So, the wall down South is pretty scalable. The current method is rebar, mainly because you can just leave it there so other people can use it. It naturally camouflaged and isn't easily seen
Together with the fact that you can just saw your way through, its getting a bit silly. And they just replace the panel they cut out, pretty much making a door in the wall as long as you remember where you cut. And CBP cant see it easily
But that's not what I wanted to point out. I wanted to point out that they are deliberately entering the US through this wall because it's now the easiest way. There is only about 100 miles built in stages. Smugglers could easily just GO AROUND the wall. But, that doesn't seem to be the easiest way.
Trump might be unintentionally making it easier for smugglers to get in
Together with the fact that you can just saw your way through, its getting a bit silly. And they just replace the panel they cut out, pretty much making a door in the wall as long as you remember where you cut. And CBP cant see it easily
But that's not what I wanted to point out. I wanted to point out that they are deliberately entering the US through this wall because it's now the easiest way. There is only about 100 miles built in stages. Smugglers could easily just GO AROUND the wall. But, that doesn't seem to be the easiest way.
Trump might be unintentionally making it easier for smugglers to get in