Hungarian Authorities Announce Flooding in Middle-Earth

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Hungarian Authorities Announce Flooding in Middle-Earth

If you've got relatives in Gondor or the Shire, you might want to call them and check they're OK.

The Hungarian authorities have recently conducted a test of the country's emergency broadcast system. That wouldn't ordinarily be newsworthy, but the Hungarian test is a little unusual: Rather than some use real places, or just a generic test message, the Hungarian disaster management agency decided to use locations from the Lord of the Rings books instead.

Messages on Hungarian state television and radio warned citizens of terrible storms hitting Gondor, Rivendell, and other places from Tolkien's Middle-Earth books, which were causing flooding and other dangerous conditions. The Hungarian authorities said that it used the fictional locations for the test for two reasons: Firstly, it didn't want to cause a panic among the citizens, and secondly, it wanted to ascertain how well the emergency message reached Hungary's youth.

Anyone who's seen Fellowship of the Rings already know that the areas around Rivendell sometimes suffer flash-floods, possibly brought on by deforestation and elvish magic. Reports suggest that a recent occurrence, which claimed the lives of a number of Nazgûl, may also have had something to do with spectral horses. It's unusual that Gondor is also seeing such inclement weather, and the people of Minas Tirith are advised to stay in their homes, where they should be safe unless sea level unexpectedly rises a few hundred feet.

Joking aside, using fictional, but familiar, locations as a way to gauge the effectiveness and reach of an emergency broadcast system is actually quite a interesting idea. It would also be interesting to find out how the authorities determined the effectiveness of the test, which would presumably involve monitoring social networks along with other, more traditional, information gathering methods.

Source: WTOP []



New member
Mar 22, 2010
Next thing you know they will be broadcasting that the forests of Endor are catching fire.

The broadcast itself would probably catch millions of star wars fans by default lol.


New member
May 28, 2009
Phew, you had me scared for a moment there, the first thing after reading the title was `OH SH!T, PETER JACKSON HAS FOUND ANOTHER WAY TO POSTPONE THE HOBBIT´ thank goodness that this wasn´t the case.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Nazgul aren't really alive, you know, they exist in a terrible half-life between life and death.

Void Droid

New member
Oct 6, 2010
I live in Hungary, with Hungarian natives, with Hungarian channels and not ONE person has mentioned this, at all, on any sites... so it mustn't have been too noticeable since no one in the family, at girlfriends workplace or anywhere have mentioned it.


Intolerable Bore
Dec 24, 2009
I can't bring myself to mock this. I'm not sure why.

Is it because it's too easy? Or because they were literally asking for it? Or that it's actually a pretty clever idea? Yes, yes, and yes.

Roland Matusinka

New member
Mar 18, 2011
rockavitch said:
I live in Hungary, with Hungarian natives, with Hungarian channels and not ONE person has mentioned this, at all, on any sites... so it mustn't have been too noticeable since no one in the family, at girlfriends workplace or anywhere have mentioned it.
I assume you don't listen to "Kossuth Rádio" too much :D
you could've hear this emergency broadcast in the daily news there :)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I just got a report that Kamino got flooded, good thing I didn't head over there for that army of clones I ordered....

Void Droid

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Roland Matusinka said:
rockavitch said:
I live in Hungary, with Hungarian natives, with Hungarian channels and not ONE person has mentioned this, at all, on any sites... so it mustn't have been too noticeable since no one in the family, at girlfriends workplace or anywhere have mentioned it.
I assume you don't listen to "Kossuth Rádio" too much :D
you could've hear this emergency broadcast in the daily news there :)
I don't speak Hungarian (not an easy life lol) but this is the kind of thing I assumed would be mentioned a bit by someone, I didn't expect to be the one to have to share with girlfriend who hadn't heard it from anyone else either, she has a habbit of sharing little Hungarian stuff I wouldn't know otherwise.

If it was UK I'd probably never hear the end of this, strange, these people will make a fuss about which square to name after Elvis but don't mourn the loses of our Middle Earthern friends, that's just not nice :(