How's it going?


Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
I'm not too bad, pretty sore feet from my new job as harvest support helping the pickers on the pace rate pick strawberries(and soon raspberries) I'm too fat for the job right now but I'm adjusting to it.

How are you guys going? Doing alright?


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Not at all.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
My job followed my proposal for our first drone acquisition, so by early December I'll be flying aerial surveys. So that's neat. Work got the gym equipment they ordered months ago installed last week, and I did my first weekend of weight workouts. Neat, and sore. I am behind in my grad class, and made no progress this weekend on it cuz I could not give a shit, and my deadline on that is closing. Not neat.

But hey, I'm getting by, I'm healthy, I like my work, the mandatory overtime lately has put my bank account where I wanted it before the next semester, to pay for classes while having 3 months of living expenses saved up. I'm in a good place. Wish there was more to read on these forums in my between-activities time that was worth reading, though. Maybe I should make a Reddit account.
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Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I wonder how long until this thread gets horribly depressing... :D

It's been a really mixed bag this year (and not even cause of stupid Covid). On the one hand, my job has had no real impact because of Covid. My job is very unlikely to go away (unless the bank gets out of investing, which is very unlikely seeing how much money this group makes the bank) and we are now working from home on a permanent basis due to Covid, which has been really nice. I also just refinanced my house with the crazy low interest rates and dropped my mortgage payments by $160 a month, which is going to really come in handy now that I get to the bad part of the mixed bag...

I've hinted about this on here but since October of 2019, I've been dealing with chronic headaches (long story short, the muscles in my neck and shoulder area are not releasing like they should; basically putting my upper back in a permanent state of tightness. The headaches were a symptom of the problem, not the problem). So now we think we know it's the muscles that are the problem, not my brain. I've been doing two physical therapy sessions, two Chiropractor sessions, multiple drugs, and seeing a massage therapist once a week for about a month now and it's aggravating the shit out of the muscles. On the plus side, the muscles themselves seem to be making progress and very slowly releasing but on the negative side, it friggin hurts to do this and we can't know for sure if this is even going to fix it (assuming we can get the muscles to actually release and once they do release, hope that they don't just go right back to being stuck in tight mode).

I'm optimistic about our progress but on January 1st, my insurance is going to switch back to "Fuck You" mode as I will no longer be at my "Max Out of Pocket" so I'm going to have to start paying for my physical therapy again, which is going to suck as it's about $80 a session give or take. I was really hoping that hammering the fuck out of the muscles with PT, Chiro, and Massage would break it before that happens (and it still might) but it's getting concerning that it's taking so long. The Pain Clinic thinks that trying Botox on the muscles might also help (basically breaks down the muscles chemically and then hope that when they build themselves back up, they'll "remember" how to function properly and release) but of course insurance doesn't cover that because see "Fuck You" above. I only have a rough estimate but it would be approx $5,000 to do these shots so I'm REALLY hoping we can break the muscles "naturally" because I have no idea where the fuck I'd get $5G :D

So yeah, could be better but sure as shit could be a lot worse considering my job and home are basically secure (or as secure as they can be given the shit show that is this country).

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm alright.

I've pretty much gotten to a point where I can live with and accept the mental problems that I have, and I no longer feel that sense of crippling guilt and shame I used to toward my family and society in how it stops me from being all I can be.

I am currently dealing with looking after a loved one who has pretty crippling anxiety/PTSD, but we're trying to make steps at getting a hold on things. It's not easy to live with day in and day out though.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
To this day, I will still answer in this manner more often than not.

OT: I'm ok, work is crazy because I deal with public in a personal way, and just this morning I had a client cancel because they tested positive for covid, making like 8+ people (that I know of) I've almost come into contact who have it. But otherwise I'm about as good as I usually am. Still trying to kick myself in the ass and continue writing my novel, but my weapon's grade procrastination keeps getting in my way.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Its simply the right answer. You can give real answers, sure, but there is only one right answer and that's I'M SUPER THANKS FOR ASKING!

But I didn't know you were writing a novel! That's so cool. I know a lot of people who want to, but to actually sit down and do it is pretty rare, Dinosaur errotica on Amazon not withstanding.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Its simply the right answer. You can give real answers, sure, but there is only one right answer and that's I'M SUPER THANKS FOR ASKING!

But I didn't know you were writing a novel! That's so cool. I know a lot of people who want to, but to actually sit down and do it is pretty rare, Dinosaur errotica on Amazon not withstanding.
Eh, it's a work in progress. I haven't written anything in months, due to the above mentioned procrastination. I tried structuring myself to like just 1-2 hours a day, to just get SOMETHING down on the page, and that worked well for a while. Then....I just sort of fell off the wagon I guess.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Eh, it's a work in progress. I haven't written anything in months, due to the above mentioned procrastination. I tried structuring myself to like just 1-2 hours a day, to just get SOMETHING down on the page, and that worked well for a while. Then....I just sort of fell off the wagon I guess.
I used to write a lot when I took the train to work. I'd just do it all on my tablet and store it in Google Docs. I ended up with a pretty high word count in the tens of thousands before I switched jobs and couldn't take the train anymore.

I took a vacation to a hot springs once, mostly to write. I'd spend an hour or so in a cafe, write, then pack up, walk to another cafe and do the same thing. It was fun.

Recently a friend showed me his draft and that got me motivated to go back and create a proper outline for my stuff.

Hit me up if you wanna talk about writing!
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I'm buried with work. I keep reminding myself that I'm lucky I have a job on full pay which is better than millions under covid, but it's still one hell of a lot of work and responsibility and I'm starting to feel very run down.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Fine, really. My body feels like it's falling apart through a combination of bad diet and RSI related to work, but I've just got to get through to Christmas and I'm going to take a month or six weeks off work to recuperate, and hopefully the gym will be an option again then.

Missed out on a house I would have loved to buy (a proper project house, not been touched since about the 40s or 50s, a really rare opportunity), which was disappointing and kinda made me lose interest in finding a place to do up, because nothing's going to be quite as good as that one.

But, really, I can't complain (unlike the person I was behind in the Post Office today). I've got work, a nice house, happily married, etc. Just weary of the year.

And the dog keeps stealing my pants while I'm in the shower.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I wonder how long until this thread gets horribly depressing... :D
This is very depressing already Tippy, hope things turn out well.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Doing good here. I mean I still have the fun stress of this stupid year but things are otherwise going pretty good personally.
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Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
Missed out on a house I would have loved to buy (a proper project house, not been touched since about the 40s or 50s, a really rare opportunity), which was disappointing and kinda made me lose interest in finding a place to do up, because nothing's going to be quite as good as that one.
To me nothing sounds worse than doing up an old house. I was in building as a carpenter with my dad. Those old houses with their nasty lathe plaster dust everywhere, nothing's straight or square, heritage building laws (if that applies to you), sunken foundations, asbestos(renovation in asbestos period) and mold everywhere.

Quoting is hard because you never know what it's like inside a wall until you rip off some cladding. Not to mention the possibility of discovering something was built structurally unsound a long time ago, dodgy workers existed back then too.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
To me nothing sounds worse than doing up an old house. I was in building as a carpenter with my dad. Those old houses with their nasty lathe plaster dust everywhere, nothing's straight or square, heritage building laws (if that applies to you), sunken foundations, asbestos(renovation in asbestos period) and mold everywhere.

Quoting is hard because you never know what it's like inside a wall until you rip off some cladding. Not to mention the possibility of discovering something was built structurally unsound a long time ago, dodgy workers existed back then too.
This one was probably built around 1890 or so, beautiful building, high ceilings, lots of original features. But yeah, the damp-proof course (if it ever had one) had failed and the downstairs floors were rotten through in places. Would have loved to work on it.

I'm not sure how it's done in Australia, but we still use a lot of wet plaster here today, though usually on drywall rather than lathe unless you're trying to stick to the original methods. My own house (built 1953) was all lathe walls when I bought it.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
To me nothing sounds worse than doing up an old house. I was in building as a carpenter with my dad. Those old houses with their nasty lathe plaster dust everywhere, nothing's straight or square, heritage building laws (if that applies to you), sunken foundations, asbestos(renovation in asbestos period) and mold everywhere.

Quoting is hard because you never know what it's like inside a wall until you rip off some cladding. Not to mention the possibility of discovering something was built structurally unsound a long time ago, dodgy workers existed back then too.
I had to do an Asbestos safety course for my job, fuck me dead I wish I’d never learned about it. Ignorance is bliss man because that shit is terrifying.
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Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
I had to do an Asbestos safety course for my job, fuck me dead I wish I’d never learned about it. Ignorance is bliss man because that shit is terrifying.
What blew my mind was learning the things asbestos can be in other than cement sheet. Like everything! It's for sure I've been exposed to some without knowing I'd have to spend every waking hour in a renovation masked otherwise.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
What blew my mind was learning the things asbestos can be in other than cement sheet. Like everything! It's for sure I've been exposed to some without knowing I'd have to spend every waking hour in a renovation masked otherwise.
I was surprised when I first found out how much stuff has it in. Even soffit boards can contain it in the UK for houses built around 1940s to 1970s (I think). Like, if your soffits are on fire, then so is the rest of the house.