How disturbed where you when you saw todays Jimquisition?


New member
Jul 14, 2011
I wasn't shocked at all...maybe that says something bad about me as a person, but it was just a guy shooting himself in the head. A bit of blood and the fact that somebody I don't care about ended their life isn't going to disturb me. Though chances are if it was somebody I cared about I would feel differently.

I still agree with Jim's position, and I think that it's silly that people think video games of all things desensitize people to violence.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I don't know if I would call what I felt disturbed but I felt... weighted... Like... the gravity of what I was watching was impressed upon me.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
OT: I must admit I didn't feel much. I think it was lack of context, I mean, I never heard of the man, and then there's a very quick almost non-graphical scene of his suicide, it caused no impact on me... I'm not, however, invulnerable to violence. The videos concerning Josef Koni felt like a journey through hell for me though. I also felt the pain when I met this Vietnam war veteran in Disneyland and he told me his story: he had this cute little dog and I went to pet it when I saw one of those "please don't pet" signs on it, so I asked him if I could pet the little girlie and he said "yes, sure", and he told me how the dog saved his life and how much joy it gave him; he had had it for psychiatric reasons, it was trained to remember him to take his medications and it also calmed him, he then went on to explain why he need it (I didn't ask, but i guess he felt better telling), he said he was supposed to have looked out for traps but must've missed something, he turned out to be the only survivor in his platoon and since then he can't sleep (maybe he blames himself, for surviving? you know how people in those situations at times shift all the blame for themselves), he's always alarmed, etc.
Those examples moved me much more than the suicide video, maybe the video would've had a similar effect for me had I been given more context.

RedDeadFred said:
It was disturbing for me but not nearly as much as a video I saw about a year ago. I won't post the actual video because it's of a real person and it's very fucked up, I'll just describe what happens in it. It's fucked up so don't click on the box if you don't want to hear about it.
The video is of a guy jumping off a tall building into the water below. He missed his jump and his face hits the corner of the sidewalk right before he falls into the water unconscious. You see a massive amount of blood in the water, people are screaming and crying. It then buts to footage of him in the hospital. His face is almost completely cut in half down the middle. Doctors are trying to hold it together and the guy is still alive. He dies two days later.
That video still disturbs me just thinking about it even after seeing it so long ago. I never watched it again but it's still very vivid. I play a lot of violent games that show head exploding and people getting chopped up in slow motion. They don't phase me but real life stuff is pretty traumatizing.
I know this video, it IS very unpleasant... There're many other videos, just as bad, about car accidents, I remember one with a girl whose car got git by a drunken driver, the girl's alive but she lost all traces of a "face" and most mobility functions are gone. I don't even like to think about it.


New member
Oct 8, 2011
The footage didn't make me feel anything. I'm not sensitive to things that I'm disconnected from. A couple years ago I witnessed a knife attack, and that got my heart pounding in my chest. It happened at work between two of my coworkers. I was able to speak calmly to the attacker, disarm him and keep him calm until he was taken away, despite how horrified I was. The weapon was just a dull box-cutter, so the victim didn't have any serious injuries.

That day proves that I'm not desensitized, yet I still don't feel anything when watching the Budd Dwyer footage, or documentaries about the hospitals in Syria, or anything really. If I'm not witnessing it first-hand, I don't have any strong feelings, one way or the other.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
That was creepy. I can watch it, but it does make me feel a little uneasy when the camera zooms in and all that blood rushes out. It's not something I enjoy seeing. No game or movie can make me cringe like that.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I've read that soldiers will often freeze up when they should shoot in training exercises. They are less likely to hesitate if they've played a bunch of video games.

I know I personally am desensitized. Back in the day, a simple shooting on a TV drama after 9 PM weekdays would shock me. Now I could sleep through a blood bath and reruns are shown in the afternoon ("Rookies", I'm thinking of you).

That written, Jim's video bothered me a lot. There certainly is a big difference between the fake and the real.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I found myself hardly disturbed by it... A combination of warnings, and knowing ahead of time what was going to happen, added to the fact I have seen the footage before... I think part of it may have been the grainy film too. When I originally saw the clip years ago, it bothered me highly, but seeing it a second time and knowing what was coming... Not much of an impact.

That's not to say I'm not bothered by violence... Heck, I cry over video game scenes all the time, and real life? Don't even get me started. :/


New member
Jan 6, 2010
I didn't feel a thing when he died, I didn't knew or cared for him. But I would not have killed him myself.

Living Contradiction

Clearly obfusticated
Nov 8, 2009
I frowned at the build up and after the gun went off, I gasped and needed a minute to think about what I'd just seen: the death of a human being on camera, complete with colour and sound.

I've dealt with death before, cleaned up after it (not because I'd committed a crime, but because someone needs to call the police, have the body removed, and hold the ones who are screaming and weeping), and this didn't do very much beyond reminding me that, yes, death happens in all manners and all venues.

I tend to look away during horror movies, shake my head during horror games, and I've read enough crime fiction to become accustomed to the ideas around and behind death. That doesn't mean that it can't reach me though, can't tap a sense of revulsion that says, "This person was once alive, spoke to his family, dealt with the world, and now..." Content changes when it can be related to who we are and where we are in the world, so while this video didn't make me want to be violently ill or even shed a tear, it did touch a nerve that causes what I've come to recognize as the shudder that goes along with death.

Will I ever lose that shudder? Maybe. Will it be because of video games, books, movies or television? No, because those deaths aren't real. I was able to get the visceral feeling despite the delivery of this event. Even though part of me didn't want to believe it to be real, I knew it was.

Thank you for the reality check, Jim. I appreciate it.


New member
Dec 12, 2011
People are disturbed over the Budd Dwyer footage?

Don't ever watch 3 guys one hammer, if Budd Dwyer left you disturbed then 3 guys one hammer will make you need therapy.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
I can't watch it. I have seen maybe half a second of that video before I cut it. I don't want to.

Maybe it's cowardice, but I am afraid it will haunt me.

I haven't seen any 'shock' video's on the internet, and I don't want to change that.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
The actual gunshot didn't bother me at all but when the camera zoomed in on the aftermath, showing the blood pouring out of the guys face I felt pretty sick in my stomach.

Smeatza said:
Don't ever watch 3 guys one hammer, if Budd Dwyer left you disturbed then 3 guys one hammer will make you need therapy.
I haven't seen 3 guys one hammer but I know what its about and hope that I never work up the courage to watch it myself. My friend did link me to an unlisted Youtube video once where a man is in the woods somewhere and he has another man's corpse laying on their back with their head caved in. The man proceeds to cut the ear and hand off the corpse and pocket them. Pretty creepy stuff, it looked very real to me.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
I really didn't find it all that disturbing, I remember seeing much worse stuff on the history channel back when it actually had history on it.
I thought it was much more disturbing to see that picture of the guy about to get hit by the subway train.


New member
May 5, 2012
If you can't tell the difference between video games and reality then you have bigger problems than being desensitised.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
I find it offensive and disrespectful for Jimquisition to use this material to prove 'a point'.

It might have been a good point to prove, but these means shouldn't be considered, to use a man's death as some sort of proof for some shitty argument, c'mon man. Show some respect.

I am in a minority here, but I really do think games desensitize children. Not in a way that makes them any more dangerous or 'crazy' but just in a sort of emotional blunting effect and lack of empathy kind of way. I've been playing games all my life and if you spend all day every day dealing with violent games ofcourse it leaves an imprint on you. Why shouldn't it?

Same way that if a child would watch fucked up media channels all day every day because its the most entertaining thing it could do, then it would affect the child in the same way, probably much much worse. Same thing for adults.


New member
Jan 12, 2012
I found it not at all uncomfortable, namely because I've seen it before, and I've seen worse. I'm definitely desensitized to pictures and videos of gore. I can still be shocked though, and I still can't watch animal abuse for some reason. Gore witnessed in person? I'd probably react the same as anyone else.


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
I looked away when he took the gun out. Between the pop of the gun going off and the people freaking out afterwards, that was enough to make me uncomfortable. I looked back just as the blood was cascading down his head. I was a bit shaky after that. Then I read the story behind it and just felt... cold. It was pretty emotionally draining.

Whispering Cynic

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Didn't feel a thing, since Bud's suicide is fairly tame compared to some other stuff one can find on the internet.

Am I desensitized to violence? Yes, but that is a consequence of being exposed to certain videos, images, and real life situations, NOT a consequence of playing violent videogames. Videogames *cannot* prepare you for the real deal, believe me.

You never know what will life throw at you, and being able to think and act rationally in a critical situation is worth getting a little "desensitized". Breaking down just because I saw an open fracture is a kind of weakness I will not tolerate in myself.