Original Comment by: Nenicirene
My reaction, on the other hand, is that you're an asshole. You're, admittedly, a rather literate asshole who can spin a lot of well-structured English bullshit about breaking walls and bending conventions, but you're still an asshole who seems to derive enjoyment from ruining other people's experiences.
When you join a MMORPG, especially on a role-playing-designated server, you're agreeing to abide by the conventions of the game world. Acting completely anachronistic and out-of-character while griefing other people doesn't make you cool. It makes you a jerk in the same way that deciding to play chess by picking up your pawns and throwing them at the other player's king isn't edgy?it's taking the social compact out back and raping it to death.
If you want to run around breaking conventions and doing bizarre things, why not organize spontaneous performance art or other forms of weirdness that don't involve being directly detrimental to others, and play with the conventions of the world you've chosen to work with, rather than ignoring them completely?
(Note that in a similar vein, those people who claim to be an half-angel from Planet 10 or whatnot are also completely violating the social compact of the game. The game world presents you with certain options, and you need to work within those if you chose to play. When I come across people claiming things that are patently impossible by the conventions of the game world, I brush them off as lunatics or liars, just as I do with people in the real world who claim things that can't be true.)