HELP - Pokemon Diamond EV Training Questions


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Hello, fellow escapists! It's been a long time since my last post here, but I hope you can help me.
I will cut to the chase: I've started playing Pokemon Diamond on my DS again and I'd like to at least try to give some great stats to my nice and dear Pokemon.

Quick Disclaimer: I don't consider myself as a hardcore trainer. I like to know more about the mechanics, I spend some time reading about the details of pokemon, I've memorized the type chart, I have the Natures chart saved on my desktop, and I like to plan what moves I want my pokemon to have and how to breed them accordingly.
However, I really don't go out of my way to have the "perfect" pokemon. Right now, I've begun catching 2, 3 or sometimes 4 of the same pokemon, to have some variety (especially in moves). If one of them has the right Nature, good. If not, tough luck. I won't spend more than three hours looking for and capturing an Adamant Magikarp, or God forbid, a Modest Abra with the Synchronize Ability (I shudder just imagining how long that would take). The same goes for some moves that need like, two or three levels of breeding. Also, by the end of this, I won't care if my Gyarados ends up with 255 EVs in Attack, instead of the recommended 252. If it's got max Attack, I'll be happy.

I've already looked up on and bulbapedia and I have some idea about how EV training goes, but I still have some questions that weren't answered on those websites:

1 - I've gone through the game, battling everything that came up my way, and I really have no idea how the EVs are distributed in my oldest Pokemon. I would like to especially, max the Attack stat of my heavy hitters (Infernape, Gyarados, Dialga, Luxray, Machamp, Toxicroak, Drapion, Mamoswine, etc). I know they must beat up pokemon that give Att EVs (Staravia and Kricketune, for example, give 2 EVs each, if I'm not mistaken). I have a Macho Brace, so I assume that, if I equip on my Toxicroak, it'll get 4 EVs each battle, and if my Gyarados is holding an Exp Share, it'll also get 4 EVs in Attack. Is this correct?

2 - I saw that some berries claim to reduce the EVs in some stats. I fed Hondew berries to my Infernape to lower its Special Attack and then fed it some Proteins. I know the limit of EVs that Vitamins can give is 100. Following this train of thought, I would feed my Alakazam Kelpsy berries to lower its Attack stat and feed it 10 Calciums to make sure it has 100 EVs in Sp. Attack and then, I would battle some Roselias (+2 Sp. Attack) for good measure. Would this work?

For now, this is all. Sorry for the long post.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
First of all, you wanna breed new pokes with the right nature if you care for EVs, since that's a flat 10% bonus without any work to the right stat. Take that opportunity to teach egg-moves when necessary, ones they wouldn't learn normally or through tms.

Using berries is way more impractical to just breeding a new poke and feeding that one the required meds and then ev training it. I'd advise you to also find someone with Pokerus and trade with them but it'd prolly be hard at this time.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Thank you, Dreiko! I hadn't realized how big the Nature boost was. Still, it just seems dumb luck which Natures come my way. If I catch a Pokemon with a good Nature, I'll take advantage of it. Otherwise, I won't bother too much about it. At least I'll try to get a Pokemon with a Nature that doesn't screw it over.
However, I would still like to know if I was correct in my assumptions. Especially the stat-lowering Berries with Vitamins combo. Does this really work, or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

Also, would it be correct to say that, if I want a Gyarados with 252 EVs in Attack, I could equip it with Macho Brace (x2 EVs) and fight 63 Staravias (252/4 = 63). Is this how it works?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Amaury_games said:
Thank you, Dreiko! I hadn't realized how big the Nature boost was. Still, it just seems dumb luck which Natures come my way. If I catch a Pokemon with a good Nature, I'll take advantage of it. Otherwise, I won't bother too much about it. At least I'll try to get a Pokemon with a Nature that doesn't screw it over.
However, I would still like to know if I was correct in my assumptions. Especially the stat-lowering Berries with Vitamins combo. Does this really work, or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

Also, would it be correct to say that, if I want a Gyarados with 252 EVs in Attack, I could equip it with Macho Brace (x2 EVs) and fight 63 Staravias (252/4 = 63). Is this how it works?
Well, not with Staravias (those give Speed, not Attack), but you got the right idea. Here is a list of the Pokemon and the EVs they give.

EDIT: Changed the list for Pokemon Diamond.

Also the berries + Vitamin combo does work. With 11 Kelpsy berries you'll lower the Pokemon's EV Attack to 0. Note that this only works if your Pokemon has already EVs in attack.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Ah! Thank you very much, CaitSeith! It's good to know I was on the right track with the Berries+Vitamin combo.
I can't believe I mixed up the EVs for Staravia! I assumed it gave Att EVs, because I remembered Staraptor's famous moves like Close Combat and Brave Bird. I could just kick myself!

By the way, what happens after I max out the EVs in a certain stat, or all EVs for that matter? Then, does this mean that all the other Pokemon I defeat while leveling up won't affect any stat? For example, if I max out my pokemon's EVs by the time they're level 20, I won't have to worry about EVs anymore and I would be able to just focus on experience?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Amaury_games said:
By the way, what happens after I max out the EVs in a certain stat, or all EVs for that matter? Then, does this mean that all the other Pokemon I defeat while leveling up won't affect any stat? For example, if I max out my pokemon's EVs by the time they're level 20, I won't have to worry about EVs anymore and I would be able to just focus on experience?
Exactly. A Pokemon can have only up to 510 EVs in total across all their stats (and each stat can have max 255 each, so people usually focus on two stats). Once the Pokemon reach the 510 EVs, it can't get more.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
You should just use Platinum since diamond and pearl are very slow.