If you could write a book...


The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
If you could could write a book, what would you call it? What genre would it be? What is the plot? Who is the protagonist/antagonist? What is the conflict and how is it resolved? How do the characrtes develop? Is there an underlying theme; if so what would it be? Does your story borrow from anything; if so what?


Engaged to PaintyFace
Jan 20, 2009
Suiseiseki IRL said:
If you could could write a book, what would you call it? What genre would it be? What is the plot? Who is the protagonist/antagonist? What is the conflict and how is it resolved? How do the characrtes develop? Is there an underlying theme; if so what would it be? Does your story borrow from anything; if so what?
I would call it Journey. It would be a fantasy story about 3 Elf freinds who go on adventures together. The antagonist would vary from story to story if I were to make sequels. I suppose to start off I'd make the antagonist an evil lord who imprisons the 3 protagonist freinds, they kill the lord and escape while taking the wealth of the lord and distributing it amongst the people. If it were to borrow from anything it would be the writing styles of R.A. Salvatore and Christopher Paolini. I believe this answers all the questions.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Some sort of misanthropic, satirical steampunk, perhaps.

Alternatively, if I was intending to earn some money, I'd write some sort of garbage for the tween market, change my name and relocate in order to dissociate myself from aforementioned garbage, and live somewhere suitably remote with a lot of cats, a hallucinogenic garden and a supercomputer.

But I cannot write. I cannot really do anything well.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
I would be so much more willing to reply to this thread properly if I didn't already have a(n abysmal) book in the works and wasn't incredibly shy of revealing anything about it to anyone.

So yeah. Stuff.
Mar 17, 2009
I havent thought of a title yet, but I was thinking of a story set in a fictional dystopian dictatorship, following the adventures of a young journalist who was fired after this dictator took power. It would deal with drugs, prostitution, immigration, racism, violent police and fascim. I was inspired after a school trip to Athens.
I've already got a part of it down in my mind.

The Admiral

New member
Jul 23, 2008
HA! great idea, get a bunch of people to spill all of their good ideas and then take all the credit when you publish it yourself.


The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
The Admiral said:
HA! great idea, get a bunch of people to spill all of their good ideas and then take all the credit when you publish it yourself.
I'm typing mine up, a few minutes please.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Title of book won't be fully considered till book is finished. Fantasy, albiet love and psychological suspense. Lost love, journey to find it again. Protagonist is the lover/ dreamer, antagonist is the unknown. Conflict is mainly with the protagonist's inner feelings, issues, restraints getting in the way. Resolved with hope. Characters learn more about themselves, and each other. Love is greater than all else. Borrows moments from my past, and dreamings of my future. Setting would probably be a mixture of R.A. Salvatore's fantasy realms and Raymond E. Feist's fairie realms. Think Legend.

Bad Neighbour

New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm currently on a creative writing course actually. Writing a novel about souls and how life works after death, although thats all i'm revealing lol, i'm kinda protective of my work.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Current day book, done in the style of "Buddy Films" with his best friend replaced with with a talking pie, who travels through time, for some reason. I call it, "Billy and the Clonasaurus"


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Suiseiseki IRL said:
If you could could write a book, what would you call it? What genre would it be? What is the plot? Who is the protagonist/antagonist? What is the conflict and how is it resolved? How do the characrtes develop? Is there an underlying theme; if so what would it be? Does your story borrow from anything; if so what?
I won't say too much since I really do plan to write a book (I've been writing a few pages, though most of it is still forming in my head).
I'd probably call it Postea which is Latin for "later" or something about light and shadow.
It would technically be sci-fi, but a bit fantasy oriented, post-apocalyptic ice-world (or rather, ice-land as only the parts of the world the main plot takes place are icy).
It's about a young man, who is brought up in a religiously fanatic new country, learning the truths about life and beginning to abandon the prejudices he has lived with for his entire life. He'll flee the nation with a band of assorted people, trying to avoid a second major disaster. He'll die a free man in a free country, far away, probably from radiation poisoning. The underlying theme is that religious fanaticism never leads to anything good.
As for borrowing, certainly subconciously, though I couldn't name anything right now. Maybe Lord of the Rings. But to be honest I'm not entirely sure where I got my inspiration from.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I write books, well they should be more suited to be manga i tried once i can draw and everything but its to damn much work >.> but mine i pretty much write about a world generaly the main atagonist is a dude named chaos who created archangels, beings of destruction, always two usualy they both perform there tasks and sometimes one or both revolts sometimes someone has to kill them and my most recent has one named Edge Rift who is the lord of the burning plains a continent with many fires as if they were greenery, anyway, he gets word of another being with "divine" powers like his own she calls herself the angel of death, Edge leaves to find her but passes out as soon as he leaves the castle to see a figure of chaos, telling him that he is sick of being ignored, (Edge never listened to Chaos seeing as he found killing innocent a pointless task) Edge was sick of Chaos' attempts at ordering him and said "I never asked for these powers... And I definetly never asked to be your slave..." Chaos said he would destroy Edge for defying a god. Edge set out to find the "Angel of death".... If you wanna read the more detailed beggining and the rest of it for that matter just ask I can sureley link you to the full story.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
samaritan.squirrel said:
Some sort of misanthropic, satirical steampunk, perhaps.

Alternatively, if I was intending to earn some money, I'd write some sort of garbage for the tween market, change my name and relocate in order to dissociate myself from aforementioned garbage, and live somewhere suitably remote with a lot of cats, a hallucinogenic garden and a supercomputer.

But I cannot write. I cannot really do anything well.
So move to LA and you got 90% of that shit covered >.> 100% if you bring cats



Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
I came up with a story idea a couple years ago. I've just been typing it out on my computer as more of the stroy comes to me. It's called the Legends of Shamet. It's fantasy and I'm planning to make it a three part story. Inspirations come from LOTR and Star Wars/ Eragon.
There are to many spoilers in the story so I can't say alot.
Unfortunatly, I just looked on the internet a couple days ago and found that half of the names which I thought I invented are actual names of people/places, and I'm half way through the first book. (Shamet is a town in Africa. What the heck!?)


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I would probably write something like my thoughts on life and stuff or something like that.
samaritan.squirrel said:
But I cannot write. I cannot really do anything well.
Yeah me too.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I have already written quite a few pages of a dark fantasy book who's name can be sort of translated into english as "The Mirror People". It involves fairies, as well as people kidnapped by said fairies and replaced with glass dolls(changelings). The protagonist's name is Adam. His life is shit. It is going to become way shittier very soon. It begins with freakish dreams.
It's far from perfect, thaugh. And I am not going to publish it until it is. So don't hold your breath over it.



The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
Almost finished with my explanation. Brace yourself it wil be long.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
A full book? Urg. Despite hearing that complete books are easier to write than short stories, I'm still a bigger fan of the short story. Or possibly novella. I never really understood what that was. However, if I did write a full book it would probably heavily draw from Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams's style in a futuristic alternate universe. Despite my love for more serious literature undertakings, I don't think I could ever be so bold as to claim I would be able to write something as profound as Hyperion or as in depth as Cryptonomicon, but that's precisely what I'd want to do. Though even saying that doesn't do justice to Pratchett's amazing insight to human nature and ability to write, or Douglas Adams's... well, OK, since then I've felt he wasn't quite as significant an author and if I had read his books now they wouldn't have had the impact they did when I was younger, but I still feel he left an important mark. Plus I would HAVE to write a humorous book, even if I turned out to be terrible at it.

Anyway, it would be a sci-fi comedy set in a distant future of an alternate universe.

Either that or I'll just rewrite Confederacy of Dunces and call it a coincidence.


In more of an actual answer to your full question, It would be a theme of futility. I love the idea that no matter how much of an impact you think you can make, it's still just throwing pebbles into the sun. I have no idea about any of the other things you asked, that's thinking way too far ahead for me.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Already done it.

I wrote a 1200 page novel or therabouts. Now I'm trying to work out what to do with it.

And I have about 3 chapters of a second one...

Both are basically modern-day fantasy, but I don't want to get into any details.
I'm actually trying to get a second draft going, but I haven't worked on it in about a year.
(it took 3 years or so to get finished...)

So... Yeah. Writing is interesting, but time consuming. Granted, if I had been more dedicated, I could have gotten the same amount of work done in 6 months, but still...

Epic fantasy involving lots of magic, but in a modern setting.
(No comparisons to Harry Potter please... XD)