Original Comment by: Big J Money
First of all, let me state that I am in love with the concept of the gaming system and the controller that the "Revoution" will bring. I haven't bought a console since Genesis, and I am already drooling over this one. The point I'd like to make, though, is that I don't believe that this controller will make any kind of revolutionary changes in the console gaming industry. I hope I'm wrong. You compared the NES's controller to the Atari's, and others', and made the case that it was the NES that set a new standard. I agree. However, the video gaming market today is literally in another plane of existence. As an example, you've got two major markets -- PC and Console -- who have radically different design and control schemes, yet both are large players and have been, side by side, for years. If there is a mini-revolution (does such a thing exist?) created by the "Revolution", it would be the birth of a new video game market, apart from the current ones; although I don't believe even that will happen. The NES didn't just beat out Atari and Friends because of a control innovation, it had a host of other things going for it as well. An example of this is the fact that, since the days of Commodore, we're still playing games on PC keyboards. Anyway, I have a hard time seeing the "Revolution" beat out Sony or Microsoft at anything. Again, I'd love to witness it -- heck, I'm buying the system -- but I'm afraid American console industry is at the point where big bucks and predictable marketing strategies rule the field. At the most, Sony and Microsoft will make lightsaber controllers of their own for expanded profit, but it won't be required for them to keep up. "Revolution" in Japan? No clue. I can only speak from the history of American video gaming. Now let's hope I have no idea what I'm talking about.