Horse eBooks and Pronunciation Book Join for ARG


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Horse eBooks and Pronunciation Book Join for ARG

Bear Stearns Bravo, an alternate reality game, launched today as the creators of Horse eBooks and Pronunciation Book revealed their partnership.

The creator of Pronunciation Book [] revealed they teamed together to make an interactive video called Bear Stearns Bravo. Jacob Bakkila, creative director of Buzzfeed, and Thomas Bender, previous vice president of product development at Howcast, have been working together on the game for four years.

This morning, Horse eBooks tweeted a link to a Pronunciation Books video called "How to Pronounce Horse_ebooks." A link in the video description and another tweet linked to the new alternate reality game where you are either a banker or a regulator. It starts out like a normal video, but gives you options to click to take different paths in a story taking place in Los Angeles.

Bear Stearns Bravo also leads to BravoNET, where you can sign up [] for...something for $7. You sign up as a banker or a regulator, and joining grants a lifetime membership to BravoNET and access to "Second Impact." Features of the "art project" are access to a "revolutionary computer network with full-text message boards and personalized interDactive modules. News, sports, stock quotes...romance?"

Bakkila and Bender said they will no longer maintain Horse eBooks and Pronunciation Book. "No one wants to work on a painting forever," Bakkila said. "When it's done, it's done. We're ready for the experience of whatever this next piece is."

Source: The New Yorker []



New member
Oct 30, 2010
Pronunciation Book sucks, Pronunciation Manual would have been better. However, that guy is too smart do do something lame like this or the horrible Twitter poetry jam from back in March.

Edit: they seriously compared their respective "creations" to fine art? Holy delusions, Batman!


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Still trying to get my head around this, but it sounds cool. With it obviously revolving around Bear Sterns I bet "second impact" is referring to another economic collapse like in 08'. I'm guessing the point of the game is to prevent "second impact", hehe. If this is supposed to educate people about the crimes that took place during the 08' crash then I applaud them for tackling the issue, and the cryptic and epic tone of the ARG so far has actually been pretty fitting if it's about the crash imo.

And I know it's obvious everyone is going to rage against this but I don't know why, it's not like we had any idea what it was going to be or even how big of a deal it was going to be.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
McGuinty1 said:
Pronunciation Book sucks, Pronunciation Manual would have been better. However, that guy is too smart do do something lame like this or the horrible Twitter poetry jam from back in March.

Edit: they seriously compared their respective "creations" to fine art? Holy delusions, Batman!
Pronunciation Manual is a spoof of Pronunciation Book, they makers of the ARG probably have nothing to do with it.

And personally I'm going to hold off on my judgment of how impressive their art is until we get to see the whole picture, the meaning behind the game and everything.