Original Comment by: MrHen
While I haven't played WoW in quite some time, I have experienced similar things in other games. Most surprisingly, I often run into strange occurrences in (of all things) Halo 2.
There are many things that can cause a Halo 2 match to skew away from traditional bloodletting. Modding and de-leveling are two examples. Less common is a total and utter slaughter: one team is significantly better than the other causing a lack of motivation in the other team and they just give up.
Depending on the people in the match it can often end with all players in the game causally taking in the middle of the map, showing each other tricks, or just screwing around.
Easy examples: my brother and I were playing a 2v2 match against 2 gamers that were trouncing us. They ended up gaining map control and positioning themselves on a particular ledge we didn't know how to reach. My brother and I knew we were going to lose, so I ran forward asking them to wait and show us how to get up there. They were skeptical at first, but when they eventually took us to where they started the jump sequence and gave us a tutorial whilst we chatted about various things.
Another time during a 4v4 match we ended up playing against a pack of 4 kids de-leveling together. As they continued to kill themselves over and over the team I was on stopped trying to kill them. The match ended up with all of us trying to learn a particular trick, with no killing at all.
All in all, I've discovered that there are generally two kinds of gamers, and they correlate to two kinds of people: givers and takers. People who aren't selfish and care more about enjoying the social aspect of gaming then their pride will often stop what they are doing to help an honestly nice person. This is true in WoW, Halo 2, Starcraft... any game I've played.
The opposite are people who insist they receive their vengeance for accidental betrayals by betraying the poor fool back. Generally, these people tend to end up with a pack of friends that are just like them while they all wonder why they cannot reach level 25 without cheating.
Ah well, such is life. Thank you for an excellent article.