Original Comment by: zorniki
Well I, as an Austrian, have to deal with our infamous past quite often, precisely with the fact that Hitler was born 50km from my hometown and one of the concentration camps called "Mauthausen" is also not too far from here. Whenever I visit this terrifying place (with foreign friends and students) I somehow can feel the pain and suffering that´s being caused at this site 65 years ago. It´s a wave of unbelieveable sadness that crawls up my spine by just seeing the camp from the distance.
I´ve played many of the shooters mentioned in this article and not one was able to deliver this kind of feeling to the player - not even came close to. I feel that, if people need to learn these things about the past, it should be at least told in cutscenes, to be able to identify with the characters task in the game. To be able to say, I know why I´m here, I know why I gotta stop the Nazi regime from conquering the western world and I know that it´s right to do it, even if war can´t be the answer from an ethical standpoint. I think we can´t be warned often enough to realize that this kind of mindset still exists and we can´t allow things like these to happen again. As one other poster said, Spielberg taught us a little bit of how it really was. And for me that´s just a start...
Great article by the way ;-)