Image of Assassins Creed III's main character leaked


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Im so excited about this game now! seriuly just look at him! not one part about him doesnt say BADASS, i love the look on that Tomahawk


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Wintermute_ said:
skywolfblue said:
I'm betting it's fake.

That outfit is a horrid abomination. I mean absolutely shitty. Trying to mix the original outfit with revolution era buckles, just wrong wrong wrong. Go one way or the other.
Oh thank goodness people with aesthetic sensibilities are still out there. Honestly, look at that thing. Why the hell are they clinging to that damn hawk motif like a man on the wing of an airborne plane? The only indication of said motif that survives from the original game is that stupid little square bit of fabric on the hood... and...

Oh jesus I keep looking at it and just realized that they took a damn Regimental Coat/weskit/hunting frock, made it too small, gave it the hood, then strapped bear hide to his legs so they can justify him being native american (how the fuck is this guy descended from a middle eastern palestinian and an italian, yet is somehow half english, half native american?), oh and look, they gave the native american fucking bracers and the incredibly noticeable assassin logo, because he looks soooo stealthy and assassin-like right there. Can't wait to see how they explain away slowly coating this guy in more and more armor upgrades in a revolutionary, continental army over-designed morass.

Okay, now I'm bordering on a rant here, and may be guilty of preemptively judging a book by its cover (all too literally) but I have an overabundance of doubts based on this image. The Colonies didn't have the massive cities of ancient european and palestinian cities for the characteristic free-running element of AC to be feasible. If they plan to play up the Native American angle, then the primary areas of combat during the revolution will be either forests or infiltrating forts and frontier towns, maybe larger capital cities to take out British officers, but then that outfit still doesn't make ANY sense what with the bright white.

I now hold serious reservations about the success of this game. I imagine they have either finally manned up and implemented a proper stealth element back into the gameplay (lets face it, after AC2, you weren't an assassin anymore. You were public enemy #1, a one-man-army, slayer of thousands of guards, and for someone who is supposed to be a stealthy unseen hand of death, almost every conflict ends in massive 1 v. 100 slaughters while big-bad ran for it and your name was know on the streets like fucking batman in Gotham) or they just tossed it out and aren't bothering with it. Jeez, I can only imagine the weird templar National Treasure rip-off they are brewing to further muddy this series plot, and heavens only know what they thought up so they could put Desmound BACK in the animus.

Damn... How war beginning of the 20th century World War 1 Europe not considered?! Their was enough political intrigue, international subterfuge and byzantine dynastic rivalry to make for one of the most interesting and historically relevant Assassin games possible! How in the name of all the powers that be did the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, which plunged the world into the most important and influential conflict, one that would irreversibly define social, economic, and political customs across the globe for the remainder of the century not have the Assassins Creed writers jizzing themselves in creative passion at the chance to place the player in that pivotal role that would decide the fates of untold millions, and in a social and political setting that would allow the odd Templar/Assassin war/rivalry to be messed seamlessly with the already stylized political atmosphere of turn off the century europe and expand into more complex economical and politically complex motivations and plots than in past games as the world entered a new technological and social era. This was the time where dynastic political icons and characters with intricate relationships and familial ties moved the nations of the world with their personal whims, where entire societies and centuries of tradition were overthrown in a tumult of popular revolt supported by a hurricane of palace and parlor ASSASSINATIONS FOR MEANINGFUL POLITICAL GAINS AND SUBTERFUGE OF GREY MORALITY NOT BE CONSIDERED OVER THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION THAT HAD COMPARATIVELY LITTLE TO NO POLITICAL UPHEAVAL THAT WOULD WARRANT ASSASSINS WHEN OPEN WARFARE WAS THE STATUS QUO?! I have legitimate fear that they are making a videogame adaptation of The Patriot.

... so sorry skywolfblue, it just text walled the inside of your inbox...
Hehe, no worries. :p

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
I'm happy to see I'm not the only one feeling hesitant about this. I'm only half-attached to the AC series, but I still hold some interest.

tr00per7 said:
why do people keep bloody suggesting the damn french revolution over the american revolution? The American revolution happend first, in 1776ish and ended around 1781 while the french revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799. So timewise it makes more sense and also its more intresting. The french revolution really only involved french, but as others have mention the american revolution included americans, brits, french, germans, spanish, native americans and african americans, im sure we'll get more variation out of that.

and those suggesting japan or china? thats too different! Besides, doesnt the game revolve a lot around western politics and christianity, so it wouldnt really fit much with the story fighting ninjas and samurais in japan or warrior monks in china for not much reason.
And the French Revolution had the Coalition Wars which involved almost literally everyone vs France.

Japan and Christianity have a lot together and Western influence towards both China and Japan is a VERY important modern issue.

For some Americans, the prime selling point of Assassin's Creed was exploring foreign countries in olden times. As an American, I'd think that this would be the last place they would choose.

I'm not saying the game will be bad, but we're allowed to show hesitance.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
superdelux said:
etherlance said:
Wait.....This is a joke right?

Cause I swear if I have to play through another entire game that doesn't finish the fucking storyline, I'm gonna kill the developers.

At the end of Revelations I thought to myself: "Finally the last part of the game is next".

I love the games but they really seem to be dragging on now.
Ubisoft said that the storyline will conclude this year, they believe that if the climax of the series is supposed to happen in December 2012 you should finish the story before then.

Don't get me wrong I love the AC series and will but this one even if I do ***** about it a little.

It's just it seems like they are doing the same thing that the Final fantasy series have done, stretch out a series of games untill we stop buying them.

It's like the the game is made of butter and the series is the knife that spreads the "Game butter" over the toast that is the player, but now the series is getting spread thin and soon will no longer taste the buttery goodness of Assassains Creed anymore.

......I can keep the "Butter Game" idea going if you like :)

Tazzy da Devil

New member
Sep 9, 2011
Well this lifts some doubts from my mind. When I first heard it was going to be set in America, my first worry was about his name. American names are really boring. Altair and Ezio had really cool names, and I was worried that this guy's name was going to be John Smith or something equally as boring. I'm glad he's a Native American though, they have some pretty cool names.

Jesse Billingsley

New member
Mar 21, 2011
superdelux said:

It appears that the next game in the series will take place during the American revolution and will star a Native American ancestor this time around.
Good to see the game industry is moving beyond the typical "White protagonist"