I am a male, but always make a female player-character.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
I'm of the sort that if I'm going to be looking at an ass for hours, it might as well be an ass I like, as long as I have the option and it doesn't have major implications on story. Basically, if it's mostly a cosmetic change, I'll play as a girl. If there are differences in story, I'll play both to see what's different. So it usually ends up both.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
yanipheonu said:
I'm a male that choose female characters too.

I'd say that most of the reason is because XD well I just like how women look, so if I have to play a game for 20+ hours, why not be looking at a woman?

^This...which is what I have been saying for a long time....camera is almost always behind character, why would I stare at a dude's butt?

In non vidja game rpg's (tabletop / chat based) I often play women as I like to play political style characters, not physical, and women have that world so much easier.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I find myself being that guy who plays girls in my D&D group often enough. I think I do it because I'm not particularly aggressive in play, thus a feminine character just seems to fit, not that I couldn't play a strong, independent women and all that feminist stuff if I tried.


New member
May 29, 2011
GHudston said:
This is sort of depressing:
Seriously, I have to wonder how old the average person is in this thread. I hope they can at least recognize it's a seriously weird excuse. Particularly the "Ewww, I don't want to look at a man whilst playing!" people. Just....WTF....

EDIT: Why are you actively looking at the characters ass anyway? It almost sounds like you guys are playing a lot of games where the characters are naked. So many questions. -_-


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I often do female avatars but not always, I think its mostly because I not only like to have something nice to look at but also it gives me a reason to give a damn about how the char looks


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
PatSilverFox said:
GHudston said:
This is sort of depressing:

Justyn Stahll said:
I usually make my character female based on this quote from Rooster Teeth (they were playing Skate 3)

"Why did you make a Girl?"

"Well, Because I'm going to be looking at the this person's ass for X-hours so....might as well be a girl's"

thats why
the_honey_badger said:
I make female characters because I'd rather be staring at a girl's butt all day than a guy's.
TYofSON said:
well if your going to watch a 3d animation for 10 hours or more why not watch the opposite sex for those 10 hours.
Gitty101 said:
Welcome to the club XD I too am also guilty of this. I have a policy - if I'm gonna be watching an ass bobbing up and down for 20 hours or more, it may as well be a nice ass XD

EDIT: Damn it! Looks like I was Ninja'd XD
bam13302 said:
make female characters, varying types, my excuse is i like something good to look at
Deshara said:
I make female characters. I figure, if I'm gonna stare at someone's ass for 20 hours, it might as well be a chick's
Nightvalien said:
just answer this simple question, what do you prefer to look at for about 20 hours of gameplay male sheppard's butt or female sheppard's butt?
Not PvP Flagged said:
I just don't enjoy staring at man ass the entire time I'm playing.
Darius Brogan said:
I always make my character female because, if the game's third person, I don't wanna stare at muscle-y man-ass all bloody day and, if it's first person, I don't wanna hear vaguely sexual male grunts every time I get hurt.
PatSilverFox said:
If you're going to look at someones rear the entire course of an rpg, wouldn't you rather it be a butt you're attracted to?
Just a comment.
How so?
Not really it's just a shared answer.
I'm gay so I'm not really a pervert because of this x3
I just play male all the time ;3
It doesn't come across at all like a shared answer, seems to me like a bunch of people quoting something they read just so they look funny for the internet whilst avoiding giving a significant answer.

But that's just what it seems like to me.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
GHudston said:
I find this sort of depressing. Do this many people really feel this way or is the "ass" comment just the accepted canned response with which to defend your decision to play as a female character?

Justyn Stahll said:
I usually make my character female based on this quote from Rooster Teeth (they were playing Skate 3)

"Why did you make a Girl?"

"Well, Because I'm going to be looking at the this person's ass for X-hours so....might as well be a girl's"

thats why
the_honey_badger said:
I make female characters because I'd rather be staring at a girl's butt all day than a guy's.
TYofSON said:
well if your going to watch a 3d animation for 10 hours or more why not watch the opposite sex for those 10 hours.
Gitty101 said:
Welcome to the club XD I too am also guilty of this. I have a policy - if I'm gonna be watching an ass bobbing up and down for 20 hours or more, it may as well be a nice ass XD

EDIT: Damn it! Looks like I was Ninja'd XD
bam13302 said:
make female characters, varying types, my excuse is i like something good to look at
Deshara said:
I make female characters. I figure, if I'm gonna stare at someone's ass for 20 hours, it might as well be a chick's
Nightvalien said:
just answer this simple question, what do you prefer to look at for about 20 hours of gameplay male sheppard's butt or female sheppard's butt?
Not PvP Flagged said:
I just don't enjoy staring at man ass the entire time I'm playing.
Darius Brogan said:
I always make my character female because, if the game's third person, I don't wanna stare at muscle-y man-ass all bloody day and, if it's first person, I don't wanna hear vaguely sexual male grunts every time I get hurt.
PatSilverFox said:
If you're going to look at someones rear the entire course of an rpg, wouldn't you rather it be a butt you're attracted to?
Just a comment.
Yeah... not to insult anyone here but I find this kind of pathetic. I understand the appeal of the concept. Well, not of looking at woman for hours on end cause I'd prefer to look at a guy, but I get what you're going for here. It's just... kinda lame in my eyes.

Just my 2 cents on the issue.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Ever since beating THE BOSS on MGS3, I've tried to create her spirit when I get the chance. She was such an awesome character to me. So when I get the chance I try to recreate THE BOSS.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
GHudston said:
I find this sort of depressing. Do this many people really feel this way or is the "ass" comment just the accepted canned response with which to defend your decision to play as a female character?
How is it depressing? Being a heterosexual male, really WOULD prefer to play as a female character unless definitive 'Role Playing' is required. My D&D character was a Male Elf Druid. I even followed the Druid way and had absolutely no metal weapons or armor. Why? Because, not only can I play the dignified, knowledgeable Elven male if the situation requires it, but I didn't have to stare at a SERIOUSLY over rendered male ass all bloody day.

It's a natural response that came to mind at the time, and EVERY guy I know feels the same way.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
I make female characters a lot. It really depends on what I have in mind when I decide what I want out of the character I make. I think some people think it's weird because they like to place themselves in the role of their character. A lot of my friends name their characters after themselves. I never do that. I always distance myself and see it as a person I happen to be shepherding along. The idea of putting myself into the game is weird to me.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
A friend of mine told me that he picked the female Shepard in mass effect 2. When I asked him why he said: "Well if your going to stare at someone's ass for an entire game, who's ass would you want it to be?". I loled along with him on that one. Personally I'm kind of boring with character creation. I make mine look like me and say nothing more about it.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I always make lady characters.

I like looking at women.

I know it's sexist, but fuck it. My fine ass is gonna rule New Vegas.
Feb 13, 2008
I think this is the strip you were looking for.

Anyway, I just create the character the way it feels like - race, creed, gender doesn't really matter.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Archemetis said:
PatSilverFox said:
GHudston said:
This is sort of depressing:

Justyn Stahll said:
I usually make my character female based on this quote from Rooster Teeth (they were playing Skate 3)

"Why did you make a Girl?"

"Well, Because I'm going to be looking at the this person's ass for X-hours so....might as well be a girl's"

thats why
the_honey_badger said:
I make female characters because I'd rather be staring at a girl's butt all day than a guy's.
TYofSON said:
well if your going to watch a 3d animation for 10 hours or more why not watch the opposite sex for those 10 hours.
Gitty101 said:
Welcome to the club XD I too am also guilty of this. I have a policy - if I'm gonna be watching an ass bobbing up and down for 20 hours or more, it may as well be a nice ass XD

EDIT: Damn it! Looks like I was Ninja'd XD
bam13302 said:
make female characters, varying types, my excuse is i like something good to look at
Deshara said:
I make female characters. I figure, if I'm gonna stare at someone's ass for 20 hours, it might as well be a chick's
Nightvalien said:
just answer this simple question, what do you prefer to look at for about 20 hours of gameplay male sheppard's butt or female sheppard's butt?
Not PvP Flagged said:
I just don't enjoy staring at man ass the entire time I'm playing.
Darius Brogan said:
I always make my character female because, if the game's third person, I don't wanna stare at muscle-y man-ass all bloody day and, if it's first person, I don't wanna hear vaguely sexual male grunts every time I get hurt.
PatSilverFox said:
If you're going to look at someones rear the entire course of an rpg, wouldn't you rather it be a butt you're attracted to?
Just a comment.
How so?
Not really it's just a shared answer.
I'm gay so I'm not really a pervert because of this x3
I just play male all the time ;3
It doesn't come across at all like a shared answer, seems to me like a bunch of people quoting something they read just so they look funny for the internet whilst avoiding giving a significant answer.

But that's just what it seems like to me.
I don't think it developed from a single person or source.
Honestly I have heard this a thousand times, like from roosterteeth and other gaming communities. *shrugs*

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
I always make females, they have better creation parts and costumes most of the time. Also its always great to see a female character to extraordinary things that you would expect, such has headbutting Krogan. The only exceptions are games where I cant make a attractive female such as Oblivion and Demons Souls.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Gill Kaiser said:
You could be the kind of guy who feels more comfortable around women than around men.
You could be someone who prefers the female aesthetic, be it their body shape or their clothing.
You might prefer hero concepts that befit females better.
You might simply enjoy watching attractive ladies.

For me it's a mixture of them all. I tend to equally make both female and male characters, but I usually make a female character first.
You might enjoy a smaller character to more easily see what's going on.

At least, that's my practical half of the reason I tend to balance to female characters. The other half is that I'm a subscriber to the James Bond idea of combining carnage with some elegance.

The Hero Killer said:
The only exceptions are games where I cant make a attractive female such as Oblivion and Demons Souls.
That because you don't mind having an ugly male, or did you somehow manage to kick the oblivion engine into shape, and create a decent looking guy?


New member
Jan 27, 2009
i always make a female character, cause if i'm going to have to stare at an ass shaking back and forth for the next 30+ hours, i'd rather be looking at a woman's

Joey Wonton

New member
Jun 12, 2011
There has to be some psychologist around here who can answer this. Then again, I suppose it's not something terribly encountered before in psychology, seeming as games are newish. The only thing you could find to be related is something like men/women with opposite sex heroes.

I only once played as a girl in Fallout and I made her blue, so I think you could say the distancing theory applies. I didn't really notice much about me being a female character because it's always in FP (for me) and only noticed when people said Missy and such.

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Archemetis said:
PatSilverFox said:
GHudston said:
This is sort of depressing:

Justyn Stahll said:
I usually make my character female based on this quote from Rooster Teeth (they were playing Skate 3)

"Why did you make a Girl?"

"Well, Because I'm going to be looking at the this person's ass for X-hours so....might as well be a girl's"

thats why
the_honey_badger said:
I make female characters because I'd rather be staring at a girl's butt all day than a guy's.
TYofSON said:
well if your going to watch a 3d animation for 10 hours or more why not watch the opposite sex for those 10 hours.
Gitty101 said:
Welcome to the club XD I too am also guilty of this. I have a policy - if I'm gonna be watching an ass bobbing up and down for 20 hours or more, it may as well be a nice ass XD

EDIT: Damn it! Looks like I was Ninja'd XD
bam13302 said:
make female characters, varying types, my excuse is i like something good to look at
Deshara said:
I make female characters. I figure, if I'm gonna stare at someone's ass for 20 hours, it might as well be a chick's
Nightvalien said:
just answer this simple question, what do you prefer to look at for about 20 hours of gameplay male sheppard's butt or female sheppard's butt?
Not PvP Flagged said:
I just don't enjoy staring at man ass the entire time I'm playing.
Darius Brogan said:
I always make my character female because, if the game's third person, I don't wanna stare at muscle-y man-ass all bloody day and, if it's first person, I don't wanna hear vaguely sexual male grunts every time I get hurt.
PatSilverFox said:
If you're going to look at someones rear the entire course of an rpg, wouldn't you rather it be a butt you're attracted to?
Just a comment.
How so?
Not really it's just a shared answer.
I'm gay so I'm not really a pervert because of this x3
I just play male all the time ;3
It doesn't come across at all like a shared answer, seems to me like a bunch of people quoting something they read just so they look funny for the internet whilst avoiding giving a significant answer.

But that's just what it seems like to me.
Think of it this way: It's a significant answer to some, whilst being just a hammed up excuse for others. You won't be able to tell, but at least be comfortable in the fact that it's not just a script.