Is Metroid popular enough to sell the Wii U?


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Halyah said:
It gets worse. You know the Sakamoto guy behind the main reason Other M was so bad(ie the story)? He got promoted... and if some quotes attributed to him is true then I don't think he ever registered the complaints about Other M. At least that was the impression I got. So I wouldn't have high hopes if I were you.
Oh, right, it sold well in Japan. Well, fuck everything.
Could you hand me some citation for that anyway? I like some sources when it comes to bad news.

Neronium said:
You think that's bad, I preordered the a Shadow the Hedgehog beanie and everything...
You got a beanie? Now I'm jealous, at least you got something good out of it.

Evonisia said:
Oh so Other M did retcon Prime entirely? Damn, that's a bit ruthless.
Yep, Sakamoto retconed the entire Prime series for no good reason. I like to think he probably wasn't happy about how popular and acclaimed the Prime series got seeing as he didn't write it, of course I'm currently wearing my tinfoil hate when saying that theory.
If this was true, it actually wouldn't surprise me. Pride is a powerful thing. Still, since there's no way to actually prove that to be the case, I guess all we really can do is continue to don the tinfoil hats and make conspiracy theories.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
would i throw money at people to get a metroid prime like game on pc?
yes, i would
i wouldn't buy a console for that.
nintendo really painted themselves into the "this plays nintendo stuff(and monster hunter)" corner with the Wiiu, without the casual appeal the wii had. people are buying ps4s and xbones because they are sold on the promise of getting all the AAA titles for the next ten years, nintendo sells themselves to people who already love nintendo because they have played it since they were kids. and there are fewer and fewer of those since people who grew up in the later half of the 90s or the early 00s are much more like to have grown up with a different console.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Metroid is the only game series that I could say I love from Nintendo, they've been really good minus the garbage that was Other M, if there were a few more games and a GOOD Metroid I'd buy. But considering Nintendo's first attempt at a Metroid was a total screw up I'm skeptical till I hear things about any possible Metroid title.

Note before you quote me telling me I'm an idiot:
Retro Studios made the Prime titles and Nintendo were not very happy with them often.
Other M was developed by Team Ninja but the games story and ideas were laid out by Nintendo and Sakamoto (I think that's name behind Metroid) so yes it was Nintendos fault for many of the games faults.


New member
Apr 4, 2013
I love metroid games, but Nintendo isn't getting a dime until they cough up Smash Brothers.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
No. Metroid's always had this sort of spark, something that made it different and unique, even if other m's big difference was being awful from start to finish in unimaginably catastrophic ways only possible when a monkey is left with a typewriter and complete control of a franchise that almost anyone could've handled better regardless of experience, but I don't think it's ever been a system seller.

Maybe if it was really good. And I mean really, really, really good, like, "prime" good, maybe even better. I'm not saying a shooter, or whatever the hell you call other m's style, but something open, with an organic feeling to it. It would also help if the story was written by someone who knows how to write a cohesive plot with in-depth characters, an excellent understanding of subtlety, and a massive universe to explore, not the bottle-shaped-ship with those one-note automatons.

And finally: if everyone was very vocal about how good it was. That would do it. That would make Metroid a console seller.

I wish you the best of luck Nintendo. Don't fail us now.


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Well, I consider myself a pretty big Metroid fan, and I'd still say "no," because I honestly think this is kind of the wrong question to be asking in the first place. I think it should be rephrased as "Are a handful of tried-and-true franchises enough to sell the Wii U?"

The business model of hyping up the big names and hoping that the brands, themselves, are enough to keep the system afloat seems kind of fallacious to me. It makes no sense to me to buy a system for several hundred dollars just two or three games. I mean. Case in point: I bought a Wii, but I rarely used it. I bought Brawl when it came out, then, once the novelty of it wore off, I basically shelved it until Skyward Sword came out.

What Nintendo needs to sell the Wii U is a decent line-up of those core franchises (like they're already working on) supplemented by good 3rd party titles.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Halyah said:
SilverBullets000 said:
Halyah said:
It gets worse. You know the Sakamoto guy behind the main reason Other M was so bad(ie the story)? He got promoted... and if some quotes attributed to him is true then I don't think he ever registered the complaints about Other M. At least that was the impression I got. So I wouldn't have high hopes if I were you.
Oh, right, it sold well in Japan. Well, fuck everything.
Could you hand me some citation for that anyway? I like some sources when it comes to bad news.
The promotion? It's mentioned here:

As for the quotes:

That's what I could find with a quick google when looking around for it again.
The original source of those quotes was an article on Play4Real, a satirical website, sort of like the gaming news equivalent to The Onion. One look at their front page should tell you that every single word on there is bullshit of the purest kind, not to be taken with a grain of sand, but with the entire Sahara desert poured over it.

So, yeah, might wanna check your sources a bit better next time.

OT: . No, Metroid is not a system-selling franchise, not to the degree that Mario, Zelda or Pokémon are. It has a dedicated fanbase and a new top tier title would probably give the Wii U a minor sales boost, but it wouldn't singlehandedly drag the console out of the mud.

It would however sell me on one, especially if they made it a 2.5D platformer or a return to the Prime formula.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
As long it's a proper Metroid, i.e. a la Zero Mission or Prime. FUCK Other M.