further specification. As with Rap, Alternative rock, and techno, there Metal is a very broad category. Maybe throw up 3 songs like PoisonUnagi did on page one and ask "Do you like atleast 2 of these three?"


New member
Jul 21, 2008
mysecondlife said:
Tonimata said:
Hello everyone! I find myself having to do a statistical research, and I've decided you guys are going to be my population! (Feel honored). What I need you guys to do, as the title says, is to answer two short questions, namely:

What gender are you?
Do you like metal music, yes or no?

Simple as that, spread the word of this thread around, since I need as big a population as possible to help my case!

Thanks a bunch guys, you're doing me a huge favour

EDIT: I'm not adding a poll because I need the independent values of each possible outcome of the variable, and because I'll be cropping the population to a sample of the first 300 users that reply.

EDIT: Don't be absolutist about your likeness of heavy metal, if you like it just a bit, then you count as a yes on my book. Besides, bear in mind, this is for educational purposes, and it doesn't have any relevance whatsoever. On the other hand, if you're unsure if what you like is "heavy", post a video, and I'll take my own conclusions from that :)

EDIT: I'd like to stress this a bunch: SPREAD THE WORD! I need as big a population as possible, and I'm asking you, please please please, make it happen! Post the link on other threads, on group chats, anything! Thanks again!
I really doubt asking Escapists on these kinds of stuff is the best statistical approach. music forum, school, busy streets with pedestrians sounds better
I'm aware of that, and I chose The Escapist as my demographic for the statistic because I felt like it, pretty much :p


New member
Sep 10, 2010
What gender are you? Male
Do you like metal music? Very much so, yes.

Good luck with whatever it is you're doing. =)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
What gender are you?I am male.

Do you like metal music, yes or no? Yes.