Issue 26 - The Other Side of the Counter

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Joe Blancato"OK, I'll admit. I only lasted a month behind the sales counter of a major gaming store. But what a month." Joe Blancato speaks with another veteran, and they share some stories from their time on the front lines.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Ravaeyn
Another fine example of writing and content provided by this magazine. Good Work!

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Doug Farrell

Great article, Joe!

I lasted almost 9 months at an EB Games before turning in my notice. Within two weeks of my departure, both the manager and assistant manager quit, along with another clerk, and two others were laid off. Highlights of the nine months included:

- the manager going on paternity leave, to be replaced by a goofy, non-gamer, with a sparse retail resume, and an uncanny resemblence to one of the Beegees

- Endless debates with Console Evangelists, all the while concealing the fact that I was a PC gamer with no real interest in the console debate

- Our very own store stalker, who started by spending hours each day playing the demos, moved up to waiting outside the store for us to open, and eventually following staff members on meal breaks and to the bus stop after shifts. Being banned from the store for shoplifting didn't deter him, though a mall-wide ban after I spotted him sitting on the bench in front of the store watching us eventually did. Also, he smelled bad.

The high point, however, of my experience in video game retail had to be the christmas season release of GTA3 and Vice City for the XBOX. I was the grinch of so many kids christmas that year, it's a wonder I was never roughed up in the parking lot by a crowd of angry 13 year olds.


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Jun 13, 2002
The closest I've ever come to working retail is doing time at Starbucks. I lasted two weeks. Short enough for them to wonder if they actually owed me a paycheck. I have new respect for anyone able to grin and bear a retail job as demanding as coffee or videogames. I have abject fear of those who enjoy it.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Slartibartfast

I've done a total of about 9 months in retail (various crappy stores) as well as a few months of part-time at a friend's non-video gaming store. Let me say, I yell at my gf when we're in a store and she doesn't put stuff back right or kicks things around. I definitely empathize with the poor saps working retail.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Patrick Dugan
I worked at an EB in Northern Virginia for a day when I was 14, so I feel that.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Tortanick

Wow sounds far worse than the stores in the UK, I can't remember the last time someone actually pushed something on me. The worst I've ever seen is overcrowding.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Matt Gabanski
After reading your article, I was reminded of the stories at the following link:

Someone at the PC Gamer UK forum posted it a couple of days ago, and there are some really funny comments and stories there. Have a look, see if any of the situations sound familiar.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: BacksideNine
Ah the acts of gord. Koods on the article. One word for video game retail.
But worth the run.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Charlie

Maybe it would have been a favor to Paul if he had been done for petty theft after all.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Manu

Disappointing article.

I have worked retail briefly myself. And I've done worse. I spent a year working the dining halls during my freshman year in college.

I found none of your anecdotes interesting.

The fact that you recommended Banjo Kazooie to a family looking for a PS title is indicative of your fluency in Spanish or a further example of retail chain staff being woefully ignorant of their professional obligation and passtime.

I don't want to be harsh, but I hold The Escapist to a high standard, and I'd be surprised to see something so mundane on Mr. Blancato's personal blog. Shameful.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: KD

Wow, Manu, take a chill pill.
Ten years of retail has turned me to the dark side, but it looks like your brief stint in retail stole your humanity as well.

I'm on good authority that The Emperor was only joking when he said "Give in to your hate".