Issue 38 - Won't Someone Think of the Children?

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Bonnie Ruberg"On the surface, videogames seem so easy: So easy to stereotype as an anti-social subculture, so easy to peg as a worthless pursuit, so easy to fit into the large scheme of 'corruption.' But the medium Americans thought they knew is changing, pulling the rug out from under assumption." Bonnie Ruberg looks at the maturation of the gaming industry.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Mark

Not as thought-provoking or edgy as your previous columns, I found, Bonnie. A plausible point and well made, but neither profound nor terribly popular. Rare is the significant gamer or industry veteran who thinks "They're just afraid of change" is even an insightful explanation, much less a terribly enlightened solution. The political spin, in my opinion, doesn't help much either, but then again I'm hypersensitive to politics in my gaming articles.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: mofomojo

As I was once a teenager, I know.

Heed to the ideas of adults of censorship was once a bad idea, in fact, it still is. Sex is nothing be afraid of.

Just give it up, let the kids see the porn. In fact, we should have high-speed slideshows of it in all our highschools, that with incredibly graphic images from

This way, we eliminate all ideas of sensitivity to blood, sex, violence, etc. It seems incredibly logical and reasonable to me, I don't know about you waivering idiots who defend videogames, but I defend porn for our kids. It was a part of growing up for me, porn was a part of growing up. It hasn't made me a less competent adult, it was just something that I viewed willingly as a 13 - 17 year old. Why? Because I wanted to.

It's not that I ran into it on accident, I had wanted porn. This is both a biological and social problem. A social problem because it is the forbidden fruit and biological due to sexual hormones.

In short; Teens jerking off to porn is not a surprise, nor is it shocking - Something that needs to be said and allowed.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Bonnie Ruberg
Mark: You can't win 'em all...

mofomojo: Kids deserve porn? I totally agree with you, but don't tell anyone I said so :).