I think I've began to lose interest in souls-like games


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Now don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed games in the genre. From Software games, Salt and Sanctuary, and recently Code Vein will always have a special place in my heart. I also don't think these games should never pander on their difficulties because of some journalists think "it's too hard"

BBUUUTTTT, recently I've began to notice that I've stopped following the release news and announcements regarding these types of games. The last two souls-like games I've completed are Sekiro and Code Vein. And although I enjoyed it, I didn't felt any joy or sense of accomplishment after beating the difficult boss or going through the area I've struggled with; I only felt bitterness and was asking "WTF was the point of all that?". I wondered if me dying repeatedly countless times to get to the ending was all worth it.

I wondered if I didn't enjoy these two games because I was unfamiliar with how they worked, so I decided to go back to a few of the older games to see if I felt any difference. I downloaded and played the Dark Souls 3 on my PC and Bloodborne on my ps4 pro. This time, I found myself enjoying them a little more than the previously mentioned titles, but I certainly didn't feel eagerness to try again after dying countless times.

And I think that's where my problem is; deaths. What was once a staple enjoyment factor of these games has turned into a demotivation factor. I found myself rage quitting a lot more than I used to. Granted, most of the deaths came from me not fully understanding the boss or changing my tactics. For example, I am pretty sure I raged all the way through sekiro, without fully committing learning how to parry properly. Yeah I learned the basics gists of it, but I never was the shinobi that the game portrays me to be. I could've taken my time to learn them, but I Was so angry with death I just stoppped caring about learning.

Because I know I will die a lot and go through the same shit again, Nioh 2 has been ignored on my radar. I am sure it's a great game, and more power to you if you enjoy it, but I think I am going to pass, unless someone is paying me or pointing a gun at me to play it. For the same reason, I am pretty sure I will be ignoring Elden Ring as well, unless it's something so revolutionary and so mind-blowing.

Maybe it's because I've been playing too many souls-like games, maybe it's because I don't feel the energy to play them with my busy college/work schedules, or maybe I have been a "filthy casual" from the start, but that's where I'm at right now.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
sgy0003 said:
Now don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed games in the genre. From Software games, Salt and Sanctuary, and recently Code Vein will always have a special place in my heart. I also don't think these games should never pander on their difficulties because of some journalists think "it's too hard"

BBUUUTTTT, recently I've began to notice that I've stopped following the release news and announcements regarding these types of games. The last two souls-like games I've completed are Sekiro and Code Vein. And although I enjoyed it, I didn't felt any joy or sense of accomplishment after beating the difficult boss or going through the area I've struggled with; I only felt bitterness and was asking "WTF was the point of all that?". I wondered if me dying repeatedly countless times to get to the ending was all worth it.

I wondered if I didn't enjoy these two games because I was unfamiliar with how they worked, so I decided to go back to a few of the older games to see if I felt any difference. I downloaded and played the Dark Souls 3 on my PC and Bloodborne on my ps4 pro. This time, I found myself enjoying them a little more than the previously mentioned titles, but I certainly didn't feel eagerness to try again after dying countless times.

And I think that's where my problem is; deaths. What was once a staple enjoyment factor of these games has turned into a demotivation factor. I found myself rage quitting a lot more than I used to. Granted, most of the deaths came from me not fully understanding the boss or changing my tactics. For example, I am pretty sure I raged all the way through sekiro, without fully committing learning how to parry properly. Yeah I learned the basics gists of it, but I never was the shinobi that the game portrays me to be. I could've taken my time to learn them, but I Was so angry with death I just stoppped caring about learning.

Because I know I will die a lot and go through the same shit again, Nioh 2 has been ignored on my radar. I am sure it's a great game, and more power to you if you enjoy it, but I think I am going to pass, unless someone is paying me or pointing a gun at me to play it. For the same reason, I am pretty sure I will be ignoring Elden Ring as well, unless it's something so revolutionary and so mind-blowing.

Maybe it's because I've been playing too many souls-like games, maybe it's because I don't feel the energy to play them with my busy college/work schedules, or maybe I have been a "filthy casual" from the start, but that's where I'm at right now.
No worries man, it happens. I'll do you one even better: I don't like playing Soul style games. Too much time, and I rather be getting better at other games. Especially if we're talking Stylish Action games. I hold high respect for From Software for what they accomplished and the influence they left in the industry.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
No! Say it isn't so :eek:

I'll miss you after you exile yourself from the internet for this shameful revelation.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Drathnoxis said:
No! Say it isn't so :eek:

I'll miss you after you exile yourself from the internet for this shameful revelation.
Yeah? I've never played a Souls game, period.

Whatya gonna do to me?


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Law of diminishing returns.


For me, the soul of Dark Souls was that it was unknowable and obtuse. Ironically, none of these souls-like games can capture that feeling because, at this point, they're completely familiar.
-Mark Brown [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx7BWayWu08]


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Phoenixmgs said:
Law of diminishing returns.


For me, the soul of Dark Souls was that it was unknowable and obtuse. Ironically, none of these souls-like games can capture that feeling because, at this point, they're completely familiar.
-Mark Brown [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx7BWayWu08]
That.... is exactly how I feel.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I can totally dig where you're coming from. I do enjoy the Soulsy/Souls-like but I really can't play more then one of these games per year because of the sheer difficulty and time commitment. I'm also gonna admit only the FROM games have gripped me and while I have an interest in some of the other Soulsy games, the one Souls-like/Soulsy game per year means I'm pretty much stuck playing FROM games. I got about halfway through Salty Sanctuary last year and stopped at a tough boss and...well, I haven't picked it back up again. Now I'm mostly done with Sekiro(Sword Saint is my big hurdle now) and I don't have real urge to go back to Salty Sanctuary at this point or pick up another Souls games for awhile, let alone a Soulslike.

It doesn't help that me and my wife are now watching the kid(and we're both still working) since daycare is closed for the forseeable future, so my game time has become further limited.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
It?s like anything; eventually familiarity will set in and curb a person?s enthusiasm (no pun) for one reason or another. It may be more surprising for an IP like Souls because of the kind of following it?s attained, but still shows that anything is vulnerable to franchise fatigue. I?ve already grown tired of several of my favorite games and genres several times over, but cycle through my tastes in various entertainment forms much like my eating habits. Entertainment is of course a different story vs a necessity of life.

So yeah, I?ve realized through experience that interests in such things are more often than not kinda cyclical, and often only go dormant at most. It mostly boils down to knowing what your true favorites are. I learned to stop selling a lot of stuff on eBay for this reason. Sometimes the most random thing will perk my interest back up for something I thought I?d never be bothered with again. Modern living with all its challenges and distractions can be full of odd surprises.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Sounds like you are burnt out on that type of game, it happens to everyone. My suggestion is to play games that appeal to you at the moment and maybe some old favourites. And maybe go back to the Souls-type games in 6 months to a year and hopefully they will feel fresh again.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
to be fair, a new thing gaining popularity to the point of a myriad of clones of dubious and flakey quality getting made to capitalise on said popularity will eventually tire those who were into it for the novelty and unique experience. some will be hard into it until the day they die, no matter how shameless the clones can get, but those who desire fresh entertainment will naturally find themselves less enthused as time goes on and EA starts to get in on it (only half kidding lol). never felt any interest towards Sekiro or Code anime, or that blatant "we are fps dark souls and nothing else" that turned up on the psn store called Kings of ...Leon? Kings of something anyway. the store description might as well have read "do you like dark souls? we like dark souls. this is basically that. no nuance. buy it, asshole." couple of years too late but whatevs.
still wanna try Surge 2, Blasphemous annnnnnd that EA game at some point, but definitely not motivated enough to care about when. though the eyes certainly roll everytime a game description states "this will not hold your hand! *waggle eyebrows*" (does that go inside the speech marks or out? just guessing in for now)