Improve Bad Movies With MST3K Glasses


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
A random person said:
I MST3K things I do like and even real life, I definitely want these.
The day "MST3K" becomes a recognized verb in the Oxford English Dictonary marks the day that nerds officially rule the world.

It sounds like a hoot, but I'm too lazy to make myself one. I'd much rather spend that time watching actual episodes of MST3K.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
A random person said:
Andronicus said:
A random person said:
I MST3K things I do like and even real life, I definitely want these.
The day "MST3K" becomes a recognized verb in the Oxford English Dictonary marks the day that nerds officially rule the world.
>implying that we don't already
Oh yeah, but secretly, planning our next moves and rubbing our hands together and laughing maniacally. Once our plans for world domination and full control over the populace's vocabularies ahs been realised, we will officially announce our rule.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
Jon Etheridge said:
Sweet. People can put these on and watch older Apocalypse Lane episodes.
Aw, reading this makes me feel sad. Well to be fair I did watch the first 7 or so episodes. It just didn't feel like my type of humor.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Andronicus said:
A random person said:
Andronicus said:
A random person said:
I MST3K things I do like and even real life, I definitely want these.
The day "MST3K" becomes a recognized verb in the Oxford English Dictonary marks the day that nerds officially rule the world.
>implying that we don't already
Oh yeah, but secretly, planning our next moves and rubbing our hands together and laughing maniacally. Once our plans for world domination and full control over the populace's vocabularies ahs been realised, we will officially announce our rule.
True, until then we'll continue pretending to get beaten up by jocks and getting out-famed by musicians, athletes, and actors. Of course, we're making progress with sci-fi, video games, and anime (though there's some internal discord over that last one), and we're covertly increasing scientific literacy.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
A random person said:
Andronicus said:
A random person said:
Andronicus said:
A random person said:
I MST3K things I do like and even real life, I definitely want these.
The day "MST3K" becomes a recognized verb in the Oxford English Dictonary marks the day that nerds officially rule the world.
>implying that we don't already
Oh yeah, but secretly, planning our next moves and rubbing our hands together and laughing maniacally. Once our plans for world domination and full control over the populace's vocabularies ahs been realised, we will officially announce our rule.
True, until then we'll continue pretending to get beaten up by jocks and getting out-famed by musicians, athletes, and actors. Of course, we're making progress with sci-fi, video games, and anime (though there's some internal discord over that last one), and we're covertly increasing scientific literacy.
Indeed, oh fellow enlightened one. Until our diabolical plans come to fruition then, friend, 'til then...

Jon Etheridge

Appsro Animation
Apr 28, 2009
Eric the Orange said:
Jon Etheridge said:
Sweet. People can put these on and watch older Apocalypse Lane episodes.
Aw, reading this makes me feel sad. Well to be fair I did watch the first 7 or so episodes. It just didn't feel like my type of humor.
Don't be sad. I was just having a bit of fun. I'm honestly happy with the small fan base rather than a larger one. I get about 3 or 4 e-mails a day from fans of the show that just go on and on and on. (not that i don't appreciate my fans, I just find the ones who write me asking insane amounts of questions a bit strange) I can't imagine the weird e-mails Yahtzee must get on a day to day basis. :p

Back on topic, these glasses make me miss the old shenanigans of Tom and Crow. I really wish they could do something like this with newer films but I'm sure there are huge amounts of legal issues involved with something like this. How sweet would it be to see these guys taking on recent crap like Indiana Jones 4 or the recent Terminator.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Jon Etheridge said:
Eric the Orange said:
Jon Etheridge said:
Sweet. People can put these on and watch older Apocalypse Lane episodes.
Aw, reading this makes me feel sad. Well to be fair I did watch the first 7 or so episodes. It just didn't feel like my type of humor.
Don't be sad. I was just having a bit of fun. I'm honestly happy with the small fan base rather than a larger one. I get about 3 or 4 e-mails a day from fans of the show that just go on and on and on. (not that i don't appreciate my fans, I just find the ones who write me asking insane amounts of questions a bit strange) I can't imagine the weird e-mails Yahtzee must get on a day to day basis. :p

Back on topic, these glasses make me miss the old shenanigans of Tom and Crow. I really wish they could do something like this with newer films but I'm sure there are huge amounts of legal issues involved with something like this. How sweet would it be to see these guys taking on recent crap like Indiana Jones 4 or the recent Terminator.
Like this you mean?


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Oh what a good idea! Oh man the person who thought this one up is a genius! But unfortunately the glasses pale in comparison to watching an episode of MST3K.


Niche Game Fangirl
Oct 28, 2005
Eric the Orange said:
Or prehaps and easier way if your at home, put the silhouettes on your TV.
This idea amuses me terribly.

odubya23 said:
I don't understand what inclinaion I have by preferring Joel to Mike
One of absolute good taste. :) Not starting a Joel vs Mike war here, just agreeing, but I think it largely depends on how/when you discovered the series most likely.

Also, this page amused me (You Might Be a MiSTie if...):

The Lizard of Odd

New member
Jun 23, 2009
Yeeesss.. ! Escapist, put this in an article somewhere! Watched 3 over thanksgiving break with my family...they're all at -least- as good as the decent old mst3k episodes, and frequently absolutely hilarious. XD