How do you want to leave this world?


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Exploding into candy for little children. I'd be a be a hero, and possible have the "pedophile card" thrown at me. :)


New member
Mar 4, 2009
-In epic battle between me and someone else, and both of us have superpowers.
-Painlessly at an old age.

If those two can't happen, I do have back ups.
-Reenacting the famous painting of Socrates, only instead of just raising my hand up, I'd go the extra mile and flip the bird. I want a painting of it recorded and put in a musuem.
-Zombie bite. Atleast I know natural selection will be helped after I go.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
RedMenace said:
Treblaine said:
"How do you want to leave this world?"

On a rocket ship to visit an amazing alien planet :D


OK OK, I know what you REALLY mean, if I had a wish to choose the way I would die what would it be.

Very well, I want to die by being strangled to death by the 99th President of the United States as he/she serves in office.

That's at least 220 years from now so in a round about way this wish guarantees I will both live a long time and I will go down in history.
Just curious...

Obama is 44th, right? So what if him and next 54 die on the first day of heir service? How long would that take?

Well, 54 days I guess. Gee maybe I shouldn't wish for that, an impatient genie may destroy the entire Executive branch of the US government just to see me bumped off early!

But the Order of Presidential Succession is no where near that long, where the designated line of succession only goes as far as the 18th person.

After that (assuming it doesn't go crazy before the 18th day) then I guess it's martial law with whichever general has the most balls to seize power first will get the job. And I think after the previous 18 people who declared themselves president miraculously died I think this certain dictator will choose another title like "Protector" while he tries to root out the force that is attacking them.

And remember, one only becomes ACTING president when the President dies or is incapacitated, they don't become a "numbered" president till a more official ceremony. See at several points in the Bush presidency Dick Cheney actually became the President of the United States, on two separate occasions when George Bush had to be anaesthetised for an operation but that was just because the President was out of action.

So even then I think I'd be safe.

Another interesting fact, Obama may be the 44th president but he is NOT the 44th PERSON to be the President of the United States.

But how? Even Obama made this mistake in his inaugural address (though he got away with it, no doubt it would have ended up as a "bushism" has his predecessor said it*) See if a president ends his term then gets re-elected in a later term then he is considered to have been two different Presidents as was the case with Grover Cleveland who was both the 25th and 27th President. Learned that on QI.

This is some insight into the nature of what the US President actually is, it's not just a name for an elected-king, it is a more abstract entity, an office that a person has to fill a role they have to play where they are not the think about "what would I do" but "what would The President do". Even Gerald Ford was dependent on the electorate (in a round about way) because as you may have noticed the American Executive campaigns as a pair, all the political ads said Bush-Cheney-2004 and Obama-Baiden-2008 and so on as voters don't just have to give their vote of approval to the top man but the vice president who may take the reigns if one dies.

*I love Bushisms, not only how how some things Bush says are genuinely dumb but how half of what are considered "Bushisms" are completely reasonable things to say. The best and most overused example is:
"More and more of our imports are coming from overseas"

The thing is this is perfectly true, it is in relation to how more imports are coming from countries that America does not have a land border with (Mexico and Canada) and the effects that can have on security and the economy. I think this Bushism was declared by a Brit were since we are an island nation "coming from overseas" and "imports" have become de-facto synonymous even though they really aren't.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
i intend to kill myself after i feel fulfilled with my decisions in life by jumping out of an airplane and not pulling the chute, finding complete peace in the moments of freefall before the relatively painless end


Nov 24, 2009
United States
in an experiment that was made so that people could link to the internet matrix style I would be very old and unable to take it so my physical bodiy would be destroyed but my mind downloaded onto the internet giving me control of everything thats plugged into the internet including all your consoles MUAHAHAHAHA!


Spiritual Scientific Skeptic
Jan 26, 2010
Damn, I was hoping you hadn't specified "death" as the method of leaving. I was totally going to say, "on a nuclear-thermal rocket".


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I want people to laugh at my funeral. Or atleast go "feckin' hell, didn't see that coming.."

Walking on a field, and have a plane crash on me, with me being the only casualty.

Or getting hit by a meteor.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Same way as Randy Quaid in ID4. Flying my F-18 fighter jet into the super weapon of an alien spacecraft, destroying myself along with it, yet saving the day in the process.

Barring that, something involving wolves...


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
In a battle with a Polar Bear, in my living room...

What will the first response guys have to say about that...


New member
Mar 17, 2009
In Space

don't know why or care how but it will happen


Death by PENGUINS! (cookie for reference)


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I have two ways I'd want to die: 1) As a hero, for example, being that one guy who stays behind to hold off the people chasing down your friends and family, bringing many of them down and giving them enough time to escape, but eventually killed as a result. 2) A typical male fantasy, death from exhaustion from too much sex. C'mon, who the hell wouldn't want that?


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Rainbowloid said:
I want to die when the world ends. As long as I know everyone else is going down with me, I can die happily. Hopefully black holes will be involved.
Apocalypse is the choice of death. Or if you want to be cool, commit suicide just before the apocalypse. FUCK YOU, APOCALYPSE!


New member
Aug 20, 2009
a way that leaves peopel wondering how it happend (for example choking on a life saver or somehow die with a paperclip)


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Blanks said:
In Space

don't know why or care how but it will happen


Death by PENGUINS! (cookie for reference)
death in space would be interesting- decompression and exploding, and then all the water in you boiling away, or something like that.

How do you grant cookies to yourself? I've never understood that.I'm just start giving myself cookies for every post I make, make myself feel better.