Original Comment by: Munir
Yes. My experience was fairly typical too. Usually playing games till the early hours of the morning, and then deciding to stay up till the next day anyway 'cos it was too late(/early) to sleep! Eventually I started sleeping during the day time and at one point became completely nocturnal, sleeping from 8am and waking mid evening. This sucked mostly 'cos the shops were all closed and there was nobody to talk to!
But also when I did need to be awake during the day, I'd be knackered.
Thinking about it now, I only got that way because playing games was just easier and far more fun than difficult university studies and everyday life. But I eventually realised that my student loan wouldn't last, and I needed work unless I started playing games professionally! And more than that, I would be useless to society, friends and myself if I chose games over work.
So now, I've relegated games to entertainment and appreciation, and I manage to sleep....at night!