If you were to make a video game company what games would your company make?

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Mine would be like Rare. We would make any game we wanted provided we had the confidence that we could do the genre justice. I think I would mainly focus on story driven 3-D platformers/action adventure/role playing games though.


Social Justice Cleric
Mar 1, 2012
Hopefully, good games!

Seriously though, I'd love to focus on games that had a non-combat focus or an alternate-combat focus - perhaps games where not killing anyone in a level is a sign of skill, or games where a player has to scurry around avoiding enemies in order to assemble a bigger machine which can actually damage enemies.

I also have a soft spot in my heart for 'edutainment' stuff - I think that in some ways educational games have been swept to the side, and those that remain and are recent instead of as old as I am have lost their teeth. I actually have a theory about how Oregon Trail fostered the revival of the roguelike that's happening now, because in many ways, Oregon Trail was a 'educational roguelike'. More edutainment games that step back and give you perhaps a vague warning but don't stop you if you are going to fuck up. They just let you fuck up. And then try again. Or if you're much older and drunk, you can create insane mini-challenged like trying to set out with the minimum required number of oxen and one wagon and the rest of your money spent entirely on chickens and whiskey. But I think it's a super important element to have in educational games to teach students that it's not actually the end of the world when you screw up... and perhaps that sometimes you can be prepared and do your best but still fail because of events outside of your control, and that is ok too.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
That's fairly difficult. I wouldn't stick to any one specific gameplay style, though I'd predominantly do RPGs. I'd focus on lore -- the idea that any game can have a rich, believable fictional world behind it. No matter what genre the game was, it would never take place in historical or present-day settings (all future, alternate history, or fantasy games). Each one would have lore hidden in various places: through the environment, through characters, through weapon designs, flavor text, logs and codex entries, etc. to the point where someone could easily do spinoff stories and roleplay campaigns and such. In essence, all of my games would be very very fanfiction-friendly, and we'd strive to include those deep stories in games where people wouldn't expect them -- and hopefully, we'd be able to incorporate bits of the universe into the gameplay as well.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
iPhone games. I would make the casualest games that were ever made, and destroy the "hardcore" gamer. Mwahaha! Mwahahaha, I say!

I don't know. If I had the run of a company, I'd probably do whatever I felt like. Action, puzzle, shooter, sandbox. I'd probably try and get a music-related game in there somewhere.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
XD I would try to keep the money in check and see if someone can help me program and make better art and sounds. I already study game design. My dream is to make games where people discover things about themselves. Understand what makes them tick, what kind of people they are.
I have ideas ranging from indie to AAA, and yet I can't decide on what I want to make. I'm struggling to get through college. Making games is difficult work and the teachers are very strict.


Let slip the Guinea Pigs of war!
Sep 11, 2008
Grand Strategy Games (Crusader kings, EU and the like). Lots of history (real or imagined) lots of detail, bare minimum graphics.

I actually have had one in my head for a while, but I am in no way able to produce an actual game (especially on that scale)

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
I would probably go small and cheap first.
So I'm inclined to go for a World of Tanks "clone", but mine would be sprite based and sci-fi. Very much in the Gratuitous Tank Battles style with a gigantic span of customization and future tech, but this would be real-time goal based multiplayer as the start. Being sprites and 2D mechanics the game could probably be done pretty darn cheap, and more open to unrealistic silliness, yet be heavily stacked with precision mechanics (directional armor, armor types, weapon/damage types, module damage, energy management, smoke screens, mines, spy drones, field repairs,...).

And if that worked out as intended things could be taken forward, possibly with Commandos like campaigns(you get an enemy base to defeat), maybe take the ground combat to space, more campaigns for space, then possibly pull all together for an RTS,...

I would also be pushing for lightweight game builds and immediacy. So the game would just start with basic visuals almost instantly, and you would already be in a tank which you then drive up to a game testing area, match que, garage, friend hangar,... just everything being done in game rather then menu boxes, load screens and ticking timers.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Hmmm. I guess I'd try my hand at everything really. Start with some nice open world roguelikes, then some puzzle sidescrollers, a shooter here and there and an open world sandbox if get serious dough.

Oh oh! And a remake of Tyrian!


New member
Jun 21, 2013
Johnny Novgorod said:
I wanna say "the bestest most openest sandbox world ever" but deep down I think I want to see games defy genre more and more and start exploring some actual boundaries, rather than simply doing more of the same buy slightly bigger, slightly prettier and slightly better.
How do you do that?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
I wouldn't know what kind of game to make. Maybe I would create a new genre...

Sean Renaud

New member
Apr 12, 2011
I'd make GOOD games. ::Drops mike and walks off::

::Comes running back::

Sheesh, you bitches took me seriously?

I'd build a world(s) and fill them with games that eventually spread out. Something like what would happen if Capcom's Street Fighter world had taken Nintendo's route with Mario.

Grand Theft Auto set in Metro City with the Mad Gear gang.

Call of Duty with Shadoloo terrorists instead of (or teamed up with) Al Qaeda/Russians/Chinese (Whoever is in vogue this week)

Need for Speed with teams sponsored by Ken Masters.

L.A. Noire again in Metro City (but I'd have more than just Metro City)

But one continual world like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, any game we thought would be a good game would be made and worked into the mythology but officially. I like world building.

If I had to stick to a single genre I'd probably end up with some breed of RPG.

Atrocious Joystick

New member
May 5, 2011
Open world, first person, mystery games. You would be dropped in a relatively large open location like a small town with surroundings, with a day night cycle and everything. It would be your job to investigate whatever weird going ons are, well, going on, maybe you´re a cop or personally involved somehow. Gameplay would consist of finding clues, investigating locations and people and some sneaking around. Combat would happen but only like once or twice a game and it would be brutal. That´s not to say danger would only be present once or twice.

The mysteries themselves would be a mix of the whole crime drama deal and horror/thriller. You would often be dealing with strange cults or ritual murder, not being entirely sure if you were dealing with ordinary psychos or something more sinister. Some games would culminate in the supernatural being confirmed, others in the ordinary being confirmed and some still would leave you guessing.


New member
Aug 23, 2013
Atrocious Joystick said:
The mysteries themselves would be a mix of the whole crime drama deal and horror/thriller. You would often be dealing with strange cults or ritual murder, not being entirely sure if you were dealing with ordinary psychos or something more sinister. Some games would culminate in the supernatural being confirmed, others in the ordinary being confirmed and some still would leave you guessing.
I'd play those.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
RPG Games with multiple playable characters with varying story lines.

But literally no heterosexual, vanilla sexuality white male 'bro' type characters. Getting sick of it.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
An emotional adventure that would incorporate touchy subjects like child abuse, abandonment, kids running away from home and losing their innocence, becoming criminals just to stay alive in the world to tell a story and treat these subjects with the respect they deserve. Just as you are about to give up on the hope of a better life,a little girl comes into your life. Abandoned by her parents for being "a waste of life" at the age of six, you promise yourself to protect her innocence. You kill to keep her safe and to provide for the both of you. The only reason you are not insane is because she gave you a purpose to keep going. I'll call the game "Chains of Torment."

A FPS game that puts you in the position of untrained civilians forced to take up arms against a ruthless dictator and take back their country, no matter how many soldiers get in your way and be forced to face the trauma of murder weighing down your conscience.