Well keep in mind China is a 3rd world country. I visited my uncle in BeeJing once and he took me on some road trips. Go a few hours outside the cities and its farmland. And not like Kansas modern farmlands, its no running water, no electricity rice farms straight out of the dark ages with wooden tools and small huts.
And also keep in mind China's economic clout, its weight it throws around, its mostly faked. Satellite imaging of China shows they have no where near the economic growth/power that they claim. Like you know those nighttime images of South and North Korea, South is filled with light, North is almost completely dark? China in reality is more on the dark side.
And those few poor souls who live in the cities are slaves. Its kinda ironic that China is considered this huge important nation when the majority of its population is more or less enslaved to the economic growth of other nations. If Walmart ever closes shop China is gone.
The best way to view China is as a real like 40k hive world. The Hives are massive sprawling industrial slave factories where the very rich live is absurd wealth and suicide is considered destruction of company property, and outside the Hive its the dark ages.