Agema said:
Urgh. With that extra detail, it's incredibly hard to see how this can be fair or reasonable. It's particularly bad to also remove students who transferred to a legitimate establishment.
I mean, fucking hell, listing an institution as an accredited educational establishment on the government's own website and then nicking people who enrol and arrive at it is about as unreasonable as it gets. Never mind that it undermines the trust in official listings of recognised educational establishments.
This scandal broke like a year ago, and I remembered a detail that the news doesn't seem to be reporting this time around.
The University of Farmington was set up in 2015 to catch foreign nationals who had travelled to the US on student visas but stayed on by transferring to fake universities and then obtaining work permits through them.
The practice is common enough that US officials refer to such colleges as "visa mills" and the scam as a "pay-to-stay" scheme.
The sting was targeting exclusively people who were already in the US on student visas, set to end soon, and were trying to enroll in literally any accredited school so they could continue living and working in the US. I'm not saying nothing here was wrong, and people who transferred out to real schools I'd say were clearly not committing fraud, but when you read the OP source saying:
The students arrived legally in the U.S. on student visas, but lost their immigration status after it was revealed the University of Farmington was a sham. Many have since been deported back to India.
It sort of make it sound like they were tricking people into coming to America for school just to deport them. They were recruiting people who finished school, left school, or were at a school that wasn't legitimate itself and lost accreditation, and were trying to extend their student visa beyond its intended purpose. The one example the Metro Times mentions specifically, a person paid by the University to recruit more people to Farmington, transferred there because this school [] lost its accreditation.