I want Skyward Sword but...


New member
Nov 23, 2009
leet_x1337 said:
No mention of Super Mario Galaxy yet? For shame, guys, it's the best 3D platformer of this console generation!
I'd say it's the best 3D platformer ever, or at least my favorite, and my favorite game ever, period, but it clearly says in the OP:
darkstone said:
The only rule is no Mario suggestions please.
OT: If Mario spinoffs are OK, I reccomend Super Paper Mario. It's not as good as the first one (I haven't played Thousand Year Door yet, so I can't judge it), but it has one of the best stories of any game I've ever played.
I've also liked :
Wario Land: Shake It! (although it's a bit on the short side and I never felt like playing any of the secret levels)
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Twilight Princess
Wii Sports (bowling and tennis are the best ones, but most training mini-games are better than any of them)
I also tried demos for Bit.Trip.Runner and Bit.Trip.Core, both of which I found pretty fun.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
My Wii has pretty much become a Zelda machine, since five out of the last six games I've played on it (over a year and a half or so period) have been Zelda games (it goes Skyward Sword, Wind Waker, Mario Galaxy 2, Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time).

Still, I'd say that alone makes it worth it. There's also Okami and a number of Gamecube games you can play on it. It has some more "mature" titles like Madworld, but I don't think most of them are very good. It also has a number of 2D platformers if you're into that. I haven't played Donkey Kong Country Returns, but I've heard it is very good (and hard). I prefer Donkey Kong to be more like DK64.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Like others, I 100% support Okami. I don't have it for Wii, but I play it on my PS2 and it's easily one of the strongest games on both consoles. It is very much like a Zelda game (overworlds, dungeons, weapons in each dungeon you use to further explore it, epic adventure with lots of quirky characters, etc), but it brings SO much more than that. Also played Brawl and Twilight Princess, both good.

Other games I hear are good but never played include Donkey Kong Country Returns, Sonic Colours, No More Heroes 1 and 2, and Epic Mickey among others.

I don't know if you have a Gamecube, but remember most Wii consoles can ply those games. You also have the online store.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
st0pnsw0p said:
leet_x1337 said:
No mention of Super Mario Galaxy yet? For shame, guys, it's the best 3D platformer of this console generation!
I'd say it's the best 3D platformer ever, or at least my favorite, and my favorite game ever, period, but it clearly says in the OP:
darkstone said:
The only rule is no Mario suggestions please.
What's wrong with Mario, though? You could always just leave the mute on so Mario's voice doesn't distract you too much from the gameplay... or is it that OP is a hipster?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
The wii has some really good niche games on it.

A Boy and his blob - a great puzzle/platformer

Another Code - a beautiful looking and interesting point & click adventure (It starts slow thgough)

Sin & Punishment 2 - Treasure being awesome.

Little King Story - charming, funny, fun stratedgy game (like pikmin)

Epic Mickey - great game (htough the camera is a bit dodgy)

Fragile Dreams - haunting game about the end of the world

The Sky Crawlers - an anime Ace Combat game

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - Great story

Red Steal 2 - Fun and stylish but repetitve

Madworld - Fun and stylish but repetitive

Metroid Prime Triology - All 3 are fantastic!

Maetroid: Other M - I liked this though people tend to hate it.

No More Heroes 1 & 2 - funky games with fun combat an chareters

Muramasa - Beautiful artwork and a nice wuick battle system

Then there are the Mario games on top of that. I think the Wii atm is a great console to get.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
leet_x1337 said:
st0pnsw0p said:
leet_x1337 said:
No mention of Super Mario Galaxy yet? For shame, guys, it's the best 3D platformer of this console generation!
I'd say it's the best 3D platformer ever, or at least my favorite, and my favorite game ever, period, but it clearly says in the OP:
darkstone said:
The only rule is no Mario suggestions please.
What's wrong with Mario, though? You could always just leave the mute on so Mario's voice doesn't distract you too much from the gameplay... or is it that OP is a hipster?
Presumably, the OP has played the Mario games and found he doesn'like them or else he's already planning on buying them and wants to focus on lesser known games that are also worth buying.

Of course, I'm just guessing, I don't really know his reasons for it, but those seem like the two most likely answers.

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
Muramasa and Another code might be a bit problematic to find.

Haven't been able to find a copy of muramasa in ages and another code's dev's is bankrupted for a while now


New member
Sep 20, 2010
darkstone said:
I'm looking to the great folks of the escapist to recommend me some other wii titles to justify it's value.
The Wii arcade is awesome, because you can purchase dozens of classic nintendo and retro titles that seem to never get old. Metal slug, pokemon snap, the original metroid and super metroid (that alone was worth it for me), tons of 3rd party games. It is in general really great.

Also, my personal favs are Okami (so freakin' good, the Wii motion makes the drawing infinitely better than on the PS2) and also Battalion Wars 2 (play BW1 first, both are great shoot-'em-ups, tons of fun) and even though its against the rules Super Mario Galaxy was a wonderful mario game (don't bother with the Super Mario galaxy 2... just don't waste the money...)

just stroll through a gamestop Wii section and you'll find something worth a purchase.

Plus... Skyward Sword looks pretty damn good.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
Besides Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess is still a really good game if you ask me, and then there's the Kirby games too. I for one enjoyed Smash Bros Brawl a great deal, but that sentiment isn't really shared by everyone, but it's still good enough to at least rent and try out.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Jabberwock xeno said:
You could just buy it, then emulate it using a wii emulator.
afroebob said:
Not to be a buzzkill but if you don't own the system I would think it's slightly less than legal to emulate the hardware/firmware.

Emulators are a touchy subject, while they are not inherently the tools of a pirate they have the potential to accommodate such things without any extra effort. Always err on the side of caution when discussing these things.

Scrustle said:
Well there's obviously Twilight Princess if you don't have that already. There's other good stuff like Okami, Muramasa, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Warioware, the Metroid Prime series, Xenoblade Chronicles (and the other Project Rainfall games if/when they come out), Madworld, Smash Bros. Brawl, World Of Goo, Monster Hunter Tri and plenty others. People give the Wii a hard time for not having any decent core games, but that's just not true. And the games you can get are very unique.

Oh and also, hail mighty Ziltoid!
Great list!
Some really good suggestions in this thread.
I don't own a Wii but with such good titles I seriously considered it for a moment.
Pity I don't have the time/money these days :(


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Oh man, where's that gigantic post when I need it?

I made a huge one detailing a ton of great, lesser-known Wii games on Kotaku and stupid me, I never saved the thing. I've run into so many situations where it would suffice just to post the wall-o-text and be done.
Oh, well. Here's a list instead.

Starting with Little King's Story, because it's insanely great and I cannot stress enough- if you even THINK of getting a Wii, BUY THIS GAME. Don't let the style or genre or anything dissuade you. I did for a while, and I slapped myself for letting so much time pass without this game. There's only one game I regret overlooking for years even more, and that's Cave Story. LKS is one of my favorite games this generation, and one that will stick with me a long time.
Other than that...

Sin and Punishment
Monster Hunter Tri
Metroid Prime Trilogy
RE: Umbrella Chronicles
Dead Space Extraction
Zack and Wiki
Cave Story (Wiiware- I think this game is on Steam with a couple additions, so grab Cave Story + on Steam if you prefer PC. But don't you dare skip this game!)
Boom Blox (for party game fun)
No More Heroes
Mario Galaxy 1+2
Donkey Kong Country Returns

I'm probably forgetting a ton of games, but those are the really worthy ones off the top of my head. All quality titles that play very well, and I enjoyed them all quite a bit. There's a few more to be found on Wiiware, too, if you look in the right places.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Twilight princess, the metroid prime games, and now skyward sword MORE than justify owning the system.

Also, super metroid on virtual console. Hell, I virtual console the shit out of some wii, and play all my old gamecube games. Mostly resident evil zero and resident evil 2 these days, but again, JUSTIFIED.

Also, an emulated copy of Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons.
