Issue 28 - Ask Not What Your Game Can Do For You...

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Shawn Williams"Gamers exist in communities. Whether we're grouped by the faction we're a part of, the server we play on, the game we play, the genre of game we play - or some combination thereof - we exist as part of a community." Shawn Williams tells us how gamers and their virtual communities have provided support that his local ones could not.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Hixes

I just recently subscribed to this newsletter after a well put together artical about EVE. After reading this artical im am VERY glad i subscribed. It is true in so many ways and is a great feeling to know there are people out there that help in such ways.

Also our prayers are with you and hope all is as well as it can be.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Andrea Appel (a.k.a. Alexandra Erenhart)
I find that it's even easier to find people to help you or understand you, if you're inmerse in a common thing with all of them. Ok, your neighbor might live next to you, maybe in the same complex, but he/she might be as different from you as the sun is from the moon. So, if you don't share anything in particular with that person, nothing will come up from it. But you share a lot (A LOT with caps) with people in gaming communities. You share those very hard quests, you share knowledge, you share the pvp action... those people understand you. You have a common base with them. And when it comes to the story told by the article (by the way, it was kinda sad to read, I hope everything goes ok), those will be the people that will help you. Not your neighbor. That's how I see it. MMORPGs always create a new country, that trascend class, money, gender, race, anything. And they all share things. This article is the ultimate expression of it.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: BacksideNine
again, the escapist provides us with an impactful article. Kood's. This article really hit home for me but we dont need to get into that.

Beautiful article.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: zorniki
I can´t really express my feelings after reading this article. It moved me in every way possible. I wish you all the strength and faith one gamer can give to the other!

Greets from Austria!

PS: I had similar experiences in gaming communities, showing that there´s much more in between all of us, connecting us every second of our lifes!

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Shawn Williams
Thanks very much for the kind words/thoughts, all. Glad you enjoyed it, and very glad you took the time to say so!

Best wishes!

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Cardinal

Hey Shawn... I read this latest article and I hope I'm not too late to pass on some very important information. I'm one of those rare "uber healthy" computer geek/gamer types. I've been through my own bout with disease and kicked it's ASS!

Of all I've learned on my journey to wellness, regardless what the doctors tell you... there is ALWAYS something you can do... in my case.... I overcame what I was told I couldn't. In the case of your poor wife, I have some info to pass your way.

I've been following this diet/lifestyle for the past 6 years, it is called the blood type diet and it is, in my opinion a revolution in how we should be thinking about nutrition/diet. Essentially, each blood type (A, O, B, AB) have very distinct traits in how certain foods react with it, which form of stress management is best and which type is most suseptible to which disease. The doctor (Peter J. Dadamo) and his father have done well over 40 years of research into the subject and he has publish a few books about it. The most recent one is called Live Right for your Type which fully dives into the science behind it (chalk full of references to medline and other scientific papers) and what each blood type can do to best ward off disease.

My point is that blood type B's are the most prone to MS. Not sure if your wife is a B or not but the point in this diet is that the fuel we consume has a VAST effect on our overall well being. For instance, I'm an O and eating wheat (and grains in general) slows my metabolism down and I gain weight and have all sorts of problems. My diet is mostly lean organic red meat, fish, veggies, fruits and nuts. My girlfriend is an A which means she should avoid red meats as they don't have the stomach to properly digest them.. instead grains and legumes is her best source of protein. VERY interesting literature! Changed my life for sure!

I highly suggest you take a peek at Live Right for your Type. He has a few other books too which are very interesting even a cook book. is his site.

Western medicine has essentially failed us. They are good at treating symptoms but offer f--k all when it comes to treating the actual disease or even deeper the factors that lead to the disease! I would have been DEAD if I didn't take the law into my own hands... and now.. I feel compelled to spread the word... especially to "my people" -- gamers!

Another REALLY good book is the alive encyclopedia of natural healing.. just an AMAZING piece of work on healing one self.. naturally! Modern day drugs cause 300,000 deaths a YEAR! DA hell kinda treatment is that!

If you want any more info... I've got 10 years of solid experience!

Good luck


The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Esra A. aka Es Ruthless

I Kwip, I have been reading you for a long time on Neener. As a fellow AC player who is horribie at PK, I am always moved and entertained by your articles. Best wishes on everything =D

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Jeff Wharton

II read this article after being near linked by penny-arcade. It was truely moving. You both have much courage. It is also refreshing to hear about MMORPG/Gamer altruism and friendship after reading an article from an Evercrack junkie, who came back after quitting the game to find that all this "friends" had forgotten him/didn't care how he was doing. It's good to know that the anonymity of the internet doesn't prevent people from making real connections.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Louis
Like all who have read this article, I was truly moved. Best wishes to you and your wife.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Nutrimentia
I am not exaggerating when I tell you that this article sent tears of happiness, hope, and joy rolling down my cheeks. I also wish to offer my solidarity and best wishes for Kwipette and Kwip as they deal with her disease, meager as my contribution is in the general scope of things. May you both be happy.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Mailedbypostman

Nice to see moments when gl hf dd become more than just words on a screen but heartfelt actions.