I Canceled my Publisher's Club Subscription Today


New member
Jun 9, 2008
That's all. I've been a reader since 2007, an active poster since 2008 (both here and, later, via the Facebook-embedded comment thingy), and a subscribed publisher's club member since 2011. I canceled my subscription today, following that utterly-disgusting Gamergate "article" lending a megaphone to insanity.

And I'm not looking to debate anyone here. I'm not going to defend my decision to stop spending my own money. And I know that this ultimately means nothing to the Escapist's bottom line -- that the tiny pie-slice of revenue which derives from pubclub memberships is likely dwarfed by that which is gained from ad-revenue. But this is the only means I have at my disposal to reach out and let those involved know. You've lost a reader today. Worse, you've lost a long-time, loyal, PAYING reader.


Because sometimes, there aren't two sides to an issue. Sometimes "fair and balanced coverage" is engaging a false dichotomy, one side of which is batshit insane. Sometimes merely acknowledging a party or stance, as a news organization, is socially and journalistically irresponsible. There's a reason, for example, that the New York Times hasn't ever launched an investigation into President Obama's birth certificate, or whether or not Karl Rove is actually a lizard-man: because to do so would NECESSARILY, merely by virtue of existing, tend to grant legitimacy to an utterly-insane point of view, and a toxic group of people who espouse that view.


Gamergate is like that. There's no defending it. Not even a little. The journalistic duty to fair, truthful coverage does NOT mean that any and all points of view are equally valid and worthy of examination. It is the case that sometimes a particular point of view is simply wrong, either factually, ethically, or both; and offering legitimacy to that viewpoint, through your authority as a gaming culture outlet, is equally wrong.

And I get the urge to play devil's advocate, I really do. When the whole of the internet is screeching in one direction, it feels like it's your duty to chime in and say, "Well let's suppose, for the purposes of discussion..."

But, and I have no more tactful or eloquent way to put this: you fucked up this time. In a big way. And in a way which is telling of issues deeper still.

And that's all I have to say about that.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
I feel this begs the question why this was posted in the first place since you don't expect discussion, debate, or convincing.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Okay then?

Tell you what, Escapist. I'll re-buy publisher club if you keep doing these articles.

Sound good?

I'm sorry, but a fact of the world is, people are going to have opinions you dislike. Whilst your attitude is definitely amusing, it only reveals you to be very out of touch with what people on this site have been asking for.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
The Lunatic said:
Okay then?

Tell you what, Escapist. I'll re-buy publisher club if you keep doing these articles.

Sound good?

I'm sorry, but a fact of the world is, people are going to have opinions you dislike. Whilst your attitude is definitely amusing, it only reveals you to be very out of touch with what people on this site have been asking for.
Good a plan as any. As soon as I get money I'll deeply consider doing the same.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Or, people just have different opinions than you do. It's a thing that can happen dude. Not all things that seem evil or insane to you actually are so.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Mezahmay said:
I feel this begs the question why this was posted in the first place since you don't expect discussion, debate, or convincing.
Silly Mezahmay, the OP can't feel like they "won" unless they go around telling everyone how they're totally fighting the power and teaching that mean old man Escapist how much they disagree with the Escapist stance!

OP: Sorry to hear that you are against allowing people to discuss an issue (no matter how little I care about said issue). Good luck in your future endeavors.


New member
Sep 22, 2014
I can't help reading this as "Don't interview people I disagree with."

Isn't this kind of the exact thing which GG is about? Remember when websites were trashing Doug TenNapel, and refusing to give him a proper interview to explain himself? The same has happened to many other creative people in the past.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
tippy2k2 said:
Mezahmay said:
I feel this begs the question why this was posted in the first place since you don't expect discussion, debate, or convincing.
Silly Mezahmay, the OP can't feel like they "won" unless they go around telling everyone how they're totally fighting the power and teaching that mean old man Escapist how much they disagree with the Escapist stance!

OP: Sorry to hear that you are against allowing people to discuss an issue. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Well damn, you're right. Now I feel awful questioning the legitimacy of this person's petty moral victory against The Escapist. Time to go drown my sorrows in whiskey and junk food.


New member
Jun 29, 2013
I'm sorry Escapist isn't echo chamber enough for you.

I'm sure Gakwer will welcome you with open arms.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I guess that's okay if you feel that way.

I personally don't agree that there is absolutely nothing to be garnered from a mutual discussion here. It is true that many times what is supposed to be a 'mutual discussion' has devolved into mudslinging and namecalling, but that doesn't automatically kill any potential advances to be gained from a willful dialogue between opposing parties on this issue.

You don't seem like you're in any position to adjust your viewpoint, though, so I guess there's not much point in attempting to explain my thoughts on the matter.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
teknoarcanist, you are entitled to your opinion. I am against censorship and absolutely for transparency in games journalism, which is something that The Escapist has attempted to address in this set of articles as well as trying to display what various people think of the ongoing consumer revolt. You seem to be seeking to sweep this all under the same banner with conspiracy theories, but the thing about those theories is that they did receive coverage. Lots of it. And these theories crumbled under scrutiny. If GamerGate is studied and given the same sort of scrutiny, and it is the meritless madness that you're suggesting, then it will do irreparable harm to GamerGate. It would be the quickest and most effective way to end this messy chapter in gaming history.

(Edited: I used the wrong word in that last sentence, and am horribly ashamed of myself for doing so.)


New member
Jul 2, 2009
So you ended your Pub Club Sub because things aren't one-sided enough for you? I'm sorry but the reality is that there are going to be opinions that you disagree with so all I can say is "Tough cookies".


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
I'm sure the Escapist gains/looses readers, paying and unpaying on a daily basis.

I have to wonder, what is this post even about? It's clearly not about discussion since you said that's not what you want?

Be it as it may, goodbye. I didn't know you, so I would lie if I said I particular care past my fascination with the very existence of this thread. So there is that.


New member
Apr 2, 2008

Best of luck to you, random stranger I've never met! I'm sure you'll find more like-minded people out in the wide, wonderful internet somewhere! May I suggest something along the lines of George Reese's [http://gamergate.giz.moe/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/everything-wrong.png] Twitter feeds?


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I have no idea what's going on.

Are you mad they didn't pick a side about GamerGate?
Are you mad they did pick a side about GamerGate?
If so, which side did they pick?
And why should I be upset about that side?
What article are you talking about?

Everyone's shitting on you for putting your foot down and speaking your mind... those guys stink, you're rightful to do that (even if you'll probably never read this). I'm not shitting on you for going against what the site did or does.

I'm shitting on you because I have no idea what you're talking about, and you had a few paragraphs to try to convince me, and you missed.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
TheYellowCellPhone said:
I have no idea what's going on.

Are you mad they didn't pick a side about GamerGate?
Are you mad they did pick a side about GamerGate?
If so, which side did they pick?
And why should I be upset about that side?
What article are you talking about?

Everyone's shitting on you for putting your foot down and speaking your mind... those guys stink, you're rightful to do that (even if you'll probably never read this). I'm not shitting on you for going against what the site did or does.

I'm shitting on you because I have no idea what you're talking about, and you had a few paragraphs to try to convince me, and you missed.
Archon did an interview with Adam Baldwin and now people are making a stink about it. That's about all there is to it.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Dirty Hipsters said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
I have no idea what's going on.

Are you mad they didn't pick a side about GamerGate?
Are you mad they did pick a side about GamerGate?
If so, which side did they pick?
And why should I be upset about that side?
What article are you talking about?

Everyone's shitting on you for putting your foot down and speaking your mind... those guys stink, you're rightful to do that (even if you'll probably never read this). I'm not shitting on you for going against what the site did or does.

I'm shitting on you because I have no idea what you're talking about, and you had a few paragraphs to try to convince me, and you missed.
Archon did an interview with Adam Baldwin and now people are making a stink about it. That's about all there is to it.
Hm. I was hoping I'd get a quick rundown, but I know that's asking too much of people to summarize something for me when I should figure out myself.

Thanks anyway...


New member
Oct 16, 2011
My only advice would be to stop believing in the "evil patriarchy" for a week. Pretend that the feminists and SJW are just blowing hot air, and the issues they are bringing up don't really exist. Just "try" to believe that for one week. You'll notice your life will get a "lot" better. No arguments, no frustration, no oppression, and not being forced to cancel long standing subscriptions.

Your beliefs are causing you problems, and not bringing any benefit to your life. If "social justice" is your holy grail, you should take Henry Jones' advice.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Dirty Hipsters said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
I have no idea what's going on.

Are you mad they didn't pick a side about GamerGate?
Are you mad they did pick a side about GamerGate?
If so, which side did they pick?
And why should I be upset about that side?
What article are you talking about?

Everyone's shitting on you for putting your foot down and speaking your mind... those guys stink, you're rightful to do that (even if you'll probably never read this). I'm not shitting on you for going against what the site did or does.

I'm shitting on you because I have no idea what you're talking about, and you had a few paragraphs to try to convince me, and you missed.
Archon did an interview with Adam Baldwin and now people are making a stink about it. That's about all there is to it.
Hm. I was hoping I'd get a quick rundown, but I know that's asking too much of people to summarize something for me when I should figure out myself.

Thanks anyway...
No, I mean that's basically it. Archon (Alex Macris, the general manager for the escapist) did an interview with Alec Baldwin about GamerGate and journalistic integrity, and people are flipping the fuck out because they think it means that the Escapist is pro-gamergate. That's really all there is to it. Archon was just the interviewer. He didn't take a stance on anything, he didn't say something inflammatory, all he did was perform an interview and people on the Social Justice side of things are flipping the fuck out. That is in fact the entire rundown.

Here's the interview if you want to read it:



Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Thanks for letting us know?

I posted a letter yesterday. In a letterbox.

Just thought you might wanna know that.